Lil_Virgin live webcams for YOU!


The purpose of my broadcast today (raising funds to pay for studies) [1069 tokens remaining]

Date: October 9, 2022

41 thoughts on “Lil_Virgin live webcams for YOU!

  1. Listen, I don’t know who needs to hear this but a Dildo/Vibrator does not equal a Penis. They are not interchangeable. One is not a replacement for the other. Just because she’s using a dildo doesn’t mean she’s lying about not being interested in sex (with you or with another human being).

    She’s definitely checked out of your sex life, and honestly I read how you describe this as something is wrong. Not just “she’s not into you” but wtf happened in your sexy life (or to her) to cause this and why are you oblivious to it?

    Has she checked out in other areas of your relationship? Is the distance and closed offness you describe here happening in your day to day lives? You say there are no real physical intimacies (hugs, kisses) are the other intimacies also gone (taking, seeking comfort in each other, etc).

  2. Cuddling is an expression of love, and you're feeling jealous. Maybe you are feeling rejected, or maybe you want more physical affection that is now being Mey by another means. This is just about managing your emotions and needs and then communicating them to your partner.

    So do some quiet reflecting about plushie, what he gives your gf and how you feel about that. Seriously, any emotion here is OK. It's not something to be laughed off or trivialised. Then, reframe it. She's allowed to have needs that aren't met by you, but then, if it's getting in the way of intimacy between you, you need to talk to her. Find a way between to literally throw plushie across the room for a spontaneous smooch. Treat plushie like her best friend. She's allowed to spend all her time with whoever she wants and get her to understand what her behaviours mean to you sometimes.

  3. I meet my dad when I was 18, and it was the worst decision I've ever made, anyways, I called my dad by his first name and he was ok with it.

  4. The only stupid take is “it's no big deal this guy wasted 17 years of someone's life making her wait for something she wanted from the beginning only to change his mind.”

    There are many things you need to decide together before getting married, and this is fucking A one of them. Holding someone up for half their life and then nah'ing out is selfish bullshit.

  5. without being able to get a hold of you, was she just supposed to sit there and be a nun in the hopes that one day you'll magically contact her? get over it or break up. the past can't be undone. and if you are considering getting back together with someone, don't block them on everything and expect them to psychically communicate with you and know what you expect them to do.

  6. That's besides the point My only issue is her new boundaries I don't think I'm going to let her have them to be honest I'm just waiting for the right time. If she asks me for more drugs, I'll tell her how I feel

  7. Hello /u/WerewolfConfident420,

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  8. 8-10 hour days every day (as stated in my post, I technically work four part time jobs, for privacy I won’t elaborate), didn’t make enough money until the last year to start paying it down, it was his house first, he wants to retire early so he works 5 12 hour shifts a week unless he is offered more time to work. I contribute what we have agreed on.

  9. What in the romance novel is this? Should’ve clocked the amount of bs I was about to read when you started off by trying to make sure we all knew how much you love you fiancé.

    So many words for, “I cheated on the man I supposedly want to spend the rest of my life with and helped ruin a marriage.”

    This isn’t Disney sis. Wake up. You made big girl decisions. You emotionally cheated on your fiancé and the finished to job. This isn’t a white lie that’s snow balled like you put it.

    No, you’ve been unfaithful, and for a very unoriginal reason at that, no matter how well you’ve articulated yourself.

    This about respect, not love. You claim this man you’ve been cheating on is important to you? Cool. Tell him.

    If you love him, then he deserves the truth at least.

  10. My husband went away for 2 weeks to an overseas wedding while I had a 6 month old at home. But he was a groomsman. And if there would’ve been more notice (read: a longer engagement) then I would’ve gone too. But he checked in all the time and 8 years later I still milk it sometimes. Haha.

    You don’t have to be okay with this OP. It really does seem super unrealistic. Please consider digging for the truth about what’s going on.

  11. I be if it would be threesome with another woman, he'd not stop for sure. Why should he? He had fun and isn't responsible for her feelings.When she agreed to threesome, she'd have to bear the consequences. -s-

  12. You cannot stay with him. He has already lied and taken advantage of you. You cannot trust anything that he says.

    Where did the money go?

    The IRS isn’t going to raid those accounts, and you can set up payments with them. Are you sure there’s nothing else going on because something stinks about this situation.

  13. Of course he would. Just another mommy to take care of him. He probably wouldn’t even care too much.

  14. Yea she has a job so she should be able to afford to pay her own bill. I think it’s best that I block her tbh

  15. If you continue I’ll continue to pinpoint of what I said after you said blah blah. So you ignore the concept with the laws so im ignoring this one :).

  16. Yeah. Don't accept this. Find a lawyer. Even starting completely fresh is better than what this woman is doing to you.

  17. My little sisters are still so young, they deserve the loving parents i grew up with. That’s so hard damn

  18. Because I still have feelings for her. I still love her and wish things are different.

  19. The account was so obviously a catfish too, just absolutely stupid really. Like the messages were strange, like the conversations seemed so forced and callous. I don’t even know why he kept going with it.

  20. “Rhythm method” is a flipping poor way of BC. You’re correct. I assume she just really wants to get pregnant.

  21. Med school was my plan before the debt. Also not asking Reddit at all if I can break up with him lol, I’m asking for advice.

  22. My wife made me take the one I got her back. Come to find out, she knows a lot more about jewelry. She stopped me from getting ripped off. We got a better price and a set instead of just the ring at a different store.

  23. My state only has 3 days notice if I'm understanding the laws correctly. I'll issue something in writing by the end of this work week if she doesn't have plans. She has been reaching out to family I assume with the several phone calls yesterday and today.

  24. Yeah sorry man. This is done, move forward and do better for yourself, you definitely can. I’m sorry this happened.

  25. Sounds like she’s not taking you seriously because you tolerate this behavior.

    Maybe try a trial separation. She may realize how she was being unfair or she may (and you may) realize that you are better off apart.

    Either way, you shouldn’t put up with this.

  26. Is it possible he is highly self aware, and being vocally self critical of himself in an effort to recognize his weaknesses and address them?

    Did you get the sense he was attempting to improve?

  27. How do you have such massive balls to fuck up and treat him awfully then still find some way to blame him for it.

  28. Get shot of the pos.

    You look fine.

    Who tells people about their gf or wife’s body parts? I’d feel disgusted if my wife did that about me.

  29. We had all the pictures saved in our chat which keeps it from getting deleted which is why im a little conflicted even though i get where youre coming from.

  30. Depression is contagious. This will not get better without counseling. Make a good choice here.

  31. Care to enlighten us as to the definition of “actual” abuse versus whatever victim blamey thing you would call this?

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