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Imaray_1_live sex stripping with hd cam


34 thoughts on “Imaray_1_live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. I've tried therapy but frankly they are utterly useless. I've never once had a therapist give me any coping strats for anything, they just tell me to breath or that what I'm feeling isn't real.

    My mom probably has a lot of issues, I don't know what her issues with my gender are, she said after she had my brother she wanted another boy and she got a tomboy instead so idk what the problem is.

  2. Even if her friends were planting seeds of fomo/discontent,if the relationship was solid they wouldn't have grown. As they said, there is a lot of change between 19 and 28 and if you weren't growing together, you grow apart.

  3. This is an early Christmas present situation, definitely. He'll still love it, and it'll be a huge relief to him in the moment

  4. You should’ve broken up before ever getting pregnant based off your replies. You may want a man but don’t be desperate by staying with someone like this. There are plenty of adults that don’t mind being a step-parent and will be good partners.

    Your replies are annoying af! Stop justifying or defending his actions. Just because you think your kids weren’t around (out of your sight) doesn’t mean they won’t be in the future, especially if you keep this one.

  5. Please, for your children and for yourself move on and allow really respectful love into your life. You don't need to rush, keep being strong and get you and those innocent children to a new life. There is help available.

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  8. Everything else has been great. I feel I do a little more, but by choice. She doesn’t ask for anything and is very thoughtful and thankful

  9. yeah I confronted him about the message the stripper sent and of course he was like “you need to not feed into that bullshit and call me right now. you're flipping out over nothing and making assumptions, she's just mad she didnt get any of my money that night so shes trying to sabotage our relationship” so its just fucking gaslighting. Im just gonna leave and block. as much as it hurts, it hurts a whole fucking lot dealing with all of this cheating and drinking and yelling and disappearing too.

    I wish I could but he wont let me take him to rehab or even detox. Or even just to the emergency bed at his job for a couple of days. The night all of this cheating and him ending up in a bush downtown happened I got him a bed at a really nice medical detox for the next afternoon, he promised he would go just not to the shitty one downtown. but we got all the way out there and he refused to come out of the car for me or any of the admissions nurses. He literally works at a rehab and lives at the sober living connected to that program, but they're obviously enabling him too because so far hes gotten fucked up in their house several times, missed work, shown up hungover or geeked out, disappeared for weekends, and he still has a job and there to live. I wish i could make him want to go back to detox and get back on the vivtrol shot but hes not gonna do anything he doesn't believe he needs unfortunately. It sucks that he didn't care about this relationship when I did so deeply, but i'm just glad I got desperate and turned to reddit for a kick in the ass and some encouragement to move on and do better for myself.

  10. If you even have 1% of respect for your current gf, you won't confess to another girl while still being in a relationship………………..regardless of the outcome.

  11. You obviously want to have control over the relationship. I could tell that much just from reading the initial post. So you get what you want, but then you aren't happy with the outcome.

    If it were me (and it has been, before), I would start thinking about why I'm so dissatisfied all the time and try to find ways I can change that

  12. In 6 months you never touched his “vagina” and realised something is off.

    You are right to be upset, she lied to you for 6 months. Leave and never look back.

    I also don't believe this is a real story by the way, way too suss.

  13. You respond by asking if the person she cheated with has anything they would like to trade for it of equal or greater value. If they say yes her then repeat of equal or GREATER value and then drop the mic. Say burn. And then moonwalk right out of there

  14. It doesn’t sound like you understand him very well. You need to have more conversations with him about what being Jewish means to him. It’s possible he sees these as being more culturally Jewish, but I doubt you understand that idea either.

  15. You'd be surprised how long some men are willing to play the waiting game in the hopes of getting some action.

  16. I completely cleaned out our laundry room and set up a little space for him. He’s actually pretty good about ?? away from where he sleeps, and he’s locked on the hard floor. So it’s a good compromise. He seems happy there, and took his meds without a fight this morning. So we are on the upswing I think. Thank you for listening. And for not hating me for disliking the dogs.

  17. Its one beer that you're enjoying for yourself after work.

    You're not doing this to avoid him after work, right?

    Just a simple decompression and time to yourself. Sounds innocent to me.

    Would he feel the same way if you stopped at a coffee shop on the way home and spent 30 mins enjoying a coffee?

  18. girl it was over the first time he cheated..look at you now, you are paranoid, dont trust the guy and are waiting for the other shoe to fall…

    but I was very stupid and naive

    well if someone is exposed for what they are, then you can no longer be naive…ignoring what that person does and is, does kinda make you still 'stupid'. anyways, just find a new person who hasn't cheated on you. its not gonna work out and you will have these exact feeling for the entirety of your time with your cheater. Just move on, you will love someone else I assure you

  19. OP, you're in an abusive relationship. There's no fixing this. You need to get out. Going to couples' therapy with an abusive partner doesn't help, it only makes the abuse worse. You're making excuses for his behavior, but there are none. You're in danger, living with him. Hitting things escalates to hitting people. Read the book Why Does He Do That, it's available for free online. Please, take care of yourself ♥️

  20. He is going to have to learn one way or another that he should be paying more attention to his gf than his friend. It would be one thing if he meets this friend once every two years, and then spends more time having actual adult conversation and catch up to find out about the goings on in their life. However, it's quite the different story if you three are together often and he gives her a lot more attention

    Sure, it might be overcompensation on his end but either way, it's not making you, his gf, feel great so he should try to be more considerate

  21. The hell they will. It’s not uncommon for physically (and mentally) abusive partners to look perfect from the outside looking in

  22. He told you himself why he would act this way. He could never look his son in the eye if he went forward.

    That's putting the onus on the son, but it may also be that your crush knows this could never work. He's a completely different generation than you. He's going to find you immature eventually and you're going to find him tired and washed up eventually.

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