Anitahaywood live webcams for YOU!


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Date: October 25, 2022

18 thoughts on “Anitahaywood live webcams for YOU!

  1. So yeah, this is a really toxic situation you’ve gotten yourself in.

    It sounds like she’s gaslighting you, but then there’s nothing really in your post that suggests she’s actually cheating – so she might just be rightfully pissed for being accused of something she didn’t do over and over and over and over.

    The way I see it, you can either start trusting her, or you have to leave her. Waiting for her to fall into some sort of trap so you can catch her in the act is not going to work.

  2. Having a miscarriage before 12 weeks in your first pregnancy is more frequent than you think. Just be there for her and make sure she doesn't give up.

  3. Hmm, am I going to believe a cheater that paints her husband in a bad light to justify her cheating? No. You left him for a man you haven’t even met that gave you some attention. You are delusional if you think it will work out. Just don’t go crawling back to your husband and disrupting your kids lives again when this blows up in your face.

  4. You’re pretty self centered to ask US to put ourselves in his shoes. How about YOU put yourself in his shoes? Imagine he was hanging out with a girl that wouldn’t stop feeding him shots and then didn’t tell you about It cause he didn’t remember It clearly? You’d be distraught, so just be better, work on yourself, and leave my boy alone

  5. It's really no different from a typical restaurant, the servers are just dressed with short shorts and their midriff exposed. Nothing you wouldn't see at a music festival. In my experience they tend to be a little friendlier as well, although I am female presenting so I may have a different experience. When I went, the server sat in the booth with us as my partner and I were looking at the menu and she was chatty.

  6. Yep, he conned you, it’s so easy with that age gap. Shut it down, at best he’s extremely disloyal and honey that’s who he is. If you were unlucky enough to end up with him, he will do the same to you.

  7. What irony – her messaging you demanding that YOU respect HER right to consent. Lol

    Funny how that works isn’t it? She was afraid he was as bad as she is. If she’s throwing pictures of men on these kinds of forums after meeting them once and having a great date, then maybe she should come with a warning label.

  8. >Should I go ahead and end this relationship now?

    Romantic relationships between two people with different religions can work, IF the religions are compatible. He believes that you will go to hell, and therefore it's his responsibility to save you. You don't believe in an hell, and you'll eventually become annoyed whenever he tries to “save” you. Resentment will eventually build in the relationship, and it'll fail.

    Cut it off and find someone who matches you religiously.

  9. Learn to enjoy yourself and things you liked in the past. Your happiness shouldn't be dependent on a person, even though breakups suck

  10. Ew, bf just did this to get with you. She was never your fiancée’s friend and have you considered due to this her bf set her up – esp since it was her brother? Gross stay away from the bf and fiancee

  11. Yes, she easily laughs with lots of her friends. Some of them are my friends as well. So it doesn’t seem to me like she lacks funny people in her life. Especially her younger brother works wonders.

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