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azeraxalmightylive sex stripping with hd cam


50 thoughts on “azeraxalmightylive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. If he never actually spoke to you, run.

    I said this to my ex actually before we even met in person through facebook however we spoke every single Day for hours and constantly Exchange msgs. However I knew we both felt it, it wasnt my insecurities.

  2. If she's always around when you hang out with your best friend, politely tell your best friend you'd appreciate some one-on-one time.

    But as your best friend is in a relationship, she's gonna be around some of the time too. Don't be a dick, it can cause friction in your friendship.

  3. What's your purpose for telling him? I mean, do you wanna get back together? Ask for child support? Or simply to introduce the kid?

  4. I don't know what's wrong with me, and I didn't throw any accusations out because I know it's probably just my anxiety/paranoia. We're together because we knew each other and decided to see where a relationship would bring us. We used to be really happy together and I know it's probably all in my head but it's something I can't shake the thought of

  5. Everyone says find a therapist but it's not as easy as you think from what i've experienced in the past. I used to be very insecure about my body like you to the point where I'd seriously consider about going under knife but after meeting my current bf, who always tells me how beautiful I am and all that, my self-esteem issue has gotten a lot better. So what I suggest you is, you open up ahout your emotions you're feeling now with your bf. I think your bf should take accountability in this partly bec he's involved in this. He should reassure you that you're pretty just the way you are. (And you really are. Porn stars are doing that for their livings. They must look good on camera. They are the people who'd do anything for looks. Also photoshopped)

  6. Do you remember what the update said specifically? I saw this post a few hours ago and then it got deleted before I saw the update :/

  7. Yeah that’s what I’m worried about but if that’s the case why would she then try to reassure me that she does love me and want this? Idk I can’t wrap my head around all of this so I’m really hoping that’s not what’s happened

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  10. Sorry but WTF you were with a girl who was 17 when you were 22. Assuming she was of consensual age that's active grooming. How's is this relationship any healthy

  11. Yeah its easy for him to change his mind because its not him giving up his body, mental health and subsequent free time for the rest his life. Mens lives do not change the same way womens do in parenthood. Do not just have a child to appease him and make him stay. You will resent him, you might resent the child for the changes you go through, and you have to be realistic here youll probably be the one doing most of the childcare. If this was not in your life plan dont do it. Now if youre just on the fence you could always freeze your eggs and wait so that youre not at a total loss if you change your mind later in life. Regardless, im sorry this is happening OP and wouldnt wish this situation on my enemy it is very heartbreaking to realize you and your partner want different things suddenly.

  12. Why does everyone have a braindead take like OPs boundaries don't matter and that it's such an unreasonable thing to be uncomfortable with?

    Just because they aren't having sex doesn't mean everyone on earth is comfortable with their SO regularly exposing themselves and being exposed to the opposite gender, much less the same people over and over again.

    Two things are red flags here, there's a woman's locker room the other women use, and she didn't tell OP for like a year. If you've been with anyone at all for that long you would 100% know if they'd be alright with that. If you've met any amount of diversity of people you'd know that probably the majority aren't, so it's probably worth bringing up early in the relationship anyways.

    “So what if your SO chooses to be naked with other men regularly and didn't tell you about it, there couldn't possibly be anything sexual about it”

    I'd be willing to bet my left testicle that not all these guys told their wives this either, because shockingly, a large percentage of people aren't okay with it.

  13. I'll boil it down to a simple statement. Your mom thinks your a traitor for being friends with your dad and everytime you do it eats away at her more.

    My guess is with her ultimatum she would rather lose contact with you than have that pain pushed at her everytime she sees you.

    Some people have the tolerance to set aside the hate for their pos cheating partner while others just can't and lash out whenever they can. Maybe your mom needs therapy? Idk, I think it is a crappy by product that the person that is hurt the worst has to go to therapy or suck up the situation while the cheater gets off scott free….

  14. Oh Jesus Christ. If you care about this girl at all, don’t ruin her life by getting her pregnant and dependent on a 40-year-old friend of her dad’s when she hasn’t even finished school yet.

  15. I was told so much that people wouldn’t like me or want to be friends if I didn’t look a certain way. Now I’m stuck with deep insecurities thinking that everyone is judging how I look and cares about how I look. I have tons of friends. I have had many relationships and have a great boyfriend. But I will still always care way too much about what other people think (until I get help for it).

    This was taught by my father. What he wants to teach your daughter can end up being so detrimental to her mental health.

  16. My cousin got a masters in education and a masters in literacy, all while being a first grade teacher. There’s no reason why your gf can’t also work. She just doesn’t want to. It is completely reasonable for you to not be okay with this.

  17. we both really need each other as friends more than every right now. I'm just worried about losing another close person.

    Homie, it's really too late to be letting this influence your decision. You already banged and made out a bunch of times.

  18. I am certain it’s the distance that’s the issue for her.

    I am wondering what changed your mind in less than 10 minutes.

  19. I have plenty of friends with kids. I also have friends who never plan to have kids.

    This was a long comment that amounted to nothing at all.

  20. The law has one thing in mind in these situations: the child's best interest.

    99.9% of the time, that's having both parents present in their lives.

