Blu Meree live webcams for YOU!


15 thoughts on “Blu Meree live webcams for YOU!

  1. Read this back. You’re continually making excuses for what is controlling, coercive behaviour. This will not get better, in fact, it will only get worse when his ‘ownership’ of you gets more imbedded. Next he will be calling you derogatory names, if he hasn’t already. Run, run as far as you can get.

  2. He didn’t do it during our relationship. It was in the past before he started dating me. What would you do?

  3. The dog is being neglected. The dog isn’t getting attention or exercise. Yeah, I’d break up with someone who neglects or abused their pets. Stopped talking to my mother for similar. That dog is living in a prison.

  4. Dude, get out. As a woman I use all sorts of pillows because I am so upset of giving my pregnancy pillow to my SIL. My husband gets it. It would be fine if I got another one.

  5. Did we read two totally different posts or???? She said she can't “risk” seeing him again. That's placing blame and making OP feel like he's no better than a POS physical abuser. Reddit is absolutely fucking insane.

  6. Yes there's so many problems and I feel uncomfortable thinking of every aspect. He is 20 yrs older. He is aggressive at times. It is because the good list of what he does is very good unfortunately and why I have stayed but I have given him chances and he kept blowing up.

  7. The guy that told you that previously is correct. If a man really wants to be with you, he will. And if he doesn’t make the effort, he’s not ready for whatever reason. I don’t necessarily think his reasoning is wrong, but I work for myself, so I understand it . But he still doesn’t want you enough to make the relationship work and that’s the bottom line.

  8. I asked him to show more affection when we're apart since we weren't able to see each other as often recently, about once every two weeks. We agreed previously that I would ask for affection directly if I need, and I only do that when we barely talk over the day.

    He said he doesn't have the time and energy to show more affection and me asking for affection is a little exhausting. He is already spending most of free time with me and give me all he can. The conversation ended after I told him okay and I wouldn't know what's in his mind if he doesn't tell me.

    I do wish to see him this weekend in person to talk but he wants space apparently.

  9. He's irresponsible. It sounds like he needs to get his life together and not be in a relationship. You can and will find better.

  10. I can't say if he would stop if your soft react or if he would actually leave v only he's going to know that. I think it may be worth really reflecting on things and what your gut tells you. I really hope the best for you, you deserve a to but be hurt by a partner

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