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46 thoughts on “babygirl1989live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Your girlfriend does not want to be in a monogamous relationship with you right now. If she did, she wouldn't be “cuddling” with other guys.

    Your girlfriend is intentionally deceiving you about her interactions with other guys.

    Do you need a billboard? A skywriter? She only wants to get married because it will be harder for you to end the relationship when she “officially” gets caught cheating.

    Dump and leave.

  2. You should take her up on her offer. Either let her buy you out or sell the house. It sounds like a bait and switch. She decided to be abstinent after you’re locked in with a new home purchase.

  3. You should take her up on her offer. Either let her buy you out or sell the house. It sounds like a bait and switch. She decided to be abstinent after you’re locked in with a new home purchase.

  4. Bro don't wait for her to slip up you're a grown man dealing with childish behavior. Make an executive decision here and X this chick out of your life. You have the ability to either end the pain now before it gets much much worse for you, or alternatively have your brain twisted into a knot and your confidence shot out for years.

    You're a grown up bud, make the right decision.

  5. Your girlfriend does not want to be in a monogamous relationship with you right now. If she did, she wouldn't be “cuddling” with other guys.

    Your girlfriend is intentionally deceiving you about her interactions with other guys.

    Do you need a billboard? A skywriter? She only wants to get married because it will be harder for you to end the relationship when she “officially” gets caught cheating.

    Dump and leave.

  6. I actually tried that before. Not as a method to quit, but because a friend of mind was trying to quit and he switched to those. Couldn't get behind it. When I decide to put it down, it's fine for me like that. Like I don't get the urge to pick it back up again. Then shit hits the fan at work and I go back. At least that's what happened last year. Maybe things are different, dk, but I'm fine rn, just trying to do my best to get rid of that smell for her.

  7. The cheating stuff is definitely a deal breaker. Though I think we need more clarity on if it was exclusive at each of these moments.

    However the sex talk and even saying she’s in it for sex isn’t that big of a deal to me. I know it hurts to read, but it’s not a crime for her to not have viewed you as a serious relationship candidate at the start. Women are allowed to hook up for the fun of it only. Everyone is. Plenty of my friends have hooked up with guys they viewed as casual and then grew to realize it could be something more. In that same vein, she’s allowed to talk about her sex life with friends. Honestly I think that’s pretty normal to do and if anything, it shows that you two have communicated and grown in that area if it didn’t stop her from continuing to date you.

  8. So…. She raped you. Just because you consented to having sex doesn't mean she can just hop on your D when you're not prepared/protected. You have sex on your terms! It also doesn't mean that she doesn't need to stop when you tell her to/ try to push her off of you! Her continuing when you no longer wanted it is rape. Get rid of her NOW!!!!!

  9. He will absolutely not change for you and you need to get that into your head. Either you break up with him (no one would blame you!) or accept it. A relationship that requires daily fights is not a good relationship.

  10. I left it open. I figured she will do what she will do. I'm not planning anything for a while. I'm going to take what I said seriously. Look at myself and see what I want. Does that include her? If so what capacity?

  11. Okay next time your partner breaks up with you with no reason out of nowhere, try to maintain no reaction

  12. It’s not as bad as do whatever you want culture. Cultural progression is based on discipline and rules.

    Let’s look at fat acceptance for example. Are you going to tell me we should accept something that’s inherently unhealthy in the name of acceptance?…I know you will say yes but like cmon

  13. He was uncomfortable too. Sorry if that is unclear in the post. And he would be uncomfortable if my male boss behaved like that with me. It was his idea to say something to his boss; I just don’t know if it’s worth it.

  14. You know the right thing to do, just think why this is the right thing. He is unwilling to change, Dating is for deciding if that person is right for us, not about fitting us into what suits them You are so young now, I say you should date more , get to know more people and find out what you do like and what you want that suits you.

  15. It may have been he was too embarrassed to want to sleep with you again. Instead of confronting the negative feelings he experienced after not performing, he decided to be an asshole to you.

    It could also be he was always an asshole and hid it pretty well.

    Regardless, he’s not worth your time anymore. He either manipulative or emotionally immature. And it would be exhausting to be in an actual relationship with someone who is mean/dismissive to you whenever they feel bad/embarrassed.

  16. Honestly- the only thing you can do is respect your son’s wishes and don’t try to contact him again

    Then, yes get into therapy. You need to do A LOT of reflection and self improvement so you can be a better, less selfish mom to your daughter than you were to your poor son. You can’t go back and fix your relationship with him, but you can hopefully work on bettering yourself so you can become the mom your little girl deserves.

  17. I think since it’s for work and your first one I’d want to go by myself anyway, but that’s just me. Unless the place does not cater to solo travelers at all so it would affect the piece you’re writing.

  18. I've seen my father drunk exactly twice in my thirty one years alive, and it is precisely because he has a severe drinking problem that he very Very rarely gives in to it.

    Regarding everything else you said? Also right on the money!

  19. These comments are depressing. “ His love isnt conditional, he just doesnt want to spend his life with you anymore” oh please. Hopes and dreams change, people should love people on who they are, not what they can do for you.

    Im sorry OP. I hope you get better, but personally I would never trust my husband again. So soon into your journey of recovery he’s already considering just leaving. Thats low, and sadly typical of his gender. Im sure if he developed some kind of illness or disability you would just be expected to stay and nurse him through it.

