Alexatorres-1 live webcams for YOU!


SQUIRT SHOW + RIDE TOY Lets Have Fun in the right way! | Lush ON – Multi Goal: Squirt All Over You? [100 tokens remaining]

Date: November 29, 2022

66 thoughts on “Alexatorres-1 live webcams for YOU!

  1. Girl are you seriously considering staying with this guy? What happens if you have a kid with him and your bf takes your child around a child groomer/r*pist? Could you live with yourself? I couldn’t.

    This dude should be in jail and you should’ve run

  2. It’s very easy and common to get defensive and take a conversation like that literally. Revisit it later by saying you’d be open to it sometime to spice things up a bit. Also be sure to communicate that it made you feel insecure and why so this way he is aware of your boundaries too. If he is aware and trying to make you jealous maliciously, that would be a red flag. Probably not the case though.

  3. Well what do you talk about, do you ever feel like you clicked with someone? Beauty gets you matches, but then you go meet to see if your personalities can match at all.. do you think the date goes well and then people ghost anyway?

  4. I wish I had good advice. Y’all need to compromise somehow and if that’s her line I can’t say much more. I couldn’t live like this if my wife didn’t at least let me split the difference.

  5. Yes i get it but there's a practical aspect to it as my body can't have kids like mens for many years to come.

    I would rather scare him off now than later.

    Also the first thing I noticed on our first day was him waving and pulling faces to a little kid. I am more excited about dogs myself ?. But i know i will 90% want kids in the next 2 years once i have done work on me.

  6. Something I forgot to add is I was diagnosed with PTSD at age 15 from a very bad childhood.. one of the symptoms I experience is having a hard time remembering things. I sometimes question if what I hear or experience even happened because I don’t want to cause problems.. he knows this and has said things like “How do I even know if something has happened since you have a hard time remembering and you block things off?”. I can remember big things but minor things I forget.. however, if Dax ever did anything, I would definitely remember it.. idk I’m so hurt. I love Jack but this is too much. I just want us to work out. He won’t see a therapist and he doesn’t want me to but not forcing me not to.. I just don’t know what to do anymore.

  7. I think leaving is the right thing, as this doesn't seem like a healthy relationship. I'd encourage you to have a civil discussion with her about this decision. Explain to her why this isn't the type of relationship that you are looking to have. She probably has some trauma or other issues she needs to work through and it's probably best to be understanding of that, but that doesn't make it right for you to continue a relationship that isn't healthy for you. Therapy would be an excellent idea for her. If you were bringing this up earlier in your relationship, I'd also suggest couples counseling.

  8. I just meant if he shows up I’m sure OPs dad didn’t tell him the whole story. I wouldn’t jump straight to calling the cops if he knocks.

  9. We plan to get married this year as well as official adoption. As for birth mom im certain she wants nothing to do with the baby since we do have contact with birth mother as a friend. It was just an unfortunate situation where she never wanted children but wasnt able to get an abortion.

  10. Hey man. Think carefully before linking your life and finances and potentially scrambling your DNA with someone who needs to take a drug to get through life and who is so reckless with that drug that they sloppily leave it all over the floor and in your cat's food. She sounds like a mess, no offense. This situation does not sound normal at all to me

  11. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    My boyfriend [M23] and I [F21] have been together for five months and we love and care for each other deeply. However, he is a Muslim and I'm a white atheist girl and this has been consuming me. To be specific, my boyfriend mentioned how his religion doesn't allow dating (so he basically shouldn't be with me) and that his relationship with his parents would be completely ruined if they found out about us because they would never accept me. Ever since he told me, I've been thinking about it and crying over it almost everyday because knowing this I feel like our relationship will lead to nowhere, when I genuinely wish to be with this man forever. We've been talking about this a lot and a couple of days ago he basically said that his parents would accept me and that we could get married if I was a Muslim (implying I should convert to Islam). I said I wouldn't convert because I don't believe in God and he just said that's fine and we left it at that. I can tell that he loves me a lot and that he genuinely doesn't want to lose me and neither do I. This situation is taking a huge toll on our mental health because I need to know that it's worth it and that we're not wasting each other's time. I don't wanna break up with him because I hope everything will fall into place eventually but I also need some advice on what to do in this situation apart from waiting for him to basically tell his parents about me. TLDR; my Muslim boyfriend said dating is not allowed in his religion and that his parents would never accept me as an atheist white girl so I need to know if I'm wasting my time with him and what I can do in this situation.

