AnnabelleXfrancelive sex stripping with hd cam


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Room for online sex video chat AnnabelleXfrance

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Birth Date: 2000-08-26

Body Type: bodyTypeThin

Ethnicity: ethnicityWhite

Hair color: hairColorBlonde

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Subculture: subcultureGlamour

Date: October 20, 2022

44 thoughts on “AnnabelleXfrancelive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. …you two should have never been in a relationship to begin with. Ain’t no way in hell I ever gonna be in an argument with someone because I has to go home and check on my kid. And then you say you’d stop talking and you’d call because you’d be so shocked he didn’t call you first?


    You sound incredibly self-centered and you play too many games. The whole story sounds like you got pregnant to make him focus on you more than his daughter and it’s now backfiring. You’re jealous of a teenager. Get a grip.

  2. To cut the story short… I wouldn’t act the way she acts with someone who is in a relationship. And I wouldn’t allow that girl to be clingy like my partner allows her to. I’ve been cool about my partner talking to his ex, once in a while. We had female roommates before them and they were respectful. And we were both friends with them. But this friendship is making me uncomfy. I set my boundaries, so he keeps hiding it from me until now. He really wanted to be friends with them like really close friends and he clearly told me I am not a match with them. I felt bad… I told him that our values don’t align.. we aren’t in the same page. If he’s happy I’m happy, but I cannot be happy about how he handles this external friendship… He has other friends and he said they don’t want to talk to him everyday. Like me and my friends would do. He doesn’t have to give up his personal freedom. He’s been always free to talk to anyone. But he’s asking for too much. Whenever I meet new friends or colleagues I always introduce him and I would never put him in a situation where he has put me. i always reassure that they are his friends too and they are not a threat…He moved out from that apartment i allowed him to talk to them but them but after a year he wanted more like go to the girl’s birthday party and sleep over at her place. I don’t know them and I clearly told him I’m not okay with it. Since we almost ended our relationship because of them and I don’t like how the other girl behaved. This girl keeps asking when is he coming… Most of the time I think I’m being controlling… I’m just being honest about my feelings and I think he doesn’t prioritize my feelings at all… i said this won’t work out. But then he doesn’t want break up giving me the jealous, insecure or that I don’t allow him to have friends… this argument happened alot of times… he wanted to see them. He isn’t attracted to them but I said we started like that too… help. I don’t know what to do… I want him happy but he crosses my boundaries… I want to break up with him but he said he won’t talk to them that it’s stupid to breakup because they are not important as me but then he’s upset that he can’t be friends with them. That I forbid him. I never did. It’s just not working for me… he cannot have it all… he has to change his perspective… he has some other friends even his ex… I’m really torn because I want him happy… but I have to give up my happiness for his own… I told him what if I try to find intimate platonic friendship and exclude him too. Like what he does to me… He said I already have friends and I’m just gonna destroy our relationship. He thinks it’s revenge and I said I just want him to understand what I’m feeling. And maybe doing it I’ll understand him too. And maybe I won’t focus too much on him. Sincerely I don’t need it because I’m contented with him and with my friends I hear once in a while I’m just making him understand that I would never do something to him that would make him uncomfortable. He said I’m being unfair. And he told me just let him have friends…

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  4. At 21 you don't have to be there, go to a friends or anywhere else. I'd rather have Xmas alone than with people who treated me like that

  5. That's really annoying… I wouldn't put up with that… I have customers that I deal with on a daily and when I don't answer my emails or messages right away…they will send me annoying messages like that and I refuse to answer, I don't care how much money they want to spend…nobody talks to me like that!!!

  6. Think about how this affects your children if she leaves. Just because she suddenly has the idea she wants her own child? I mean it's her decision, but to me it feels like her desire to have a baby is coming from somewhere else.

  7. Don't hold your tongue a minute longer mate. Tell her the truth. Pretending is just lying and it takes a toll. If there is a chance of saving the relationship then telling her the truth now is the best way. And if there is no chance then telling her is still best.

  8. Take it as a life lesson. People who are ok with keeping the relationship virtual (to the point of not even knowing how you look like today) for extended periods of time usually have their reasons. Those reasons are rarely compatible with being fit for a stable relationship irl. Either they already are in a relationship, aren’t who they said they are or simply seek validation.

  9. Id also ask him to reduce his internet porn time, a common issue nowadays is so much extreme porn desensitises men and makes normal intimacy difficult

  10. What you're describing here doesn't sound like love bombing to me. It sounds like someone who enjoys gift giving being very thoughtful and generous.

    (For transparency's sake, sharing that gift giving is also my love language, so I may be biased.)

  11. A year and a half of a serious rejection ship when you’re 28 & 29 is t unusual to be thinking about marriage. If she wants kids then that had to be sorted in the next few years.

    They are at different stages. That’s not inherently wrong but neither is it “dodging a bullet”.

    Given how poor he is at communicating, I’m pretty sure he wasn’t half as serious about her as she was about him. Good to know this sooner rather than later.

  12. Ma’am, I do not have enough strength in my thumbs to type out on my phone all the reasons your boyfriend sucks a field of dicks, and all the ways this is completely fucked up. I hope it suffices to say that if my own son ever spoke to his girlfriend like this, I wouldn’t speak to him again until he’d apologised to her and begged her forgiveness.

    Your boyfriend is a very, very bad person. And not in a fun, exciting, dangerous way. Just in a shitty, pathetic, insecure sexist way. You shouldn’t give him another second of your time.

