Arisun live webcams for YOU!


Blow job [Multi Goal]

Date: November 24, 2022

12 thoughts on “Arisun live webcams for YOU!

  1. I think that the gift you gave him is more than enough. If it's already pushing your budget of what you would've spent normally, there is no reason to go out and get him a bunch of extra small things. Plus, I think that this could definitely count as sentimental when coupled with the story of how he really wanted it, got super excited to buy it, and then felt that moment of let down when discovering the price. Now he gets to have that little kid joy again on Christmas of opening presents and discovering that one of them is this thing he has wanted for so long.

    I'm sure he will appreciate it so much, and I'm sure he would not want you to break your bank just trying to compete with the quantity of his gifts for you. Christmas and gifting in general isn't a competition.

  2. Is salty about his own failure, takes it out on others.

    The difference between failure and success in this scenario is that I could give my parents a better rate than the bank, so it's already in my name.

    So, when the residence changes ownership to someone else since it's not going to you, are you still going to say it is yours?

  3. If he masturbate often this all might be quite easy to explain

    Some guys who masturbate often develop habits from masturbating and it condition their body to come more easily from these habits rather than having sex

    Also if he masturbate a lot, it also explains why he doesn't “shoot” that much

    If it affects your sex life with him, maybe you should talk to him about it and try to find a solution, maybe he's not that much into penetration and would enjoy other things more

  4. I am the sick wife. Nowhere near as sick as your wife sounds, but I have chronic pain, frequent bouts of nausea, EXTREME fatigue, brain fog & lethargy. Which all started about… Three months after I got married?

    I feel a lot of guilt and know that it isn’t what he signed up for. He’s super healthy, still young, energetic and has probably 40-50 good years left. I would not want to be the reason he spent those years unhappy. I know it FEELS selfish to think about leaving, but most honest people in your position would have that same thought.

    Her depression, bitterness and unloading on you is likely more emotionally draining for you than her sickness, if she’s not getting mental health care, I highly suggest you do that.

    But the most pertinent issue of all here is that you want children and she can’t give them to you (in a way you want).

    When it boils down to that, even if nothing else was wrong with your relationship, I would still say it’s time to think about leaving.

    I’m sorry.

  5. I genuinely don’t know, I think that drinking bit was me giving her benefit of doubt but yeah I just don’t know. I think if I walked away from it I would be constantly thinking “maybe this was a blip and I was too hasty”

  6. I'll get her to contact her landlord about it. She knows it's cold but just wears loads of layers and thermal socks etc. But I've literally been wearing three layers and still felt cold. The other night i went to bed with my hood up I was so cold.

  7. Well you are ALLL over this thread. Calm down. I didn’t control anything. I said the two aren’t compatible because of his preference. I also like to share everything with my partners. And if my partners aren’t okay with this information, then they aren’t for me. Same for OP. They shouldn’t be together.

    Also a higher body count has nothing to do with negative behaviors. Have a nice day.

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