Finley Fae the hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


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Finley Fae live sex chat

Date: September 27, 2022

27 thoughts on “Finley Fae the hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. I feel like spending 1000$ for gifts is excessive. It sounds like you guys need to have a conversation about budget ahead of time so you’re on the same page. Did he tell you to get him that much stuff or request those things? I feel like what he gave you was thoughtful, shows he does listen (maybe he wanted to surprise you) and is a pretty good gift..

  2. He is lying to you so he can keep using your mom's house until his new apartment is ready. You can try and kick him out, but unfortunately he may claim he is a resident in that house and force you to evict him, which will give him time.

  3. I wasn't being literal when I said you can't really tell him to dump her. Suppose some things don't translate over text. I was simply implying that she is going to be around, so being civil is probably the best course.

    You brought up that he does not hang out with your friends. If you don't care that he doesn't, why bring it up?

    If it bothers you to hang out with this particular individual, say no, but do know that it will likely cause ripples and hard feelings with his friend against you based upon how you described the relationship.

    You are not going to get answers here from strangers. You have to sort this out with your boyfriend. He is the only person who can help you with this situation.

  4. Hello /u/LowBud44,

    Your post was removed for the following reason(s):

    Your title did not include at least two ages/genders or was not formatted correctly

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    include details about the involved parties including ages, genders, and length of relationship, and

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    [##X][##X], [## X][## X], or [##-X][##-X] where ## is the age and X is the gender (currently M, F, T, A, NB, FTM, MTF but more can be added). You can have more than two ages/genders listed, but you must have at least two at the beginning of your title. Here is an example:

    [34NB][88-F] We are two people in an example post

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  5. Go over to YouTube and search for a life coach called Corey Wayne. I think he has some really good advice on dating and relationships and it'll help you loads with finding someone really amazing if that's what you're looking for

  6. You don't make sure both parties are understood. You claim to know EVERY man and woman is communicating exactly the same way you describe.

    Tell you what. Men can absolutely talk emotions. Women can absolutely talk solutions. We are prone to leaning towards one or the other because of the way we were raised – not because of our gender.

    I.e. avoidant attached people tend towards solution seeking and AVOID emotions. Anxious people lean into emotions and get ANXIOUS when they are not heard. When those two types have a discussion it often escalates. It's called the negative cycle.

    Safely attached people connect both. They address emotions first, then go solution seeking.

  7. “She loves me”

    Oh suuuure, spitting on you, sending you to jail, hating your daughter, and trying to ruin your reputation… she “loves” you soooooo much.

    Wake the fuck up!

  8. It’s easy to love someone, because you can grow to love someone out of familiarity. It’s harder to be loyal, and this man has shown no loyalty to you. In my mind he doesn’t deserve your love if he isn’t willing to make an effort to make you feel loved back.

  9. One word – control. He expects you to dress your hair in a certain way or he’ll get angry? It’s your hair and your head. Tell him you’re sorry he feels that way but you like your hair up like that. Then see what the next trigger point is and I’ll bet there is one.

  10. It may not shatter her confidence but it for sure stifles her opportunity to share it. I don’t think you’ve done anything wrong though.

    I wouldn’t date a lover that didn’t care about it, it’s a kink for me and if he can’t participate with enthusiasm we aren’t compatible. Not sure how that’s insane, but i’ll give you the benefit of the doubt because you obviously don’t know my kinks. I will say though sexual incompatibility is a real things and if this is a big thing for her you lack of enthusiasm could be a deal breaker. That’s life! I hope it isn’t and you both can find common ground. Best of luck to you op!

  11. Romantic love can never segue into platonic love overnight. Of course he needs time to process the loss of the romance before he can even consider being “friends” with you. He can be friends with other girls because he's never had the complications of romance with them. Not sure why this isn't self evident to you.

  12. I guess I’m gullible sometimes and he nearly convinced me that this behavior is ok. Now he is traveling for work for a month for the first time since the relationship, so I have more time to think, and realize it will always be an issue

  13. Why not let him decide for himself if he minds it or not? I've never been with a guy who cared if I was on my period or not. I'm sure they exist but I think it's less common than you'd expect at least based on my experience, it's not like I select my partners based on that.

  14. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. I just- nope.

    I don't think I've reacted so viscerally to a post before. I gagged. This wasn't what I was expecting and now I want to wash my eyes with bleach. I may stay away from nsfw, now. I feel dirty.

    Real or not, I'm feeling much regret.

    You do realise the vegetarian diet is pretty pointless in this context? I was vegan for ages and it doesn't change the way you poop. A healthy diet = healthy poop. It all comes out the same way. But… um, you do you?

    And um… how does not following a diet make it more egregious? It's still poo. Poo is poo!!!!

    Though no matter how healthy the diet or the poop, do not ingest it. I'm trying really hard not to judge this kind of kink, but there's just so much wrong with this. Anyone reading, don't ingest feces. It's very bad for you. I can't believe I felt the need to type that out.

    And everyone, be careful when having fun around the bum. It's fine to do it if that's what you want, but you need to stay clean and limit the spread of bacteria. Shower, wash hands, clean/change sheets, use protection, etc. If you don't, you can cause UTIs, other infections, make yourselves sick, and so on. And yes, you can give/receive more than one STI from anal/play, not just HIV. Stay safe!

    Now excuse me, I'm going to go find the bleach. I might scrub myself for good measure. Then I'm going to pretend this never happened.

  15. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. I just- nope.

    I don't think I've reacted so viscerally to a post before. I gagged. This wasn't what I was expecting and now I want to wash my eyes with bleach. I may stay away from nsfw, now. I feel dirty.

    Real or not, I'm feeling much regret.

    You do realise the vegetarian diet is pretty pointless in this context? I was vegan for ages and it doesn't change the way you poop. A healthy diet = healthy poop. It all comes out the same way. But… um, you do you?

    And um… how does not following a diet make it more egregious? It's still poo. Poo is poo!!!!

    Though no matter how healthy the diet or the poop, do not ingest it. I'm trying really hard not to judge this kind of kink, but there's just so much wrong with this. Anyone reading, don't ingest feces. It's very bad for you. I can't believe I felt the need to type that out.

    And everyone, be careful when having fun around the bum. It's fine to do it if that's what you want, but you need to stay clean and limit the spread of bacteria. Shower, wash hands, clean/change sheets, use protection, etc. If you don't, you can cause UTIs, other infections, make yourselves sick, and so on. And yes, you can give/receive more than one STI from anal/play, not just HIV. Stay safe!

    Now excuse me, I'm going to go find the bleach. I might scrub myself for good measure. Then I'm going to pretend this never happened.

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