Pamela-queen live webcams for YOU!


current goal: spank ass till red [Multi Goal]

Date: October 22, 2022

9 thoughts on “Pamela-queen live webcams for YOU!

  1. Did you want to marry her prior the diagnosis? If yes than did you want a baby before diagnosis? The way I see it you owe it to your self too fight the good fight .science has made tremendous progress with cancer treatments and alot of people that should have been dead are alive and cancer free. So don't think as if your going to die . Think like your not going to die. Positive thoughts can change your world. My thoughts are with you .

  2. Oh, girl. You are so young, and this guy is not a good one. Do you live together? Do you have a job? There are so many better men out there.

  3. Good thing she isn’t bisexual or you’d have to isolate her completely. You can’t trust her 100% and be hung up about her talking with other men. If your previous bad experience still stings, then please discuss that with a therapist rather than try to make your wife continue being lonely. I’m very glad she put her foot down.

  4. That’s a lot to unpack. In this fight it sounds like she resents you. She essentially lost a job, when you could have watched your child. If a situation got down to potentially losing a job, or my husband watching our child in a job like you explain. I would 100% expect my husband to watch our child, even if that meant calling out sick for a few hours.

    The question then becomes, how often is your wife sacrificing herself to make a situation more beneficial for you? Because as a 26F who has been married for 7 years, I have done that a lot. Until it got to the point where I told my husband we can’t do this anymore, we have to communicate. And that, is the root of your issue. You don’t know how to communicate, not just listen.

    This situation does have a solution today, it’s long gone, so today you couldn’t have done much to avoid it. The best solution would have probably been saying let’s look together to find a daycare and nanny we trust, get adequate childcare so this doesn’t happen again. Then when next coaching season comes she reaches out to the coach and explains she’s in a better place with family life now and can fully commit.

    I suggest you reflect on these fights and see if you have been often selfish, putting your needs before hers, and your child’s. If you have the solution is communicate better so these problems don’t happen. Also if she is a SAHM I suggest recommending she have a day to go out a pamper herself if she hasn’t recently. It is mentally exhausting to be stuck in a house all day only communicating with a child. It will literally drive you mad. See if she wants to get out and do something, maybe she’d rather you all go out to dinner.

    Best of luck.

  5. There are a lot of us who had weird sexual experiences as kids, and you have nothing to feel ashamed of. You were just a kid, you didn’t have any ability to A. Know what you were doing B. Understand any of it C. Be able to understand what is healthy curiosity and if you should even be concerned

    Kids have influences from parents, siblings and family members, books, tv, and a hundred other different things that make us very curious about sex. It’s okay. You didn’t do anything really wrong, as long as you didn’t sexually violate your pet, just a kiss and imagining it was a person is yes weird, but innocent child experimentation.

    Please don’t be so hard on yourself. As for telling your boyfriend, if he is not the kind to judge you then yes get it off your chest. If he’s a judgmental kind of person who will make you feel bad, hold off. Try testing him. Ask him to tell you something, and let him know you’re trying to work up the courage to tell him something that really embarrasses you about childhood. See what he says and if he’s kind about it first.

    Let us know how it goes. Good luck ? OP

  6. Disinvite and hire professional security or let the venue know that he’s barred from your wedding no and if or butts about it. Hell, the social club may ban him on their own if they have a dress code like a lot of social clubs. Let them know about this clown.

    If her parents and sister cry about banning them too. This is so fucking disrespectful to you both and your relationship I would disown him and any family that supports his bullshit on the spot. You DON'T WEAR A CLOWN SUIT to a fucking BLACK TIE WEDDING PERIOD!

    I'm surprised you and or family and friends haven't paid him a “special” visit to straighten him out. Not that I would suggest it, but he's being a big enough asshole that I wouldn't be shocked if it happens in his future.

  7. Lesbian here and totally agree. Being gay or bi or whatever doesn’t mean you suddenly get different rules than everyone else.

  8. Return the ring. I sympathize with you being mad at the cheater but you weren’t truthful with us. You said you needed some of the stuff, so I’m thinking he bought you a bed or college schoolbooks but then you said you didn’t want to part with the ring.

    When combined with three others does it help you summon Captain Planet?

    Return the ring and only the ring

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