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26 thoughts on “asianvalentinalive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Well hell yes he will repeat his behavior. Surely you don't believe that you are so special that you will be the exception?

  2. Doesnt sound like youre dating her, sounds like you two have texted.

    I would say if you describe anyone as “whoring it out” you should

    1) not date that person

    2) consider therapy

  3. I’m sorry this happened to you. Actions speak louder than words. She doesn’t care for you. She is comfortable with you around. Time to move on. The trust is broken. Talk to a lawyers for options. Definitely get a paternity test. If the child isn’t yours, cut your losses. Move on and go NC. If the child is, you need to figure out coparenting. But, do not get back with the cheater. Good luck, brother

  4. He doesn't sound too interested.

    He never said he wanted to go out, but he would “let you know”. If he wanted to go out, he could have easily said “I would love to grab a coffee with you, but it might be after the new year as I am super busy right now”.

    I would move on.

  5. I will answer only question. Yes, you are overly tolerant. You have been cheated on, it's not grey zone at all. She has been sharing her feelings and planning to dump you for half year. Get a grip and leave her for your own benefit.

  6. What in the world is up with your responses here??? You would have never been physically abused had she not set you up with him. She has her kid around him and can possibly set him up with someone else. She should know the kind of man she is trying to ‘help’ so she can protect others around her. All you are doing is giving her the info and then letting it go. It’s not your job to convince. Just give her the info.

  7. What did your gf say when her mom said that?

    If she didn’t correct her, I suggest you change your FB status to “single.” That ought to get her attention.

  8. You are plan B.

    And while plan B is currently active, as soon as plan A comes into sight, you will be dumped or cheated on.

    So leave.

    Tell her that her actions in the past have been damaging to the relationship, and this next set of ‘friends’ that she wants to be friends with is just more of her abusing your trust.

  9. This:

    if my dog isn’t welcome then I don’t feel comfortable coming over either.

    Is enough for me right there.

    I love dogs, but I can't stand when people bring them over unannounced.

    Apologizing would validating her behavior.

  10. I hope you understand that this man will probably expect any woman in his life to replicate the services provided by his mother. Because in his mind, women acting as servants to men is normal and expected.

  11. Actually, most responsible fertility clinics will only implant one embryo at a time, especially if there haven’t been previous issues with pregnancy losses etc.

  12. Been there – my ex wife wouldn’t accept that playing games ‘was a hobby’. I work in a very stressful professional environment and playing games has been (for over 30 years) my way of defusing, especially after a busy day.

    I even did what you do and planned it around times when she was not around so that it didn’t impact on ‘our time’. She however considered it ‘a complete waste of time’ and that I could be doing other constructive things during that period. No amount of explanation or involvement could convince her that it wasn’t a thing that ‘only boys do’.

    Much like yours she would try to sabotage my planned sessions but creating jobs that needed to be done urgently etc. at least she never broke a controller though.

    I don’t have any constructive advice as such – she is my ex now and this was one of the reasons. Her stubbornness to accept an aspect of my life which was important to me, was really disappointing.

  13. Yeah. If he actually believed this AND worried about her, he would word it differently. He'd engage in a discussion and tell her why he thinks it's dangerous. Yet he decided to make a snide remark, and he enjoyed it. This is fucked up as hell, dude is sure she's not going to leave him he's progressively getting worse.

  14. Yeah Vietnamese food is often extremely simple and not loaded with crazy spices or anything. Like pho is literally chicken noodle soup.

  15. I mean she’s always wearing the tiniest clothes around him and they’re always touching each other and he’s made sexual jokes about her. It all bothers me, just this one is the one I’m really annoyed about because it happened the most recent

  16. Did you not read the post? His marriage is effectively over and has been for four years, just not legally. “Cheating” doesn’t really apply here.

  17. Honestly I would say move on if that is what your heart is telling you because to me this means she is not the one for you. The fact you even consider it to me shows that you don't view this person as “The One”. To me this says you hadn't found your special person yet just a person that you could tolerate and still get the relationship experience but now that things have gotten serious your looking for the exits. If something similar happened to me and my wife when we were dating I couldn't even imagine abandoning her because by then I knew I wanted to be with her forever and she was “The One”. I wouldn't have cared if I had to work 10 jobs to make it through. In short yes its pretty crappy to dump someone at this time but I also don't think you should be someone's parent/caretaker at this age if they are not the one for you.

  18. Rom com is a great way of describing it.

    I never thought of it going too well and her getting scared, that’s an interesting theory.

    But that’s a good point. If someone thinks ghosting in this situation is ok, then they’re not someone I want to be with.

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