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9 thoughts on “cnabbylive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. I shouted I hated him sometimes because well we are in toxic relationship I guess. I got mostly agitated because he was laughing in my face when I was frustrated and upset trying to find words.

    He didn't say he didn't like the outfit or that he agrees with it. He knows I don't like this sort of thinking and I got angry because I felt like he carried on to provoke me with something he knew I feel strongly about.

    But I should've just left the situation instead of blowing up. Or let it go that far

    Edit: thank you for your perspective

  2. Oh honey. That is not what trust looks like. That is coercion. If the only reason you trust someone is because you have a posse on hand to hunt them down and hurt them…then you don't actually trust them. Trust should not exist with the condition of threats and fear to keep it in place.

    I'm sorry you're getting raked over the coals in comments. You sound like you're someone who needs a lot of help and is in a lot of denial.

    You do not trust this man, rightfully so. He does not trust or respect you. It doesn't sound like he loves you. You need to stop fighting for this relationship with a man who doesn't actually give a crap about you and how you feel. It's time to take that energy and fight for your child now instead. The relationship is done. Put your child first and yourself second. That man should not be anywhere in your list of priorities beyond coming up with a plan to get untangled from him.

    Do not allow your child to leave with that man if you do not know where he lives. Lawyer up, start making a custody plan.

  3. You should know that you don’t need to fight for a relationship. That if he’s”really lovely “ most of the time, but the rest of the time, he’s miserable, or makes you miserable, that’s not good enough. And no, the rest of us aren’t too picky, or uptight bitches, for having standards higher than her can reach. You need to up your standards for your mental well-being. And if he doesn’t meet them, oh well, that’s not your problem.

    It’s not your job to make his life better. You were not put on this earth for him.

  4. Most definitely too early to live together. Also, don't let him support you while you are unemployed.

    Your tale had the feel of a guy who doesn't want to keep dating till he finds a compatible match, and instead thinks you're good enough. I mean, you don't have to break up, but go a lot slower than he is wanting you to.

  5. Why do you think you can control how he feels and how he expresses himself after a breakup? You don’t have to understand it or like it, but he’s trying to take a positive outlook on being newly single. And it’s true, in a relationship you have to consider another person. When you’re not you can focus on yourself and be “selfish”.

  6. OP, I’m so sorry this happened to you. Please tho — look at the behavior of her supposed best friend as a red flag too. It’s good she told you, not cool that she’s effectively fishing for you immediately after sending you proof your fiancé — her “best friend” cheated on you. Take this time to heal and process, then move on without anyone in her social circle in your life.

  7. Move on from this guy. Everyone can make thoughtless, hurtful comments. Mature, loving people recognize when they do and sincerely apologize. Immature people deny they did anything wrong and accuse the victim of overreacting or misunderstanding. You deserve better than this.

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