Ahisslin-77 live webcams for YOU!


Golden Ticket Show: amazing squirt (99 tokens per ticket)

Date: November 5, 2022

16 thoughts on “Ahisslin-77 live webcams for YOU!

  1. It's nice to see how excited you seem to be about this relationship. Best of luck! Not that you seem to need it haha

  2. You need to get over this.

    Her experiences with another man are part of her history. She has her own reasons for wanting to keep it part of her history and you should respect them and pressuring her to do otherwise is not ok.

    I don’t think this “problem” is really about her ir her history however. I think that you’re feeling very insecure about sex with her and that instead of asking, “why won’t she do anal with me?” you ought to be asking yourself, “why am I so bothered by her history?”

    I think you have an opportunity here to learn a thing or two about yourself. Good luck

  3. You sound miserable. I can tell you see that kid as an intruder in the relationship (which it is) by your verbiage, example: “the son” “the kid” mentally you’re putting a block between yourself and the situation.

    You’re probably young so I would say to let that woman go (she’s already been claimed) and find yourself a girl without any baggage. You are a third party in that mother and sons (and possibly baby daddies) dynamic. Scram

  4. Partners want to know that their Partners have a life outside of the relationship. Right now you are giving him all the power by sitting waiting by the phone hoping he'd call or text.

    Make your own plans or even better, turn your phone off when he is out and only switch it back on the next day.

    You're a big girl and you shouldn't let your free time be about him.

  5. Well that was dumb.

    Twins or not any variation of “I want to bang your sister” is going to go down like a lead balloon.

    Real life ain’t porno dude

  6. The reason to stay home until your thirties is the cost of housing. There is virtually no way to get into the housing market when you are young anymore.

    He seems to want to stay home so he can “chase his dreams” not because of the housing market. But becoming a super successful DJ requires hard work and a sprinkling of luck… Because most people who chase this dream will fall short.

    That said to “make it” in the music industry requires that you sacrifice on being reasonable, to ignore that most people will fall short. To instead doggedly pursue the dream against the odds.

    You will by now know if he is good or not, and if he is good then that pursuit makes some sense…

    Obviously you don't have to take that journey with him. Especially as if he did make it then he would be living the life of a travelling musician… And, well, that lifestyle leads many people to cheat.

    This makes it insecure on two fronts: A) The fact is most who pursue this path fall short. (B) His success in this pursuit would bring with it a risk to your relationship anyway.

    So in this I don't think breaking up with him makes sense. Even if he “made it” it would make sense.

    So wish him well in chasing his dream, but his dream is not yours.

  7. I am at fault and own the mistake to checking his phone and invading his privacy. I regret it cuz I shouldn’t have resorted to that but at the same time I don’t cuz it showed me a whole side to him. It definitely shattered the way I viewed him. Him doing that stuff is not something I ever imagined he would do in our relationship and then I realized how naive I was to his actions in social environments. It does suck to think and process that I’m gonna struggle with this fear.

  8. You didn't consent to sex without protection. She assaulted you. Let her know her behavior was entirely unacceptable, and you will no longer be seeing each other.

  9. Holy hell, are you saying that a rapist might get visitation rights or even shared custody? That's crazy!

    Already happened a lot and was even on the news. Like this girl who got raped and carried the baby to term and then the rapist got visitation rights and now she has to send her daughter off to him every 2 weeks…

  10. Did you read your post? Didn't you already set a boundary for him, and he crossed it?. And you are still looking for a means of preventing them from hooking up. Your bf is the one that needs to act, but he isn't doing anything. You'll eventually discover them fckin each other, its just a matter of time.

  11. Sounds like this guy was as emotionally stable as a chair with 2 legs… yeah that would not of ended well, the lying the unstableness, the abuse from yelling you needed to run and keep running away a then when you wanted a water break you needed to run another 10 miles… sheeeeesh what a wreck

  12. what are you do is realize that this is not working and it’s making you feel bad on a frequent basis.

    In fact, I was in this very situation, and it gave me some insight such as he is not the male version of you He is presenting himself that way intentionally

    In my case, I wanted it to work, and so the rose colored glasses never came off, except when I was away from him, and then my brain would constantly nag me how my situation was not good

    Here are some things I see from what you said: he has a control issue going on and that’s not gonna change

    He has a temper and he’s suspicious. That’s not gonna change either. You haven’t done anything wrong and you’re wondering why you’re under attack like this and that is what he intends to happen.

    a dude like this wants you to question constantly your reality, because your belief of the future and your pursuit of hope mixes with what you’re seeing happen in reality, and turns into a horrible mix of doubt and hope. you want to work out and your imagination fills in a lot of the blanks. I think about it. When you go away from him because your brain start nagging you and nagging you that this is messed up?

    Honestly, you need to think about what’s important. Are you gonna live to please him? Do you think he’s treating you with respect?

    I think whats important is your own health and safety. You have to respect yourself before someone else like this will respect you.

    Do you feel like you are easily manipulated? Do you accept words solutions instead of actions? Someone like that is perfect for a guy like this. It makes it so much easier to run their games.

    I’ll have your back either way, but honestly get the fuck away from this man. For your own good.

    My guess is that if you stay, in 10 or 20 years, you’re gonna look back and have a lot of sadness and some permanent emotional damage and maybe some nice brain trauma to go with it.

    let’s discuss 🙂

  13. This has, “relationship broken, just add people” written all over it. He has been insecure, and accusatory for TWO FREAKING YEARS?! How is that a good relationship for you? How is that even tolerable for you?

    Look- I believe in open and polyamourous relationships. (I'd better, my two live-in partners would probably be dismayed if I suddenly went monogamous…) They can be good and solid and wonderful. But each of your relationships have to be sutainable and supportive -, independent of the others – otherwise all your doing is adding other complications to an already broken relationship. And from everything I've seen without your core relationships being stable- things go down in flames really, really quickly. Especially if all parties are not 100% on board with the relationship structure.

    Same yourself the drama and discomfort OP – and find someone who's not an insecure jerk.

  14. Ooof. I spent like 10 years pretending to be interested in cars because car-guys were (and still are) fucking hot. Unfortunately, I am not into cars. And listening to some bloke drone on and on about cars for years and years gets fucking boring fucking fast. In my experience, they don't change either, some occasionally mellow somewhat but be ready for every weekend to be stuck at home while he works on his project car that's somehow never working or finished despite the 20+ hours a week he works on it. Be ready for the thousands and thousands of dollars they spend on cars and car parts and never making a profit on them. Car guys belong with car girls. Find someone who's interested in some of the things you are, you don't need to have ALL the same interests but it is important to have some shared ones to do together.

  15. Avoiding conflict while he is behaving badly is not a healthy relationship. Conflict is healthy. It establishes boundaries. Establish yours.

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