Alina-Murray live webcams for YOU!


Alina-Murray Public Chat Channel

Date: November 6, 2022

17 thoughts on “Alina-Murray live webcams for YOU!

  1. lol you can definitely stay and stop dating someone whenever you like, there is no boundary there besides the ones you make. Don’t let your friends tell you what to do.

  2. So, 50% of your relationship has been her accusing you of cheating because a friend sent you a photo from vacation. Aren’t you tired yet?

    And if her family and other friends are side eyeing you and treating you differently – exactly WHAT did she tell them? What negative spin did she put on this innocent event?

    At this point, you need to ask yourself if you want this treatment for years to come. You cannot “fix” her insecurities. You can only protect yourself and leave this relationship.

  3. So, 50% of your relationship has been her accusing you of cheating because a friend sent you a photo from vacation. Aren’t you tired yet?

    And if her family and other friends are side eyeing you and treating you differently – exactly WHAT did she tell them? What negative spin did she put on this innocent event?

    At this point, you need to ask yourself if you want this treatment for years to come. You cannot “fix” her insecurities. You can only protect yourself and leave this relationship.

  4. Your boyfriend is an entitled infant. He is a guest in their home. It’s up to him to adapt to them, not the other way around. If he doesn’t like the smoke or TV, his option is to move. Talk about a choosing beggar.

  5. She's typically cool about it, don't get me wrong. It's just this is the first time she's acted like that in this sort of situation. Typically she just does her own thing and I can play whatever game I want, which is sick

  6. You are married to a pretty crappy person. 2005 is a pretty long time to mislead someone you married. And if it was anything else, people would be all over it with how crappy she is, but because she may have found her sexuality or whatever, people will say it's ok and its not about you and you should be happy for her. I call complete bullshit. At this point, it should be all about you. You are the one getting the crappy end of the stick here. I am sure what I am saying is in the minority, but like a lot of things, that doesn't make it any less truthful. Good luck moving forward.

  7. I mean she openly flirted with another dude and went to his room. Just because they didn't have sex doesn't mean she wasn't already cheating.

  8. Cam girls and the people behind cam girls use manipulation, coercion and emotional blackmail to con men out of $$$. Get him off them now before he goes through your savings!

  9. There is no reason on earth that someone you just started dating needs your location.

    This woman is too much for you. You already said you have nothing to say, you don't initiate contact, and are bored. Why not just stop seeing her?

  10. He won't even bother with poking holes. He'll just stealth or not even put one on in the first place.

  11. Ok the. Clearblue has a digital display that says in words “pregnant” or “not pregnant” instead of the confusing lines, but it does NOT calculate weeks. I was pretty sure that was impossible. Weeks can only really still be estimated at the OBGYN from ultrasounds.

  12. That’s actually his reply lol! He says he would never cheat and would also not exchange phone numbers but anything before that goes, basically? And that still really hurts my feelings.

  13. This is ridiculous. How immature can somebody be?! I could understand, maybe, if you must wanted time apart or something along those lines, but sleep? You need to rest. If you don't it will affect your schoolwork and relationships, if she cares about you then she will understand, if not; well that's just selfish.

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