  12. If you ever do this again…. Don't talk to the subs.

    He may have agreed to you posting nudes for money, but did he agree to flirting and sexting for money?

  13. To be honest, I think you hit the nail on the head. I’m terrified that my daughter will feel less than because she’s a woman, and hold her looks and appearance, and validation from men above her own well-being, happiness and desires. This is exactly why I posted here. Thank you for your perspective!!

  14. I have been in a stupid dating reality tv show binge. I asked him if he’d think we would choose each other and he said no because we would “go for looks” I said even in that case I would choose him because I am beyond sexually and physically attracted to him and he said he wouldn’t choose me because they are all 10s and I’m not. I was hurt by this and felt insecure. He thinks that’s dumb and me over reacting.

  15. Good for you for standing up for yourself! That’s a huge step for someone who says they aren’t very good at it. Right now you should focus on self care and doing small kindnesses for yourself that help you remember why you’re worth more than what you got from him. Take yourself out for a movie or a solo meal, hang out with your friends, do your nails, take a long bath, take a nap in the sunshine, binge your favorite shows.

  16. Exactly this. My family is champion of metacommunication. If I admire one of their new items, they conclude I want it for me. If I don't eat all my playe and take more in family feast, my mother ask bluntly if I hate what she cooked ( that is, Hate her). Etcetera.

    So if i said i want that watch, my family would try to buy it or tell me that they cannot pay this price.

    It may be the same in your case.

  17. I agree. Could be that OP is financially irresponsible – yes everyone can be in a tough situation but if they were already struggling before loosing their job like they stated they may have been living beyond their means which isn’t the bf’s fault or responsibility. They’ve only dated a year or so(?) and it sounds like the bf and his friends agreed to spend that kind of money on gifts.

  18. Ur friend is a dumbass. And she’s most likely in a terrible relationship if she threw out pedo so easily. I bet her boyfriend keeps going for 18-20 year olds online and she needs to attack someone else to feel better

  19. He should make a post here. We can all tell him he'll make a mistake. She doesn't want him. She just doesn't want someone else to have him either.

    As far as you? I'd leave him. It's a month long relationship. He may come back to you. Then you can decide.

    The bright side is that he's being honest with you. I think most anyone would be thrown off by a situation like this since it happened so quickly after he dated you, and he obviously liked her for a while. I don't think this makes him a bad person for you later on.

  20. Don’t start a relationship until he’s single. Men who will willingly cheat on one person would easily cheat on you.

  21. Lol the amount of cheating stories I have read and that they wanted tog eat revenge by sleeping with their sister or mother lol is astonishing how many people have that revenge fantasy and well he is living it out lol don’t get involved it’s just a headache in a half.

  22. Why do you assume this means he doesn't want to ever see you again? Shit happens, life gets messy, he has other things to prioritize and take care than fuccing you, so what does it matter? Majority of people aren't sex addicts that needs to give or get the d!ck every day. It really just sound like you developed feelings, ones in which he does not reciprocate. So you need to step back and figure out what's going on with you to determine if you can either stay only as FWBs or move on. Because he isn't dating you, he doesn't owe you anything.

  23. Get a lawyer. There is no way they accidentally fell and this happens.

    Be in front of this. Take care of you and your needs before anything else. The trust is gone.

    you sister, needs to start AA as soon as possible

  24. She’s not hiding her phone at all. At least not that I have noticed. We cuddle just fine. We hold hands and laugh very regularly. I have to initiate all sex. Every single time.

  25. This can absolutely happen if she saw him being an excellent partner and he's attractive enough. I've had to cut friends off after they became insistent that my partner would be just as great for them and tried to cross lines

  26. Should I ask her to not discuss the past? I'm not trying to hide anything at all. I'm just worried she'll continue making random comments which could hurt if I don't say anything.

  27. reassuring me and insisting I’m too sensitive

    This is a funny way to say gaslighting. For whatever reason she doesn't want to have sex with you. You deserve a partner that does. She's not a good fit

  28. You got some good advice from what I read, but something you might want to also address is getting shit hammered in response to the situation.