    If he goes, let him go. There will be someone better who takes vows of in sickness and in health seriously.

  20. I was talking to a retired nurse when I was in highschool (15 years agooooo). She was a mat nurse when fathers weren’t allowed in for deliveries. She said it was crazy the amount of times she would catch men trying to have sex with their wives who had delivered babies days of not hours ago, was disgusting. They literally didn’t know what their wives had gone through.

    She watched it change, and women weren’t coming back 9 months later nearly as often.

  21. What she needs to do and what sacrifices she has to make is becoming independent. Why do you expect that her mum should do everything for her and she can just continue to demand more? Relationships are give and take once you are an adult.

  22. I mean, youre gonna get some harsh responses here for cheating on your wife. You did though you had an affair, but youre a person and so is she. You need to look yourself in the mirror and say those words and accept that. Its not going to change from here on out.

    The reality here is you need to make the steps to end your current marriage you can be happy in a new life so can your wife. The comment about well its going to cause strife in social circle etc… yea no shit dude youre having an affair, that's what happens.

    You also need to understand that your early bliss will fade with the new girl and hers with you. Are you ready to brace that? Can you make it through those inevitable times? These are hard questions that you need to ask yourself before moving forward that said, I don't see how your current marriage is reconcillable at this point.

  23. She rightly so in her place to mad at you.

    Rub one out at the wax shop? Dude! And then tell your wife…. No wonder she is mad at your dumb ass.

    Next time, have more discipline and keep your waxed junk in your pants until you get home to show your wife.

  24. I would suggest slipping the ultimatum, letting her go on the cruise, and letting her know she’s single at your convenience. If the only reason she treats you with respect is that you’re issuing ultimatums, that’s going to be your life going forward, and it’s no way to live.

  25. Sorry for your loss. As time goes by it will become a bit easier to accept but will always sting.

    Cherish your friends those are keepers.

  26. Honey you’re way better than him. I mean you have basic emotional maturity and respect for other people!

    INFO- have you met his ex before?

  27. Exactly. He's being willfully obtuse about it because that's easier for him. Making a decision is too hard; he's just a poor man caught between his meanie wife and the angel who would be a better mother…yadda yadda yadda, he won't shit or get off the pot. What a slimeball.

  28. Sit him down and talk about it or even show him parts of this post. This needs some tough love.

  29. Better today than 5 years into a bad marriage. Don’t believe the sink cost fallacy. Get out asap. You’re worth more than this.

  30. Since I knew this colleague was being overly friendly from the beginning, responding to his email was effectively an invitation to flirt.

    You never invited him to flirt, dude did that all on his own.

    I communicated with this colleague “behind (my boyfriend’s) back,”

    You gave someone the benefit of the doubt, someone you thought needed someone to talk to.

    This is basically the same thing as him flirting with a female friend.

    This is ridiculous, the flirting happened TO you, you did not reciprocate, it's completely different.

    and him threatening to break up. I’m exhausted and confused. Was what I did really red-flagish?

    Yes. It's manipulative to threaten a breakup over a situation where you did nothing wrong. Sure he gets to question the situation, but upon you explaining it he should've been FINE.

  31. I’m sorry this happened to you also.

    It annoys me that ladies are still abused in this way in 2023.

    When I became a father I decided that it was important to be a dad, a father, a friend, a buddy, a play mate, and and … but most importantly I needed to be somebody that they knew had their back at every turn without judgement.

    It’s not all be plain sailing. Far from it but between their mum and I think we did a fairly reasonable job. Routine and fun were the order of the day.

    I could post some very funny pictures of the camps we built in our house. We built our house with our own hands and finished it when my eldest was born…. The walls would only know laughter. That’s how I wanted it. Twenty two years ago. It only feels like yesterday.

    I was in the super market the other day, my wife is away, my children at their respective unis and I’m alone with our elderly dog. While walking the isle I saw a mum ripping into her son, about nothing, so I said “oh I’ve been there”. She said “yea they can be little ***”, so I said “oh no not the kid, I mean you. Stressed and running around and a million things to do and you get frustrated. But I would always remember what my lovely Nan would tell me, she would say it’s not what you say that matters it’s what you don’t say.”

    I went on to explain I’d want to kill my children for always asking for sweets. Or they’d collect stuff as we walked the isles. But by gently putting them back and saying you can’t eat a sweet diet all your life, also gently, they eventually stopped asking. And it took until my eldest was nearly 20 when he one day said “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you get angry with us dad, have you?”.

    I was like “yea I was angry, but only in my head, but by the time it had been through various brain filters it would just come out either quiet or a few positive kind words that told you NO”.

    We all had a laugh.

    What I’m saying is some parents only know to shout and hit. My parents did. I was battered at times. I was told no all the time and often with a grip on my arm by my mum as I was dragged away from the shop.

    That didn’t happen to my kids.

    In the next year or so my son should be starting as a British Diplomat. That for me shows me that he’s been raised well by my wife and I. Teamwork.

  32. When you want to detach from people and just focus on yourself, it really can be. There's a lot of emotional labor involved in becoming 'on' for another person, even for a short while, and especially if you know you're going to get guilt-tripped and the call dragged out.

    You also end up going through the last part of your day carrying the weight of knowing you have to make that call, which then takes you out of being able to relax and detach properly, as you're always anchored to that feeling.

    It may not seem like 5-10 minutes is a lot to you, but to other people it is. Try to be aware that people experience things differently.

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