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8 thoughts on “bad_bunnyslive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Well whether or not you want to get back with your bf is purely your decision. He's financially obligated to take your children and his ex if she decides to keep it. Look for a job, work and struggle like the rest of matured adults.

  2. I’m not. I’m just confused that nothing really happened since I left the country but my feelings changed all of a sudden. Like I feel in love and grateful for a couple hours then fed up and resentful for another couple hours. If I can figure out the feelings come from him and not because of my current mental state, then I’ll break things off.

  3. I understand where you are talking about. My wife is the same way. She doesn’t hardly let me touch any part of her. It is very frustrating for me. One of the things I enjoy about sex and physical touch is knowing I make her feel good and can touch her and get her off. Where we are now isn’t how it has always been. That makes it even worse for me now. Part of what turns me on is making her feel good. There are a number of reasons I am not going into that it is this way. Anyway I would recommend like someone said above going to a sex counselor or psychiatrist and figuring out what your underlying cause for this is and work on it from there. Bringing someone else into the bedroom or letting him go somewhere else isn’t what he wants and will only cause more problems. If you don’t want to see a counselor I suggest you two talking to each other about it and slowly let him try to participate in someway that you are comfortable with and see if that helps.

  4. You want intimacy and he’s only offering sex. It’s such a turn off for a lot of women in a committed relationship, and entirely incomprehensible for a lot of men.

    On top of that pressure is a turn off. Knowing you’ll be told off for saying no. Such a libido killer.

    You need to tell him that he is destroying your sex life. You end up literally flinching from his touch because you can’t trust it’s a hug or a kiss or a hand hold, that won’t lead to an argument. You end up saying no very quickly just to try and avoid giving any signal that can be misinterpreted and intimacy of any kid just disappears.

  5. First of congrats, those are huge life changes and you should be proud. Most people never do a fraction of those things their entire life. Well fucking done! Your dude is most def jealous, insecure and threatened by the new you. You’re at that interesting part of long term relationships where things can get weird. Usually one or the other in the relationship will have made major changes by that time. You’ve changed A LOT and your partner is probably scared they are going to lose you and they’re lashing out because they probably felt they had more control and we’re more comfortable the way things were earlier. You’ve done nothing wrong, but unfortunately people do change, we need to challenge one another and communicate to keep things from getting out of control. Sometimes we change so much it’s time to move on. That’s just life and most relationships are finite. I’ve been on both sides of the picture and unless there’s communication things will just get progressively worse. Problem with a lot of folks is once they’re in a relationship for awhile they get really comfortable, get in the same routine, things can get boring and any major change can throw everything out of wack in their eyes.

    The most important thing is to have a serious talk and convey both of your true feelings. Your person is most def afraid they are going to lose you, they might feel like shit that they’re not good enough and are probably creating really toxic scenarios in their mind as to why you changed, thus the jealousy and anger. Obviously that could have been solved with them just talking to you, but people are stubborn. I think it’s incredibly healthy for people to have their own activities and hobbies, it makes things exciting because the other partner can show you something new they’re excited about. It’s also healthy to have things you both do together that you both enjoy. Seems like games were that connection and that may be really important to your dude. That could have lead to that original spark and in his eyes, you not liking it any more could lead him to thinking you’re bored of him. If you don’t have a serious talk and both of you actively try to work on things then unfortunately the relationship will crumble. He’ll continue getting more jealous and angry and you will start to resent his hatred and start to pull away. I hope you both can find common ground and continue things. That being said if you can’t don’t sacrifice the positive changes you’ve done for yourself as a compromise to save things. That never ends well.

    If things have gone too far, the spark is gone and you know he won’t accept the new positive you then cut it off. You’ll both just be miserable and there’s nothing worse than prolonging a relationship that isn’t working. I hope that’s not the case, but unfortunately sometimes that’s the best answer for both your sanities in the long run. Talk to him, not just others, that’s were the true answers will come. Keep in mind despite his lashing out and anger are probably defensive postures, because he’s scared he’s losing you.

  6. I’m confused by your story. You have a conversation, he says something but you don’t believe him. Then you don’t clarify your position, you admit to making “passive comments” and at the very end you’re surprised that he’s not making a definite statement. Is that it?

    Neither of you is doing a good job communicating. While I don’t blame you for changing your mind on any subject since you were 18 years old, the longer you wait, the more damage there will be.

    The only message you need to convey is: “I never want to contribute to having biological children. If I ever decide on children, I want them to be adopted”. That’s really it.

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