Crystal Cream live webcams for YOU!


Did you miss me? , ❤️

Date: October 17, 2022

13 thoughts on “Crystal Cream live webcams for YOU!

  1. You don't live your life to please other random people. Sounds like there was a misunderstanding and it was presented to them that way, yet they are holding a grudge. You have a right to tell your girlfriend that you don't want to meet the people who talked shit behind your back again. It's not a you problem, it's a them problem.

  2. Honestly, I’m 100% certain he treats your daughter that way because he doesn’t think she’s his child. The thing that really stood out to me way that the rest of the family has blue eyes, she’s the only one with brown. While two blue eyed parents CAN absolutely make a brown eyed child, but that’s not what I (and I’m sure many others) remember learning in high school biology.

    I genuinely feel like the oversimplification of punnet squares/genetics in the US (I don’t know if it’s like this in other places too) can be so damaging in situations like this, and this is definitely not the first post I’ve seen where a father denied his child because they have blue eyes and their kid has brown, and it always ends up coming back around to this bullshit.

    I think it’s more than time for some family therapy and a DNA test. It really sounds like he thinks you cheated, and instead of addressing it head on, he’s passive-aggressively taking it out on you and your daughter, and you need to do something about it asap.

  3. Ok so, this type of question comes up a lot on reddit and here are my thoughts.

    Get a grip on your life and grow up (Not saying that to be a dick just being honest)

    You're a grown ass adult in a committed relationship. You know better then to even think about getting involved nonetheless have feelings for your current partners friend.

    You need to focus on your life. And stop prioritizing these little high school crushes over yourself and your actual future and happiness.

    Let me explain

    Do you have an emergency fund? Is your car paid off? Do you plan on buying a house? How is your credit? Can you afford your bills right now? Are you able to put food on the table? How is your health? Are you saving for your retirement?

    You should really be focusing on those and getting them in order.

  4. You’re title is wrong. You’re husband raped your sister. You should divorce him and give support to your sister. I’d be willing to bet this isn’t the first time he’s done this.

  5. You are moving away from the problem at hand and bringing in an issue that is out of scope.

    We have no reason to believe the op is lying and had some sort of affair with a man who offered her a ride. Thus, betrayal of trust is impossible.

    If he wants to get on her ass about putting herself in danger he can do that but to completely push her out isn’t the way to go.

  6. because well culture

    It was “their culture” and she couldn’t help it when it was time to mistreat and use her daughter, and it was “their culture” to throw her under the bus in favor of her brother.

    But when it was time to have illegitimate children with a married man, OP wasn’t quite so interested in respecting cultural norms.

  7. It's very misogynistic.

    If you weren't, you would've said something like “I've never known a woman I'm dating react well to an ultimatum.”

    Instead you decided you know what ALL WOMEN are like, based on a teeny sample size.

  8. They test your sperm count afterwards. Like months afterwards. Yes failures happen but it’s very rare. Multiply that by the 0.01% failure rate of condoms and boom. Reasonable for this guy to think there’s a 0.001% chance of his wife cheating on him

  9. Honestly, the religious use of condoms post supposed vasectomy makes me feel like this is what’s happening here. Why would you use condoms every time with a monogamous life partner if you got a vasectomy and got it verified like you’re supposed to? Something is off.

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