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9 thoughts on “anal__girl_1live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. You did make it clear that you both wanted different things. And I think she finally realized that. Just take it and move on tbh.

  2. At 22, 120 bucks for something is a big chunk of change.

    If I were him, I would just be happy that you were kind enough to remember something I liked like that.

    The fact that you put a lot of thought and memory to it makes it worthwhile and a kind gesture. I’m sure he’ll like it.

  3. You decide who you want to sleep with. Consent is incredibly important. But why wouldn't you want to sleep with trans people explicitly?

  4. Google “conversational pauses”

    I listened to an NPR piece a while back that was really excellent about it.

    That and understanding “constructive interrupting” can really help to understand why sometimes conversations go south for seemingly no reason at all.

  5. Maybe you should ask yourself what exactly you are getting out of this miserable situation. I'd rather be single and happy than miserable in a relationship (and I've had to make this decision before). Good luck to you!

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