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Room for online video chats AK47__

AK47__live sex stripping with hd cam


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Room for online sex video chat AK47__

Model from: fr

Languages: fr

Birth Date: 1998-11-11

Body Type: bodyTypeAverage

Ethnicity: ethnicityLatino

Hair color: hairColorColorful

Eyes color: eyeColorGreen


Date: November 23, 2022

28 thoughts on “AK47__live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. I believe that it's an illusion, it happened to me too and the guy was obssessed not with me but with the image he had of me. 2 months is nothing and not seeing him makes me think that your chemistry might not be the same in real life?

  2. Well she has already mentioned her kid on the phone call. I asked how old. Talked about the swimming lessons a bit and left it at that. I'm not sure if it's casual conversation or if she's feeling me out. And yeah I don't want to waste anyones time, but wasn't sure how long to wait to really discuss it. If going on at least a first date is fine, I'll do that.

  3. I think my main issue is that we generally work the same hours, so half the time he wants me out it’s “in case” he gets home early, not even because he’s at home

  4. He was probably trying to pull the same bullshit with his old roommates and they kicked him out. Give him 30 days notice to get out of your apartment. Hopefully he’s not on the lease.

  5. Tell him to drop dead and leave you alone as you ghost him. He is trying to manipulate you back into his life.

  6. I’d say too see if he would want to take you shooting and you could do classes or something if that would be something you would be interested in. It would be a good bonding experience for you two and also you would probably feel more comfortable around guns

  7. It seems quite clear that you're NOT ready to grow up and be an adult. Whether that means you stay with her is immaterial. You DO need to take care of your child and grow the fuck up.

  8. If there is someone playing games in this conversation, it was you.

    Honestly, you gotta come up better responses than that.

    Was that comment expected to impress her? Like you get bitches but they're all options?

  9. Or someone is (or has in the past) trying to convince him she cheated. Could even have fake text screenshots or something as “proof”.

  10. LOL, that’s not what you said before you edited your comment after my reply but okay. What you said before your edit was essentially that I shouldn’t judge a situation I’ve never experienced myself. You’re now saying there’s bitterness in my response and I’m projecting which no there isn’t and no I’m not. I’m not saying she isn’t entitled to her own feelings and reaction nor that she has to stay in the relationship. I’m saying she’s not entitled to demand a certain feeling or reaction from OP.

  11. That doesn't sound like sexual assault, and she sounds like a certifiable nut job. She's trying to get your attention, don't give it to her.

  12. So you think he was purposefully being derogatory?

    It seems to me that what he was saying was “my gf did sexual things with her ex that she won't do with me and it's making me insecure” and the way he said it was “Especially because this guy got a lot out of her, for instance, things she wont do with me or stuff she didnt do with other partners. I cant help to think she enjoyed him more than she does me.”

  13. wow that was beautifully worded and unfortunately what I needed to hear. I am really appreciating all of the comments and perspectives from everyone.

  14. Do you read many of the posts here? There are a lot of fucked up people with fragile egos out there.

  15. So what did he think was happening if/when you were going on dates with other people for the past year?

  16. You’re right about him being dismissive and disrespectful. He is dismissive of my feelings a lot. When I try to talk to him, he’ll say things like “it’s no big deal, can’t you let it go? I said sorry already.” He gets this look on his face, like he genuinely couldn’t care less how I feel. And when I get upset or angry after a while of him not trying to understand me at all, he turns it around and makes it about how I get angry “all the time”. The thing is, I do get upset a lot lately, because I’m just so fed up with it all. I want to be respected, for my partner to be considerate, kind. I want to feel heard and loved. Starting to realise he might not be the one that’s able to give me that.

  17. What a mess; the choices your mother and your boyfriend have left you with are not your only choices for your life! Your mother is probably feeling desperate and is saying the only thing she can think of that may keep you away from your boyfriend; as other's have said, if she threatens suicide again, regardless of why, call 911 so she can get the treatment that she seems to need. She is wrong in her threatening approach but she doesn't want to see you throw your life away on what she sees as a lost cause, dead-end street. She's not wrong, except in her overdramatized approach to the situation.