    If drug addicts and abusers get visitations and sometimes custody because of this, I highly doubt a completely capable woman won't.

    Also, I highly doubt her “I WON'T SACRIFICE MY LIFE AND CAREER BUT YOU HAVE TO KEEP THE BABY” husband will agree to take full custody of four kids aged 0-10

  21. No you are not. Your boyfriend should’ve shut her down, why didn’t he do that? How would he feel if you did the same thing with your male friend?

  22. Sounds like you are reacting to what happened in a similar manner one would react to rape. Which makes sense – your bf coerced you into a sexual situation you did not want. He is incredibly manipulative and iMO you should dump him. He is toxic and does not love or respect you. He is acting all “better” now since he noticed you may leave, but when you get more secure in the relationship, he will go at it again.

    There are two options: he is either a pimp, and those men pay him, or he has this kink and he won't stop having the kind if you marry him. He will still want this stuff.

    To me, the only way forward is to dump him and get therapy and talk about this with your therapist the way you would discuss sexual assault.

  23. I think this man sounds way too emotionally immature to be a 45 year old. I think this is the key issue here.

    First, it's understandable that he wasn't ready to date after leaving a 7 year relationship, but he slowly started dating a 28 year old? Someone 15 years younger and who won't be in the same life stage as him, and he made you wait and hang around. That sounds selfish of him.

    Second, anyone with some emotional intelligence would see how awkward this tattoo is for you and also for the husband who is supposed to be his friend! It's totally unnecessary to make people he supposedly cares about uncomfortable when they could have had so many other tattoos that are not weird!

    Third, I don't think you or him are using “triggered” in the right way. He cannot say you are triggering him because his ex was jealous. So you can never bring up anything that makes you uncomfortable? If he says that it's not only a matter of immaturity, but he is also not ready to date, he has not figured out that you and the ex are different people. I once dated someone who would tell me stuff that I never said and it was because his ex said those things; I was soooo fucking confused at the time and didn't understand where things were coming from.

  24. You choose your fate… 6 years deep into a relationship… And now you're thinking about lack of sex… Buddy… People have already been married and divorced in 6 years …

    Evidently there is more context.. probably a friend…

    If you change shit up now it's over…

  25. You need to stop having sex with her unless you're wearing a condom. It's not about not trusting her, it's about not trusting an proven unsafe method of BC. And if she wants to play that game, why doesn't she trust you to make your own decisions about your BC? You both get to. So she can choose to not use hormonal BC all she wants, and you can choose to wear condoms…it's not actually something she gets to argue.

  26. Sounds like she should be happy anyone wastes any of their time on her. Go find someone better it shouldn't be all that hard.

  27. Well that kind of changes my advice…

    The only thing I can suggest is to try each other’s religion. Both of you commit to attending a couple months with the other person. Lent and Easter are kinda a big deal in Catholicism. What religious experience would you like to share?

    Does he want the two of you to share a religious faith, or does he just expect you to drop yours?

    I know a very sweet Catholic and Lutheran couple who both go to each other’s services every Sunday. Both their clergy were very supportive. Kids are going to both until 15 , then they can pick one or the other. Going on 17 years for them!

    I’m not sure if the same arrangement would work for the two of you. Especially with Catholic being mildly hostile to outsiders. They even don’t let the Lutheran take communion. You can go to the service and not take communion.

  28. We had a discussion about a month before-hand, but it felt sudden to me. I brought this up and she said that everything would be okay and that she is not leaving me, just giving herself more independence.

  29. So you met someone else then broke up with your previous boyfriend. Don’t try to dance around it. Quit trying to leave the door open to run back to your old relationship if things don’t work out with your new guy. Leave your ex alone.

  30. What does it change if someone says this is or isn’t abuse?

    The fact is, he sounds like the kind of person you want to avoid. Don’t you think you deserve peace and happiness?

  31. Call the fiance or brother and ask if you have been invited because “there's some confusion on that”. You get absolute certainty about the situation without admitting you went through her phone because admitting that will not go over well.

    Then tell your gf that you got an OK from her brother/fiance and that you can attend. Remain calm and then add, “I also found out that they told you I was invited too” and very calmly say, “why did you say I wasn't”.

  32. Yeah I agree. I know my husband's code but only access his phone when he can't and asks me too (like driving or in the shower). But we have joint and separate accounts

  33. What sorts of things interest her? So hot wifing is exciting to you. Maybe start to rekindle your sex life not by first trying to get her on board with your kink. Rebuild your sex life by trying to meet her where she is at. What does she think will help you rekindle your sex life? She is far more likely to be open to your fantasy if she is feeling like her wants and needs are being satisfied

  34. Cameras if you need proof, but at this point he will stop fucking around in your place if he has a brain in his skull.

    Get him on the spot, and ask him uf he is cyeating, once he denies, tell him you didn't believe him, and will provably break up with him.

    Ask him to show you his phones, his accounts and messages. Tell him to do it with no delay (that would allow him to delete things). Make sure he understands your relationship is at stake here

    If he refuses, it means he has an affair. Stop digging for proof as it is unnecessary. You need to leave him cause he cheats on you, not because you have physical proof of it. This isn't a court.

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