    Not passing judgment. I thought the answers to my problems were at the bottom of a whiskey bottle when I went through my divorce.

    Sober up.

    If it's 100% undisputed that she cheated on you, get your shit 100% in order, sober, and walk away.

    You'll be a lot happier in the long run.

  29. I don’t want to divorce him, I don’t want things between us to end. I feel horrible for doing what I did.

  30. Oh ew you hooked up with the teenaged brother of your now ex? Girl no. That's predatory and gross.

  31. When I point out his manipulation he gets violent, that’s why I’ve to bow my head and listen to whatever he’s saying but it eats me up inside. I’m out of ideas on what to do to make him believe me but at times it feels like he really truly hates me. I’m also getting drained mentally and financially and I don’t know what to do anymore other than breakup.

  32. If only these men would just give us a heads up on the first or second date, it'd be a much simpler problem to avoid ?

  33. From this little snippet of your life, you seem like a fairly well balanced person.

    Your bf however appears to have some issues

  34. I’m the same with my mum, mates and husband. He was a wanker those times and admitted he was being a selfish dick. I asked him why he did it and honestly? At the time he and his mates didn’t realise COVID would be such a big deal. No excuse really but incredibly immature

  35. No. No.. she said she isn't attracted to vaginas.

    If a obese person got onto a treadmill, they should have done that before. Lies for one whole year, and then expect the person to simply forget and forgive that massive lie, wait years until , if ever, they are no longer obese… wake up this isn't a Disney movie.

    Are you saying that like an obese person on a treadmill, trans people can change?

  36. Oh, that's for sure. Nobody disagrees that he wasn't being a complete dumbass when he sent that text.

  37. Your GF could be suffering from a fear of making things bad for her friends. A lot of women get told that when they get unwanted male attention, it’s “not nice” to call it out. She’s could be so in the moment of trying to keep things nice for the wedding and knowing that she would never cheat on you and wasn’t tempted, she’s forgetting the most important thing:

    It’s reeeeeally weird that everyone is letting this guy do as he pleases meanwhile she has to be the one to secretly be on guard…

    Her friends should have shut him down harder and removed his invite to the wedding when he proved he couldn’t be trusted to control himself. This guy is the type of person who doesn’t see other people as people, but as things he wants. He doesn’t care that she’s in a happy relationship with you. He doesn’t care that he hasn’t even approached her to figure out if she “likes” him.

    His psychotic goal is to… (makes calculations) either become friendly with you both and somehow steal her away or become friendly with you both and try to talk you into becoming a threesome. He could be one of those people who only likes going after people in committed relationships.

    Either way, this is a weird and disrespectful play on his part and I’m really concerned that no one but you seems to be aware of how inappropriate this all was…

  38. Some friends have also felt this way, and you may have a lot of faith in your wife and friend groups, which I think is lovely. I'm just a very analytical and cautious person, and to me the threat of 3 bad actors slipping into our friends and acting against me is worrisome. That's why it really feels like a bigger deal to me.

  39. Therapy.

    Because you're insanely young to think that this is the only relationship you'd have that wouldn't be abusive and you're marrying a dude you've known less than a year which is also pretty crazy to me. Why the rush?

  40. Ah yes, white knight syndrome.

    You don't want anything to do with that dynamic. She will always, always put a stress on your relationship. You gotta ask yourself if you really want to live like that.

  41. He doesn’t see anything wrong with what he has done because he told me about it!! I would have found out about it regardless as I received a notification that an AirTag was tracking me!!

    Well, that is why he told you. He realised, much too late, how stupid an idea it was.

    It shows just how unstable he is right now. He is so scared of you leaving that he convinced himself that stalking you was okay.

    But let's be real, this is just a continuation of his abuse, right? Like the tone is different, right now he is love bombing you to try and keep you with him but even that he failed. He can't hide his true nature, even when he tries to be supportive he is toxic about it.

    This is a sign that 'effort' isn't the problem. He is just not a person that is able to think and process things in healthy ways. Don't get dazzled by his enthusiasm, really he is a lot of therapy away from being healthy and I don't get the impression he is taking that aspect of it as seriously as the song and dance about caring about you after years of abuse.

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