Blueberryyy live webcams for YOU!



Date: November 25, 2022

7 thoughts on “Blueberryyy live webcams for YOU!

  1. Why doesn't your girlfriend care about your feelings? Why is it more important to her to make this “joke” that isn't funny to anyone except her? Why is it your job to make sure that your girlfriend doesn't feel bad about being insulting to you?

  2. Willing to bet money were see her back, if she is not a troll poster, wondering why he left her and probably the kids due to the legal climate against the father, and still find a way to make it all his fault and she is free from her responsibility in the matter.

  3. If you have an iPhone mute his messages so you don’t see them but so you also have evidence if he says something stupid. He doesn’t love you. He never thought you would leave. That’s all this is. Control

  4. I know it hurts, trust me, so many of us on this post have gotten cheated on and went through the pain that you are now but guess what? We made it through and now look back and say, “THANK GOODNESS” because we turn and see the loving and amazing person we would have never found if we stayed with a cheater. Just celebrated my 7th wedding anniversary last week and I kid you not, I thought I was so happy with my ex, I really really did, until I met my husband. Knowing he would never hurt me, protects me and ALWAYS makes sure I know I'm beautiful and he loves me.. That is what you're going to find too, you absolutely will.. You're the same age as my middle daughter and she went through this almost 2yrs ago. For the last year she's been in this amazing relationship with someone who lifts her up, boosts her when she sets a goal, makes a massive big deal when she succeeds like standing ovation from him at her college graduation etc. That is what YOU also deserve and it will come… If she had respect for you, she would have never done it and no amount of peer- pressure or alcohol makes you forget you're not single.. Keep your head up!!

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