Barbara, y.o.
Room subject:
To Start live video press there
Online Live Sex Chat rooms Barbara
Date: October 16, 2022
Barbara, y.o.
Room subject:
To Start live video press there
Stop dating him. He doesn't want to change. He was a 40 year old dating someone half his age and had a binge drinking problem. Of course he was going to be a mess.
He said the issues he has with me in bed are due to me not being “dominant enough”. And he wants me to initiate more / doesn’t want to initiate himself. But has also turned me down when I try to do these things in the past / hasn’t been able to keep an erection, so I’ve felt undesirable. He also told me he didn’t realise how strongly I felt about our relationship until I was distraught / crying after he confessed to this particular event happening. So part of me feels this happened because I wasn’t doing enough, or being affectionate enough ?