ANNIIEMORGAN live webcams for YOU!


lest go babys…sexy dacne..and full naked..199 [134 tokens remaining]

Date: November 1, 2022

23 thoughts on “ANNIIEMORGAN live webcams for YOU!

  1. Omg I love that idea!! I have a single one of someone years ago, I would love some of myself though. Happy for you and thanks for the idea!

  2. Well, it must be something to do with how you act rather than how you looked given that he's thirst trapping girls who you saw as similar to yourself.

  3. Be so fucking fr. You don’t want him to watch movies with girls with big tits, then you shouldn’t watch movies with shirtless guys. It’s crazy how you just want him to only cater to you without giving the slightest mind of what he wants. It’s gross.

  4. You may want to look into what seem like hypocrisy/double standards that seem to be at play here. Does she only believe “my body, my choice” when it comes to herself?

  5. The controlling type might not be willing to walk away, but they don't need to be if they believe that you won't call their bluff. “My way or the highway” is often not intended to be an actual decision, but rather a threat scary enough to a partner that they'd rather go along with whatever you're asking at the moment rather than lose the relationship.

    Also, controlling partners might not walk away, but they'll definitely keep being increasingly controlling until their partner walks away on their own.

  6. That controlling at 22 , that won't age well .

    Break up with him and enjoy life . Don't stifle your life experiences just because he's uptight ( gonna take a guess and that he's religious?) This will only get worse with age and he 100 is trying to shame you for your preferences.

  7. Brutal. You falsely accused a guy of assaulting you. You should feel horrible. Imagine that video didn’t exist to exonerate him? Jesus h Christ. You should feel horrible for that, because that accusation WAS horrible.

  8. It's what he's realised he wants. His reason for an open marriage was to get more sex from other people, to do that, he had to say it was ok for you to do it too. I'm guessing it's working out well for you and not working out as he expected for him. You look after you.

  9. This has got to be a troll post. Otherwise,why are you on here asking a question with an answer that is extremely obvious?

    Take your kid to the hospital, call the cops on your husband,and get a restraining order on your husband.

  10. Have you tried to simply talk to her about it, i.e. tell her you would really like to have a good relationship with her, ask if she wants the same and talk about how you can make that happen?

    Hygiene issues and possible mental issues aside, it sounds like you really want to bond with your sister, but it also sounds like you already have a certain idea in your head about what that bond is going to look like.

    If you want to have a good relationship, you have to meet here where she is at right now and not where you would ideally like her to be.

  11. Your 'whole lifestyle'??? Hahaha Good gods man, if your entire fucking lifestyle equals 'walking around the house in your underwear' you've got bigger problems than this. Holy drama queen batman. “My entire lifestyle!!!” too fucking funny.

  12. Well it's good to let it all out. You are young and you should do what you feel like you need to do to move on.

    When I came out of a long relationship and a toxic one at that I also was a mess and what helped me personally in the end was a one night stand with someone else who was also a mess.

    We both used that pain and regret and made it in to pleasure for the other.

    Then a while later I met my now gf and we have been going strong for 3 years. So trust me things will get better but now it's a fresh wound you need to dress

  13. Make sure you press charges against him. He put explicit videos of you online without your consent. They are online forever now. In 20 years they might reappear to haunt you.

  14. I whole heartedly agree that you should call this off and leave him. It won't be easy as it sounds like they will try and make you the bad guy. Prepare for that and be strong. You'd be doing the future you a big favor.

  15. I think i might fall for either if i give it my 100 percent attention and time but yes you can never be sure about it, so yes there is a good chance i will not throw away the one i stay with, and even if i don't fall for her I'm not gonna end it because i got bored or anything.

  16. No one is actually justifying a potential affair. If you read what is actually written you will see the majority consensus is that it's no wonder she doesn't want sex when she's likely taking on the majority of the household and childcare burdens whilst also working. A common theme in many marriages sadly it seems.

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