blondy the hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


blondy, 27 y.o.


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Online Live Sex Chat rooms blondy

blondy live sex chat

Date: September 26, 2022

5 thoughts on “blondy the hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Haha I’m old I had to google hot tub streams.

    I see this issue as anything else people would waste money on.

    Is the problem the viewing or spending?

    She isn’t being very mature if she can’t have a conversation about it or it’s one sided and your lecturing.

    When we have an issue I inform my husband we need to talk about x issues and then set a date to talk about it. We have both learned to come to the table with an open mindset because it’s not a personal attack (this is why she is shutting down) it’s a talk about what we both don’t like and then we discuss how we can solve the issues. Some issues are not solvable, some are.

  2. Honestly, I wouldn't have thought you meant burner accounts used for porn when you asked that question. I mean, if buying porn is a problem for you, that's totally valid. But there's a difference between dishonesty and discretion.

  3. Man you are about to shoot yourself in the foot. Don’t say anything just exercise some discipline. You are obviously very aware of this so dial it down. If you say something you run the risk as others have said of creating an extremely awkward situation for you both or you end up talking to the compliance people about harassment. You know what the boundaries are so be the adult in the room

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