SpringChamomile live webcams for YOU!


Can be people here such nice crazy and kill that goal ? Let’s Check it 😀 [8829 tokens remaining]

Date: October 16, 2022

43 thoughts on “SpringChamomile live webcams for YOU!

  1. Not every place or girl offers extras and $800 for two girls for an hour is actually cheap. And sometimes men get warped into it because they want to flaunt infront of their friends more than anything. Either way don’t know what his intentions or what was going through his mind that made him buy the dances but if he’s spending money he doesn’t have and around holiday time it might be more of an emotional thing you’d be surprised the amount of married men that are just looking for the fantasy to dissociate from their lives for and hour

  2. You do realize that the issue is that she used him to CHEAT on her relationship right? Right as he is still getting over his breakup.

    If a guy picked up a girl screwed her then told her not to talk about it with anyone because it would mess up his relationship. Everyone here would absolutely be telling her to tell everyone in the friend group.

    The issue isn't that he slept with her. It is that she used him, he is now part of her infidelity, he is getting the burden of hiding this, and on top of it all is the salt in the wound of it being his ex that was mentioned.

  3. Yeah, I would say the same thing. People aren’t perfect (except for you, ofc /s). You don’t know the totality of their relationship but you’re sure quick to judge.

  4. Why are you so invested in what he deserves lmao this is relationship advice not a courthouse.

    You assume she's done that when it has nothing to do with the post.

  5. First. I think it's fantastic she has an older sister looking out for her. She may not appreciate it now, but guaranteed she will in the future.

    This boy is her age, correct?

    If so, I'd just make her understand the dangers of sending anything NSFW related via, discord, text, chat, whatever. It will never go away! Can be used as revenge, can be shared on terrible sites with terrible predators.

    And as PP's have said. Talk to her about birth control. Offer to take her to a clinic to get a gyn exam. That way she doesn't have to tell your mom, if the potential for abuse is that real.

    I'd take the approach of trying to help her navigate this, as apposed to trying to stop it, or get her punished. If you're careful about how you go about it, hopefully she'll trust that you're on her side and she can confide in you.

    This isn't going to go away, obviously she's going to continue to mature and explore her sexuality with or without your guidance. WITH your guidance, she can learn how to be responsible, respect herself, others, and not get into a bad situation.

    Good luck!! And good job taking care of your little sister! So many your age would just write it off as not their problem. Speaks volumes about your own maturity and compassion.

  6. Dude, she's with you. Everybody has a type and many times your partner will not be that type, that doesn't mean anything. But if you want to pursue a different body anyway you can start lifting.

  7. As someone who has dated someone in the past who didn’t shower nearly often enough because from their perspective they “didn’t smell bad” I have some unfortunate news for you… you probably do have a bit of a smell but you yourself are nose blind to it. Depression is hard (believe me, I know) but showering will not only make you feel better, but those around you’s noses as well.

  8. Wtf are you talking about? How are you gonna tell me about my sexual experiences. It was bad because the guy never listened to my instructions and two because he was extremely out of shape (he was skinny). He couldn’t even go on short 20 minute hikes without being winded. We were extremely incompatible both mentally, physically, and emotionally. I learned drastically from that experience about my needs and what I like in partners have had much better experiences.

  9. “At my insistence”, yikes. Music is who he is +He doesnt wanna have sex with u and he probably would prioritize his music over any future child he might have, maybe he’s not the right guy for u

  10. Time to let him go. You don't want children and the bullying you into having kids isn't going to away once those kids arrive. He will simply find something else to bully you about.

    Annoyed for you. Annoyed that you have to deal with this nonsense not just from him but his family too.

  11. I don’t think poly relationships work for people who want a committed one on one relationship. They remind me of the 80s when we just played around with everybody. We didn’t call them Polly but it’s how we lived. You may want something more adult like a one on one monogamous relationship.

  12. She pushed to meet you in person after three months, and she dresses up, to collect some small little things? That’s an “I want him to miss me but don’t want to admit it to him” move. Not cool, as it would toy with you, especially if you still were missing her. So I don’t blame you for being angry when it did make you miss her but then she pulls the friend thing. She made you feel unwanted which sucks so you lashed out to make her feel the same. For sure not your finest hour, but the anger you felt was totally valid. Just next time, call out the problem instead of trying to hurt her. “I went no contact to heal, and you pushing to meet in person messed that up and shows little concern for my efforts to move on. Not cool and I don’t appreciate it.”

  13. It's honestly extremely strange that the guy won't tell you his full-name. You have absolutely no idea who this guy really is! And given that he's proactively preventing you from looking him up, I would be very suspicious of him and not liable to believe any claim that he makes about himself (at all).

    Rather than believing that the guy might has some phobia of being scammed (etc), I would be more liable to believe that he's hiding his identity for a much more mundane reason, such as having a criminal record or being in a relationship with someone else.

  14. I hate to say it, but my instinct is he either is married, or has a girlfriend and you are the other woman. Even if I am wrong about that…anxiety and stress are not an excuse for dishonesty. I would give him till the end of the week at the most. Sometimes you have to set boundaries to protect yourself.

