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10 thoughts on “The_girl_without_brakeslive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. If my spouse made my relatives funeral an uncomfortable environment for me, I don’t know if we would make it far after that. You needed his support and instead he criticized how your family grieved, went out of his way to be upset (it’s normal not to introduce people at a funeral, there’s a bigger thing happening!), and then was emotionally volatile at the end of the day.

    I would think really hard if this behavior is a one off with an underlying reason or if this is an escalating behavior, or something that you’ve shrugged off in less serious situations.

    Reddit is quick to tell people to break up but obviously we don’t have all the details. But consider bigger situations – can he put his ego aside for the wedding? Will he be different at a closer relatives funeral? What will his support look like if you’re ill, or giving birth, or lost a job? And ultimately is this sustainable for you?

  2. With criminal assault and battery cases, the state will press charges with or without your cooperation.

    And yes, you would be wrong to get back together with her. You’re not a good mix.

  3. He's abusive but in a different way than your parents. You need to get out. He THREW FOOD AT YOU. That's not okay. And “you can celebrate me with anal”…who thinks that's okay?

    He clearly has given up. This isn't healthy. I'm not even gonna suggest couples therapy here. You deserve so much better.

    You can't change him. He's showing you who he really is.

  4. Tbh, you sound amazing. Lol. He needs to get over it or find some boring girl at church if that’s what he wants.

  5. Question. Does the rare blood disorder really mean you have like a year or two left? Because that is what he makes it sound like. I would divorce his ass. I know zero kids that grew up happy because the parents stayed together for them.

  6. thats literally called “crazymaking” its part of the abuse. you need to get away from this guy for your own safety. /u/ebbie45 has resources in their profile which might help you

  7. Drug use explains his behavior; but it doesn’t excuse his behavior. You say he overstepped a boundary. Why else would you put a boundary in place if there won’t be consequences when someone crosses it. So what are the consequences? I hate er they are, follow through with them. I would tell him that this doesn’t work for you but wish him good luck on his journey. 9 yrs is a long time to hide who he really is from you. The lack of communication is what would feel like betrayed to me. Good luck.

  8. A dude you've been dating for a few months does not trump the opportunity to travel abroad for a month while you're young.

    You'll never forget your trip to Europe. You won't even think about this guy anymore by the time you're 25.

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