  13. Has she been diagnosed as being a sociopath (or whatever the correct word is?)

    How is cruelty ever okay?

  14. I feel so bad for OP.

    That mother is an absolute garbage human being. Destroyed his life and her daughters life.

    I'm so sorry OP. Please keep a positive heart, you were deceived and you did the right thing telling the truth.

  15. I feel so bad for OP.

    That mother is an absolute garbage human being. Destroyed his life and her daughters life.

    I'm so sorry OP. Please keep a positive heart, you were deceived and you did the right thing telling the truth.

  16. I feel so bad for OP.

    That mother is an absolute garbage human being. Destroyed his life and her daughters life.

    I'm so sorry OP. Please keep a positive heart, you were deceived and you did the right thing telling the truth.

  17. … I mean this as delicately as possible.

    You were 19 and he was 45. From the very beginning, did you ever stop to consider why such an older man wanted to be with you?

    That “fun and adventure” that he’s missing is because of the sort of relationship he had cultivated with you. The fact that he’s more worried about that and about lack of sex than he is of your well-being should tell you all that you need to know.

    The harsh reality is that he groomed you into who you are now. That’s why old men seek out younger women. To mold them into what they want them to be. Only in this case, you’re not giving him what he wants so he’s blaming it on you.

    If you have friends and family to turn to, I suggest you do so and start working on an exit plan. He’s showing you that he’s putting his desires and needs before yours. Please, don’t let your life go to waste with a guy like him. Get away and live your life.

  18. Telling him might not carry the weight your hoping it does, and could further hurt you in this already difficult time. Just try your best to focus on yourself.

  19. Uh, have you been on Reddit? If someone comes on saying their partner doesn't brush their teeth, 90% of the comments will be going on about how fucking disgusting that is and how at the minimum, they could brush. The pitchforks come out, as they should, because it's a basic hygiene issue. If someone wants to break up with someone over their poor hygiene, I don't think people would really judge them. Especially not on Reddit.

  20. You need to stop talking to her

    You need to make new friends and friend groups. Join a club, volunteer at an animal shelter. Get out of your comfort zone, and do new things. Focus on this

  21. Yeah I don't know why OP is under the impression she'll actually buy him out wholesale after explaining she makes less than him and couldn't get approved alone. She already pulled a bait and seitch. Either get it 100% with his name removed or make it clear she will be living as a guest in OPs major stake and as a stranger.

    You take it all with no strings attached or your living arrangement you toiled for will be a rude awakening

  22. First off he isn't YOURS and you don't belong to him. Second if he profile isn't private you werent invading his privacy. 3rd you probably won't be compatible

  23. She sound awful. I would end the relationship because she's incredibly rude (and mean) for no reason.

  24. Seriously. The number of people applauding this guy for going John Wick on the dad is insane to me. He didn't even do it in the heat of defense. It was a calculated move to teach dad a lesson, and he escalated the violence by a factor of eleventy. OP is surrounded by lunatics, and her abusive dad is not even the worst.

  25. For many men, physical affection is very important. You have the right to do as you will. But if you want a long term connection, you either have to select for men with a similar lack of interest as you or you need to find a way to make satisfying your partner a priority. Note I didn’t say obligation. If you’re going to pair up with someone who is fulfilled by physical intimacy, faking it will not help. It needs to be something you genuinely value and not a box you’re checking. And it doesn’t end, it’s a lifelong commitment.

  26. Because there’s a lot of stories of families luring women back home then killing them. You’d have to be nuts to go back there regardless of what they say.

  27. In my experience, cats either get along or not, and you can tell from the first 6 months. I doubt it will ever improve while those two cats live together, unless maybe confining each to certain parts of the house. He seems quite firm that the cat needs to go, so honor his wishes and move out with her.

  28. Why should he not get inheritance from his father. Yes what they have said is a dick move. But that's all it is.

  29. By all means, stick around and learn to enjoy his behavior. If his drinking kills him, don’t worry—your refusal to leave will mean that you’ll have a son-in-law just like him, soon enough.

  30. Maybe millions of women then shouldn't cover their cheating with lies about SA. You can literally blame people of your own sex of abusing trust. You know what else is fucking gutting? Being cheated on and lied to.

  31. Maybe millions of women then shouldn't cover their cheating with lies about SA. You can literally blame people of your own sex of abusing trust. You know what else is fucking gutting? Being cheated on and lied to.

  32. Girl, put him to bed? That’s parenting talk. It sounds like you’re very familiar with taking on responsibility that really should be on him. I understand that you want him to thrive and succeed but there are things that fundamentally should not be your concerns to worry about. It sounds like your mental load is at capacity and that you’re more of a caregiver than a partner right now.

  33. Which is a two-way street. Her boyfriend does not consent to have a partner that ditches him this often. Her options are to compromise or break up. Why is that so complicated for you?

  34. Tell him that he can either be “right” or he can have a girlfriend but he cannot have both. I strongly believe that if you have to brow beat your partner in to seeing and agreeing your point you don’t actually care about them as a person at all. People like this seem to never be able to compromise. This won’t work.

  35. You can tell him the sex is good and how it pleases you til your blue in the face. Hes still gonna want to be bigger.

    He believes you when you say these things but its more about the little voice in the back of his head telling him “if you were bigger, she'd have more pleasure” (or something like that)

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