MEGAN-HUDSON01 live webcams for YOU!


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Date: October 12, 2022

15 thoughts on “MEGAN-HUDSON01 live webcams for YOU!

  1. Exactly. She’s no where even near overweight at that height and weight and thus doesn’t bode well for the future that his standards are that inflexible.

  2. Fool me once, shame on you Fool me twice…you know the rest

    If you don't divorce she will know you are a pushover and she will start cheating blatantly while giving you the most halfhearted excuses if she bothers with it at all. You'll resent her, she won't respect you, and your kids will pick up on that hostility.

    Kids aren't stupid, they're gonna find out mommy is a cheater at some point, and you will be teaching them it's okay to stay with a cheater even if it makes the whole household an awful feeling place. And if she doesn't respect you guess what she's gonna tell them? “Daddy is a sensitive baby, always overreacting” I don't know why you're okay with your wife disrespecting you but are you okay with the chance your kids do as well while you try and play peacekeeper?

    And you're not stupid, you KNOW she's cheating. And even on the astronomical shot she isn't it's still a problem that she has, knows she betrayed you, is still talking with the people she betrayed you with, and is now making you think you're unreasonable for asking her to stop. Wake up and smell the kool-aid, your marriage is already over. Get a lawyer, get in therapy, prepare how you're going to tell your kids this as well as family and friends, and get out of this sham. SHE DOESN'T DESERVE YOU

  3. Similar to what is written here except she claims he is her husband and best friend (yeah, right). She says she doesn’t remember the night due to drinking and she insists that she is not a lesbian.

  4. I thought he could handle it because of his success

    So this implies you feel that being autistic is a joke and/or an insult.

  5. Are you both on the lease? Or title? If not. I would give an ultimatum of he has a job by the end of the month and starts paying his share or he needs to move out and find someone else to date. Then get a roommate even if they take over the living room. Or move out and find yourself something more affordable. I hope since he isn’t working he is atleast pulling his weight losing out with the house chores. If he isn’t then he is using you as an atm and you should drop him.

  6. Go find another man that doesn't have sex then. Good luck finding a man that will put up with your selfishness AND doesn't want sex.

  7. Na, stick with your step-dad, I'm sure being effectively disowned by his daughter won't kill him. Besides, you are obviously a mommy's girl and catering to HER wishes for YOUR wedding. You and your mum are trash for considering this

  8. You’re not mature enough to stay in this relationship. You need to seek some help for your personal insecurities and stay single while you do it.

    Doesn’t the saying go ‘don’t go looking for things you’re not ready to find?’ You found what you were looking for.

    You cannot continue a relationship where you have no shared trust. You looked through her phone. You hired someone to bait her. Instead of directly asking her if something is weighing on her or how she feels about your relationship, which btw is how most adults deal with relationship struggles – communication.

    Also not quite sure how her commenting on other attractive people is to ‘get something out of you’ when she doesn’t say it to you but to her friends? Again, how would you even know this information? Just because you’re in a relationship does not mean you’ll never find another person you’d be attracted to..

    This would have always ended up with the same result – breaking up, regardless of how she responded to your bait because you’re the one looking for an out here.

  9. US universities are great, I have no idea how someone could have $250k debt from school. Community colleges are practically free.

  10. “My flat mate moved out last month, so I’ve had to move back to my parents”

    … could you not have just gotten a new flatmate? That seems like an easier plan than moving 2-3 hrs away (I can only imagine what your commute to work must be like now!).

    But even if you don't want a new flatmate for whatever reason … just talk to your gf about plans. Asking “so any news on whether your parents are okay with me moving in?” doesn't seem like something that would cause issues. I think you're over-thinking it.

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