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AmisGoldlive sex stripping with hd cam


28 thoughts on “AmisGoldlive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. I find this weirdly endearing. I will say: this sub is very “Gossip at a Christian College Dry Mixer” in terms of its vibe, so you might get better advice on a sub that deals in non-monogamy.

  2. This is a case of both of you being ridiculous. Don’t go after someone’s friends when you break up, that’s obviously disrespectful. You knew how he’d feel reaching out to that guy again. That is your stuff.

    But him? The blocking and no contact crap? Besties with someone he sleeps with while getting mad at you for much less? He’s a terrible hypocrite. This whole thing is a giant mess.

  3. There's no need to ask this question. It's been asked thousands of times on these subs (and I get in saying that that you have no reason to be aware of that, I'm simply letting you know that it's common).

    The point is, it doesn't matter. It worked out for some. It mostly didn't. Like anything else, every relationship is going to be different in that regard.

    It's more important that you receive advice as opposed to anecdotes. How old are you both and how long have you been together? How did you find out he cheated? Why did he cheat?

    Now that you know, does he want to stay in the relationship? If so, what's the plan? For this to have any (if limited) chance of working, the person who cheated needs to agree to be fully transparent and prove that they're someone who can be trusted. In the reverse, the person cheated on needs to actually allow themselves to trust the person who cheated on them.

    Of course that's not going to (and shouldn't) happen immediately. But first, you have to be honest as to whether you think you can. If you can't, this is already over (which is fine). If you think you can, then if he does everything right going forward, you can't just hold it over him forever. That's what you're agreeing to.

    To back up, how old are you both, and how long have you been together? That matters. You also need to ask yourself why you want to stay (more than just “I love him”).

  4. I never cried about it, I stated that she doesn’t like me doing by myself and will come with me. You should really work on your reading comprehension. I’ll lend you some of our books if you need them.

  5. I'd honestly just tell her that you don't want to hear her opinion if it involves invalidating your friends sexuality. If she doesn't have anything nice to say about your friend, you'd rather she not say anything at all.

  6. I’m 62, married for 27 years. When I was in my 40s, I worked with a woman who I was very attracted to. She was between 10 & 20 years younger than me. We used to speak every day and she would tell me all these things about her life. And I was very tempted to cheat on my wife with her.

    I never even told the younger coworker that I was attracted to her or that I was tempted to cheat with her. I managed to control myself and she eventually left the company for another job.

    I didn’t give in to temptation because I didn’t want to hurt my wife or be “that guy”. I wouldn’t be able to live with myself after hurting her like that.

    I also have no reason to believe the coworker ever saw me as anything other than a friend who offered a sympathetic ear to her problems. So there was a very real possibility that any pass I made would have been rejected.

    In any event I hope I’m not the only exception to the rule of people in that position who choose as I did. Lots of things have changed in social mores in my lifetime. I hope that most people would choose as I did.

  7. That is awesome and you are a good friend. Not a lot of people are thoughtful enough to arrange something like this, and it shows you are genuinely appreciative for what this person did for you. Best of luck to you both in the future!

  8. He thinks by giving you love and affection sometimes, you won't leave. He's still a controlling AH who doesn't respect you and what you want. You're to do whatever he wants end of story. He's not giving suggestions, he's giving orders.

  9. Yes, we are in a group chat with F30 and F40 and post updates/pictures of Daisy and the steps required in the near future for her emigration. You are correct in that F40 probably didn’t plan on her dog getting foisted. F40 either under-advertised or under-estimated how much time and how much effort this would take since when F30 was first approached, she was told it would “just be a week (or 2)” and “just involve taking her to the airport”.

    It is now apparent that the dog needs to be micro-chipped before travel which was not initially divulged.

    I agree that it is slightly tacky to ask for compensation at this point. However, if I was in the position of F40 I would be sure to state how gracious I was for the people doing me a favor and offer compensation or a gift card or something. Obviously since this hasn’t come to a conclusion yet it’s possible that a thank you gift could still be given. But at this point it feels like our friend F30 was exploited for her kindness and F40 thinks that people taking care of her dog is a trivial thing not requiring any payment.

  10. Maybe your wife is hurt, too. Maybe she feels that you prioritize work over her.

    Maybe you should read the post.

    Maybe you should read the part where OP said he wanted to cut back his hours to spend more time with his family and his wife “threw a fit.”

    Maybe she feels like you spend so much time away from her and your child that having your child call someone else dada is a good way to illustrate that for you.

    Maybe you shouldn’t try to frame weaponizing children in any way in a favorable light.

  11. Why are you with him? I know a Reddit post can’t capture every facet of a relationship, but from what you have said, I’m not sure what you could have possibly left out that would redeem the way he treats you.

    You don’t have to keep dating a guy who acts like this. You sound great, and you deserve better. Don’t let him try to tell you otherwise.

  12. I just been going thru alot and it's built alot of hatred in me

    I don't think I'm good for u.

    I'm jus an angry person now not really fucking w anything at all.

    I honestly don't see my life going down a good path

    I'm a passive person

    My suggestion would be to end things. He's telling you who he is and what he wants, he just doesn't want to be the “bad guy” in the scenario. There are people out there that tend to make their partner end things for whatever reason instead of doing it themselves. Either they want to play the victim (Oh poor me, they dumped me) for sympathy, to get their friends on their side (can you believe she had the nerve to dump me??), or even so that the partner doesn't hate them (well, you dumped me, so I am not the bad guy here).

    You asked if this is normal/common. It's not. He is throwing in a ton of red flags that would cause me to end a relationship with someone local. Long distance is extremely hard already without adding in the issues he is causing.

  13. If you want to have some fun, and gain experience. It sounds like a great opportunity. But if you’re uncomfortable with it, don’t do it.

  14. The first paragraph of your OP said you were literally flirting with the guy at a party and then almost kissed him.

  15. Because you absolutely need the education to be a good social worker, we just undervalue and underpay that work because it doesn't make profits for billionaires.

  16. How people react to a sexual assault is a very personal thing. I think it's a bit much to dump on a victim, whatever they decide.

  17. They’ve been together for years and she’s just now finding out about it. Omitting the truth is still hiding something.

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