Cataleeyaaa live webcams for YOU!


cataleeyaaa Public Chat Channel

Date: February 17, 2023

7 thoughts on “Cataleeyaaa live webcams for YOU!

  1. don't beg for this man back. he's so ungrateful for all the cleaning and cooking etc, looks like he wants to work full time and manage the house by himself. it's time to move forward. focus on getting your finances in shape and talk to a lawyer before doing ANYTHING. stop contributing within the house, let the dishes pile up, let the house get dirty. not your problem anymore and it should be a wake-up call for him, not to change his mind but to hopefully not be difficult during the divorce.

  2. No offence, but even if I was asleep and my girlfriend called me up and asked if I could please walk her home at night and I was in the area, I would get dressed, and walk her home..

  3. Who brought it up first? And if she brought it up was it after a lot of fights about sex?

    What I’m saying is seriously truly ask yourself if she is honestly ok with this or is she going along with it as a last ditch effort?

    Because open relationships never work unless both are enthusiastically for it.

  4. Common sense is lacking on your part. 11 years out of prison and you thought it was wise for your kids to see him straight off the bat. ?

  5. You don't know it's not ADHD. People with ADHD are criticized all their lives for their neurodivergence such as impaired executive functioning and emotional reactivity. For some it rolls right off but for others they deeply internalize and agonize over everything because of that history of shame.

    The sensitivity to disagreement you mentioned feels very similar to a phenomenon often associated with (not caused by) ADHD called Rejection Sensitivity Dysphoria. RSD can lead to disproportionately severe reactions to perceived criticism e.g. “honey I'm putting this back into the sink as its still not clean just FYI” being interpreted as “You can't wash dishes right! You screw everything up and you're making my life miserable!”. It's not rational, but its very real and is often related to the history of shame and criticism I mentioned.

    I'm not saying ADHD is to blame here. If it is involved then it's likely one of many interrelated factors. Regardless, it's not your job to regulate your husband's emotions it's his. If he won't take some accountability and recognize that 1) it is a problem, 2) it needs to be addressed for the sake of your marriage and 3) it's his responsibility (not fault) to address then there isn't much you can do. If you try and fix it for him it becomes a parent/child dynamic which is incredibly unhealthy and unsatisfying for everybody.

    I hope you find a path forward, just don't rule ADHD out as it's much more complex than the hyperactive, scatter-brained way it's usually portrayed.

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