Catrinasherman live webcams for YOU!



Date: October 3, 2022

11 thoughts on “Catrinasherman live webcams for YOU!

  1. Stop spending a lot of money on gifts and then expect expensive gifts in return. Gifts shouldn't be an exchange system. You should give gifts because YOU WANT to. Stop giving gifts until you can stop expecting things in return. You say you are not materialistic, but mate, you are.

    With that said, it absolutely sucks that he doesn't put any thought into a gift while still getting you things.

  2. Well you both handled that the wrong way. You have zero right to see her private conversations, and saying “well if you have nothing to hide then why not show me?” is the most toxic and manipulative way to get things your way and leave the other person feeling utterly used.

    Regardless of if she has something to hide or not. You’re clearly not right for each other if she’s texting another dude and you’re checking each others phones like this. Why even stay together with someone you don’t trust. Just leave and you can both be happy.

  3. Plenty of couples have threesomes and it is a positive for the relationship. Those couples just don’t write into Reddit with posts full of drama.

  4. This relationship will never work for you. Ever. End it sooner than later. End it while you can end it amicably, and go your separate ways. Before resentment piles up from her feeling held back, or you feeling cheated on.

    You are already not satisfied in your relationship. And she’s already going behind your back, since you did t know she was meeting up with someone else. She just happened to tell you before anything actually happened.

  5. Ouch… I'm so sorry you had such a bad experience with someone… I promise I'm not just shoveling junk food. I am not particularly watching what I eat, but I try to be aware.

    I'll try to take it up a step. Intermittent fasting shouldn't be hard and I'll keep an eye on my portion sizes. One thing I know: I'm not selfish enough to make someone else's life miserable for my own enjoyment.

  6. I don’t see that at all. OP asked to make work decisions for her partner who is at the top of his game in a specific industry. Refusing to make business decisions based on your partners feelings does not make one a narcissist.

    She loves him, the kids love him, he treats them well, clearly helping her through college isn’t just buying her stuff, if setting her up for lifelong success.

    OP, it’s totally legit to voice your concerns, of course office romances happen all the time, I also think he’s a big boy who’s been doing this for a long time. I’m sure she isn’t the first attractive assistant (I’m guessing based on your reaction) he’s come across. He’s also right, Employee retention is about making people feel they are part of the team and the mission at work and making sure they know they are appreciated.

    You can ask him not to cross specific lines but you are going to have to trust him and his judgment after that.

  7. I mean you have repeatedly posted and deleted this, and now you are obviously tr0lling by acting like you don't know that you've been spamming this.

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