AmbarDiiaz live webcams for YOU!


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Date: October 15, 2022

18 thoughts on “AmbarDiiaz live webcams for YOU!

  1. u/International_Elk200, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

    The right way to do it is to create a brand new Reddit account that begins with ThrowRA.

    Please create a new account that starts with ThrowRA in the username and try again. Please note that we will not make exceptions to this rule.

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  2. What does that even mean? Its your responsibility in a relationship to take care of yourself and your appearance – for yourself and for your partner. Unconditional love only exists for children. You can be as fat as you want but just be prepared for it to affect your relationship and for your partner to likely lose attraction. Her weight is very much about him. Shes not putting effort into her appearance and hence – the relationship.

  3. From your title: Well, a 30 year old is not a girl, so maybe you need to start maturing?

    From the post: ok, I see why you called her a girl.

    You two are not compatible.

  4. For someone who's waxing about subtlely, it's really bizarre how you can't understand why saying 'love you' to an ex is not cool.

    Maybe it doesn't equate to cheating, but it's still inappropriate and disrespectful to your current partner.

  5. Tell your friend you are going to smash her and see how he reacts. If he doesn’t care- smash away. If he cares- respectfully tell him you were just giving him a heads up and then- smack away.

  6. Don't go back ever and not alone nor with your husband, ever.

    Your husband seems to have an aggressive streak, but he seems to be a good guy otherwise.

    Him breaking your dad's arm was a step too far. It will never be a normal relationship. Forget it. Be thankful that you have great inlaws and nurture your relationships here.

    Try to build relationships with your brothers and their families remotely.

    Best of luck!!

  7. It’s like my mother always says, “why buy the bull if the ride ain’t any good”.

    The strangest part is we’re cityfolk, not country folk, so I don’t know where the fuck she got that from.

  8. Clearly you are not law enforcement, or a lawyer etc and thank god for that. You are wholly uneducated on what you are speaking on. There is NO LEGAL repercussions that can be done. The wife is a full adult who signed a contract signing away her rights to said photos and also acknowledging that she consented to said photos to be taken in the first place. Absolutely nothing anyone can do because this is not sexual assault nor harassment.

    It’s a lesson that apparently a lot of people need to learn by looking at these comments: you don’t have to take nude photos, but when you do, you are consenting to said photos to be taken and when you sign the rights away to said pictures, they are not “your” pictures anymore and the photographer can do whatever they want with those photos.

    Stop signing contracts without reading them and fully understanding them – even TOS!

  9. DO NOT BE IN A RELATIONSHIP WITH A WOMAN THAT THINK'S WOMENS DAY IS A THING. It's narcissistic horseshit. She probably thinks witchcraft is real too.

  10. There is nothing to follow.

    Vaginal intercourse after consent was given under coercion is not consensual sex.

    What's not clicking ?

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