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dirty_girl23live sex stripping with hd cam


14 thoughts on “dirty_girl23live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Heart break is one of the worst pains you can deal with. You’re so young and 6 years is a long time. I suggest cutting all contact and focusing on yourself. I know it sounds cliche and you feel like it’ll never stop hurting but it will you just have to set yourself up for success. That means staying busy, mentally being positive, not contacting your ex and just time

  2. Yeah you are making a big deal, its business, and it’d be fucking awkward for him to ask if his gf can come along, especially if the other gal is paying for it all.

  3. I had a dad like this and it severely damaged me. That feeling of walking around on eggshells has never left me. I'm 36. I constantly question myself and always feel like I'm doing something wrong. Please get this man away from your kids.

  4. There aren’t any red flags, she is a bit distant to my family but it’s not like she was welcomed with open arms.

    But she has been by my side through thick and thin. Even when I was an ass she aaw mw through it.

    But everytime she brings up the wedding/date it puts me under so much stress and panic that I snap and we fight And it’s because I don’t have the support from my family and I know they aren’t on board

  5. Your husband is weird. I don’t like body odor either. But I don’t make it a habit of smelling my daughter who lives with me and my maid and Gardener. It’s weird. And your husband seems to have a low level OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder). Which his thing is smells. Others have a thing about cleaning or getting rid of things.

  6. It’s hard to accept it now because you are the oldest you have ever been, but you really need to listen when people tell you you’ve been groomed. Please don’t put yourself in a terrible situation with no way out.

    It happens subtly. He will make you feel like you pursued him and he had no fault here. This is wrong. You are/were a teenager and understandably want to pursue someone older. He has no excuse agreeing to go out with a teen in the first place.

    You feel like he’s using you as a trophy. As if he’s only sweet when he wants sex. Because these are TRUE. You are the young, sexy trophy to him. Nothing more, that’s why he doesn’t treat you better.

    Age gap relationships are not the issue. The issue is you were/are a teenager (legally adult, but not mentally) while he has been a full adult for a decade now and likely has a much more established career/finances/life goal/power. This imbalance puts you in a horrible position everyone’s asking you to leave

  7. Only you can decide that. You’re here specifically discussing it. It obviously bothers you. You’re now discussing the sunk cost fallacy; is it worth giving up the past due to a present situation?

    The past is the past. I’m not saying it means nothing; of course it does. But we’re now in the present. You’re also looking towards the future. Presently, your sex life has disappeared.

    I didn’t jump to the extreme measure off the bat. I want you to discuss this and hopefully find a sustainable compromise that makes you both happy. But what if you don’t?

    To elaborate on your question, is a bad sex life worth throwing away six years? That’s the wrong question. The question is, will you be ok with a sex life like this for the next six years?

  8. Please please think this through and talk through it with your wife thoroughly. I agree that it's the right decision to give her a stable home but PLEASE expect your daughter to have some form of trauma. He mom is not with her and she has not had a stable home life and that alone is very traumatic for a child that could lead to behavior problems now or later. You are going to need to educate your self on caring for a child who has experienced trauma and providing her the resources she needs to thrive. It's more than just a moral question, you need to think about putting her in school, what you'll do in the summers, feeding and clothing and entertaining and fostering her passions. Parenthood is a BIG job and you should assume that you will take on sole responsibility for her even if your wife doesn't leave. You have to consider what you will do if your wife doesn't leave but treats her poorly. Not to mention the fact that your daughter would be placed with someone she's never met a day in her life. It doesn't matter to her if you're her dad, she doesn't know you and it will take some time for her to feel safe with you. If there is no one else, I think you should do it but you have to be prepared or you are going to harm her further.

  9. I get that but its also the circumstances of that it just happened and I didn't plan it yk. I get that now that difference definitely makes a difference in the relationship, but it was just all very hurtful

  10. Why do you want to stay in a relationship with someone who would do this to you? She is treating you horribly.

  11. where the man is who used to love me

    At what point was this, my love? This man has been manipulating you since college to keep you under his control and reliant on him. That is not love in any way, shape or form.

  12. Haww fine. Just dont call me an idiot and the omfg why are you still here spiel?? Life if shades of gray and love is a helluva powerful drug. When we were about 6 months in we took a little weekend getaway and we were both drinking and she pushed me. She was mortified and profoundly apologetic the next day so I genuinely forgave it and took it as a one off due to her past trauma that would never happen again. Which it didn't, for almost three years. The next time she actually slapped me and I had to physically remove her from the house and rather than accepting responsibility and proper apologies it was just a myriad of excuses about why it happened (basically I went out with some friends and she suspected I had cheated on her. I didnt.) She said it that it would never happen again but I dont know that I can believe that anymore. She tried AA for a while but decided she doesn't need it anymore as she has cut back on her drinking a lot. It's not even about the drinking and the abuse honestly (Yes, I know that's messed up yes I'm in therapy for it. My self esteem is fine thank you its a child of raging alcoholics issue) It's the fact that she didn't take responsibility for what she did and just fucking own it. I think fuckups big or small need to be taken responsibility for and she's pretty emotional immature in general. This is the “baggage” I speak of. Could I get over it? Idk maybe. But do I want to marry someone who has at some point put there hands on me? That just feels like a no from me dog. And if we're not gonna get married after all than I think we're just wasting each other's time for the sake of convenience. There's still love there but it sure as hell ain't what it used to be.

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