    It is good that your boyfriend has been sober for 2 months, but as someone who has been sober for 20 years, and still thinks occasionally about how good a drink sounds,(though I have no intentions of ever drinking again, and I have every confidence in that), I don't have the same feelings about your boyfriend. It's hard to stop drinking for 2 months, but it is nowhere near a long enough time to stop worrying daily about the possibility of his relapsing; I would almost guarantee that he will, and it would actually be considered expected and normal. He needs inpatient treatment, also something like AA, or another program, and counseling, to get to the underlying issues of his drinking. Alcoholism is very difficult to overcome for an alcoholic who used to vomit blood and has indicators of serious, heavy drinking in the not too distant past. He is not only an alcoholic, he is an abusive, controlling alcoholic person. You deserve so much better for your life, and between him and your mother, it seems as if you are always being pulled in one direction or the other, with them each wanting to have control over your life; they both sound rather manipulative and abusive, though in two different ways. It's not selfish to do what's right for you, to do what brings you comfort , peace and joy. I worry that your boyfriend is just way too early in his sobriety to trust that it will last. You are not responsible for his sobriety or healthy behavior, nor are you in any way responsible for your mother's choices. You are not responsible for anyone else's good or bad behavior or judgement, period. Their manipulative behaviors need to stop, and they each need to take responsibility for their own choices. You really are deserving of so much better than you've gotten from either of them so far.

    It isn't wrong for your mother to want the best for you; if she has struggled especially, she doesn't want that for you, by hitching your wagon to an abusive alcoholic. Her methods need plenty of work, but her underlying dreams for you are understandable. I don't know if you've ever heard the saying, maybe by Maya Angelo, that if someone shows you who they are, you need to believe them; in other words, your bf has shown himself to be an alcoholic, and abusive, and any recent attempts to change are likely temporary and unsustainable for him. The chances are against it lasting forever. You deserve to be with someone who is either sober or can control their drinking and someone who wakes up every day wondering what they can do to make your life better or easier. Not someone who leaves you waiting for the other shoe to drop. Frankly, it sounds as if mom and bf could benefit from some counseling. Want the best for yourself; you don't have to settle, but it will be harder to meet the right person while you are giving your bf more and more chances.

  18. The fact that it got better for a week after you brought it up makes me wonder if he’s following that disgusting trend of washing in one’s own urine. I can’t remember what it’s called. But some of these people even go to such lengths as consuming it for “health” reasons. I hope this isn’t the case!

  19. I know, and I feel at fault for this. I enabled this from the start because I couldn’t just leave him. And I knew for a fact back then if I had told him it was either me or the drugs, he would just pick me and do it secretly behind my back. I always told him I’m not okay with it, but I allowed it as long as it’s not excessive. So he never did it excessively in front of me.

    Now things are different, we have a kid, I can’t tolerate it at all. It affects his temper, his energy, his interests, everything. I also feel like if he lies about drug use, what else could he be lying about.

    The past year, we had sex 4 times. I’m sure it’s because coke lowers your drive. But with his level of scheming and lying, who knows what he’s up to behind my back.

    Hard to leave and hard to stay..

  20. Curious, why did they go through such a hurdle? They both would have had to take hormones (that might cause issues later in life), go through egg extraction, in vitro fertilisation with the donor sperm and then get the embryo implanted which is probably very painful. Why not both use the same sperm donor and each get pregnant by having the sperm inserted? So much easier.

  21. it all depends on her situation. while cheating is almost never justified (maybe in extreme cases), there are multiple kinds of cheating. since you’ve known her for only a few weeks, if i were you i’d have a hard time trusting her. that doesn’t mean that this trust isn’t something that can be developed over time. people make mistakes. just be careful, if you feel like she’s really a good person and she made a mistake which she honestly regrets, she could have changed. i personally probably wouldn’t get over something like that, but everyone is different and if she did change maybe it’s not worth throwing out a potentially awesome relationship. just think it over and tread carefully. good luck.

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