  15. Thank you I love all of this advice, she is planning to see a psychologist just sorting out dates, just at the moment I feel a massive kick in the stomach as, she’s shared so much personal information, made so much progress and effort in becoming interested in sex, finally getting her sex drive back, not disassociating and feeling sex on an emotional level and my overthinking has created the thought that even tho she says these things that our relationship won’t rebuild intimacy because now I’ve done a similar thing to her ex and I should’ve know someone who was raped in their sleep wouldn’t want to be woken up by me pushing on her (which I do know better but stupidly ran with “treat sex normally” when clearly it wouldn’t apply to that

  16. I mean I would just pay 50/50. You have enough to travel abroad for a summer but not pay your rent? Sounds like you need to check your priorities

  17. Tomorrow, tell her you dreamed she was cheating on you, and then spend all day berating her and cursing her out for being a cheat. Do that for a week, maybe with variations of her dream sins. Hopefully, that will cure her ridiculous behavior.

  18. It could be. He doesn't object, but I don't want to force him into inviting me, when he doesn't want to. Most of the time he just says that he is going out with the person.

  19. Yes but her diagnosis is only as good as her assessment was comprehensive. Is she following medication and counseling? I think you could offer some perspective on her behavior. She is unlikely to report behavior she has already normalized in her mind.

  20. OHH MY FUCKING CHRIST! Get your shit and get the fuck out of there for now, Stay at a hotel or something; STAND UP for your self and stop being a bitch what the actual fuck…

  21. This doesn't answer your big picture question but to help ease the burn out I suggest a crock pot. Make stew or curry or something, put it on keep warm and then you have food on tap all week. My favorite or Japanese curry, super easy to make and food is sorted for 3-5 days. When I'm hungry I just cook some rice real quick which just entails boiling water, measuring rice, throwing it in the pot, covering it and walking away for 17 minutes until it's ready then plating that and the curry. Or just regular stew if you wish so no rice prep. There are tons of meals like this that can make cooking easier for her so she can help or easier for you so less burn out.

    I also love soaking soft boiled eggs in soy sauce, sesame oil, sesame seeds and green onions. I can add this to breakfast or to some ramen noodles or whatever and it cuts down on prep time, you just grab them from the fridge.

    Look into easy meals like this – it helps burn out significantly when you can lighten the loads in different areas of your life.

  22. Atheists doesn't believe in all powerful beings that interact us, immaculate conceptions, heaven and hell, etc.

    If you distance yourself from it…

    So there is that.

  23. Could anyone suggest some ways I can improve this situation? Small ways to improve my health so I can appease him?

    I can think of a way to improve this situation. Do yourself a favour and drop 150lb of useless sexist husband. He's the problem, you are perfect as you are

  24. Wait….IF he got. Vasectomy you do not need condoms once he is declared spread free. Nobody uses them religiously after someone is sterilized if they ACTUALLY GOT STERILIZED

  25. Does the degree of offender's fault matter? If your murdered getting sentenced guess what you are still dead. So focus on how to avoid it the best you can.

  26. Your unwillingness to end the friendship would have been it for me. He has no respect for you, your boyfriend or your relationship. He is not your friend. If any of my friends asked me to cheat on my partner let alone with them the friendship would be over.

  27. That makes no sense. Has your father made a will? Also, if your father becomes disabled, someone needs to be able access the accounts.

  28. Keeping this trash in your life is not only a massively negative thing for you, but it will also set a poor example for your daughter when she starts growing older.

  29. That unwanted and/or too soon groping shit bugs me, and in this context, 10000% not okay. I’m sure you felt extremely uncomfortable. I would not see him again. Even if you discuss it, who knows what he’s do next time. What a grabby douche.

  30. There is a fourth option. Get yourself off before sex, then you'll be more sensitive and maybe get it twice. His confidence and performance might improve if he thinks he's getting you there. If it doesn't, at least you've gotten your O. I'm sure you've tried the warm wash cloth pre to increase blood flow and arousal gel? And honestly, until he gets the hint, I'd make him use a C. Ring.

  31. Why would you stay with this guy? He’s not pulling his weight and he apparently has a substance abuse problem to boot.

    Let him get a bicycle or take public transport. His mistake shouldn’t equate to punishing you.

    I’d just throw the whole man out and start over.

  32. You have to take care of your orphan child. That is a no-brainer.

    It’s unfortunate that you didn’t know about her sooner. I understand that your wife may want to opt out, but she has to come to that decision pretty soon to avoid further destabilizing the girl who just lost her mother and is just meeting her father.

    Regardless, you have to take care of your child, whether as a married man or as a newly single one.

  33. You made bad calls and now you are poor, full stop.

    You chose to make having kids a priority, they are expensive,

    When you have kids you are basically sacrificing the rest of your life for them, very Nobel.

    Your friend has to responsibility to feed anyone but herself.

    You have a responsibility to your kids she does not,

    If you feel resentment, about her success, and choices, and that makes you feel worse about your choices, then tell her you don't want to be friends anymore and ghost.

    You have no responsibility to her either.

    But its not about her being selfish, being selfish would be is you asked, “hey babe, I can't afford to feed my kids can I borrow 20$” and she said no. At that point you can tell her you don't want to be friends and ghost.

    But thinking your friend is rich, and you are poor, and she owes you, or your kid, that's toxic, and its 100% on you.

    The kids call her aunty fondly? Well then if you ghost her because you are jealous, you are hurting your kids, maybe one day she would help them get a job, we don't know.

    Its tricky, and I hurt for you, no easy answer here.

  34. Your dog is warning you about this man. All his red flags are warning you about this man. You’ve been with one abuser – don’t fall for another.

  35. You should wait for the close distance relationship to find out. Maybe he didn't even see your photos. Maybe he still has a thing for her. Just hold on to that information for future decisions.

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