LoandraWet live webcams for YOU!


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Date: October 6, 2022

82 thoughts on “LoandraWet live webcams for YOU!

  1. Should I bring up that it may be a possibility or should I just let the trip play out and see how things go?

    Also thank you for the reply

  2. To me your husband is “interested”. You are not overreacting to me your husband is extremely disrespecting for doing that in front of you. It’s either you set a boundary or investigate

  3. With any of your sexual partners you need to tell them that you have trouble saying no and then come up with another word or hand movement that says no when you physically can’t say it. If you are having sex you should be able to tell your partner that it made you feel used. Hopefully you get therapy and look up info on communication and boundaries when you are a survivor of CSA. I seems like a bad idea to be living with a partner you can’t say no to.

  4. I'm not existing his actions in any way. I'm just explaining one way he might not be a scum bag. I'm mean, she did say yes after all…

  5. You are worthy of love and affection and accommodation and understanding. Indeed you are.

    BUT, you need a person who is right for you, and this guy isn't.

    Maybe he sucks. Maybe he's weak. Maybe he just got overwhelmed and realized he isn't in a frame of mind to be a good partner to you. Maybe he realized that he cannot accommodate your particular needs. Maybe he's been dishonest about this because he's conflict avoidant, or maybe he's been specifically trying to avoid conflict with you because he's concerned about your reaction.

    You don't need “closure” from him. You need to take all this to your therapist and work through it with them. You need to accept the situation as it is. And you need to work on getting yourself to a place mentally and emotionally that you're better able to choose a partner who is right for you and recognize signs that they may not be.

  6. ?‍♂️ ?‍♀️ Run Forest Run

    This is a horrible situation and eventually you can get an Attorney and a Divorce and half custody of your two your old daughter.

    Please don't raise this little two years old vaby girl in a miserable marriage and it will greatly take affect on her, and it's not healthy for her to be raised in a miserable ? situation.

  7. Are they in his name or someone else's? My cousins are multi-country… I think they have 4 passports at this point.

  8. A quick glance, fine, but a full on stare and basically drooling?

    Put on a burka. Seriously. If men checking you out is that damn upsetting then cover up so they won't bother. Just don't expect nature to change to suit your delicate sensibilities.

  9. You are adults make some official(but tentative) division of labour within house. I also have issue of being oblivious of what needs to be helped with if someone else is mostly managing situation. It's better to establish it clearly from the get go, then he can know what needs to be done on the day before he is free for the rest of it.

  10. Then show the best version of yourself by setting yourself up for success. Your kids would rather spend the day at the zoo with a happy mom. They'd rather bake cookies at home with a happy mom. They'd rather go the park with grandma while Mom spends the day with her support system, so they can come home to a happy mom.

    Your kids do not want to go to some weird ceremony where their mom will be miserable and slapping on a fake smile.

    Your kids deserve to be shown what healthy boundaries look like and when people hurt us we can forgive them by adjusting our expectations of them and choosing to remove ourselves from negative environments for us.

  11. I feel that.

    I've sent her the statement and if she decides to leave then thats okay with me. Same thing as she leaving without seeing them

  12. Actually she let me know he has no idea that we talk at all. And she waits till he goes to work to call me… I wouldn't say I feel responsible for her but I do feel bad. Our interactions actually started again after the break up because of a medical situation she had because before that I had completely ignored her for like 6 months after the break up.. Also I've made it known multiple times she should go to her boyfriend instead of me but she always comes up with an excuse as to why she can't… I was vague with the details because I didn't think they mattered and I wasn't trying to paint her in a negative light. I was gonna see if I got any insight within the yes or no or id do this. I forgot that on the internet people don't wonder about both sides and just respond through a lense of self-righteousness and “wokeness.” You read what I wrote, even me stating I have reason to believe etc… For context telling you there's more to the story but you read it and thought you understood everything then responded again like you knew everything and are so right. As if I'd be asking if it's wrong to talk to her if he was OK with it… Why would I then feel bad if she wasn't purposely hiding the fact, and he was OK with it?

  13. OP, he probably told you right away to get ahead of your friend telling you.

    Did he explain when he sent the text asking to hook up? Did he ask while at the bar and left with her with the intention of having sex with her? The text itself is bad enough, but you need the whole story to get an idea of how far he's willing to go to cheat on you.

    You need to speak to your friend, tell her you know “what happened, and you want to hear her side of the story”. Then you'll have more information, which will help you decide what to do.

    Also, if he sent the text while at the bar, why didn't your friend tell you? Why did she allow him to get in the car alone with her knowing he wanted sex?

  14. its so stupid to pay mortage i'd rather have them write up a rental agreement and pay via that so im not sol

  15. Things aren’t going back to how they were.

    You need to leave. I know it’s hard but you’re allowing this to happen the longer you stay.

    He does not love you. Get that into your head. These aren’t the actions of someone who loves you.


  16. I would recommend you talk to your BF about it and decide what to do.

    1) You confront him to stop touching you

    2) You both confront him to stop touching you

    3) Your BF confronts him to stop touching you.

    I would recommend you guys do it together.

  17. Is this the same girl your brother had sex with when she was blackout drunk? The one you don’t believe and defend your brother to even though he told you about having sex with her and she didn’t remember it? If someone is so drunk they blackout then they cannot consent. Your brother assaulted her. Even if you don’t believe her.

    You also assaulted her. As you say in your own post you strangled her hard enough to leave bruises.

    She seems to have toxic behaviors too but that doesn’t excuse the two different kinds of assault from you and your brother.

    I hope you’re a troll but if you’re not: You’re not very much in love, you’re in a toxic codependent relationship and it needs to end before the violence escalates. You most certainly have not “turned your life around” as you say in one of your several posts about your predator of a brother if you think any of this is ok.

  18. No, I’ve reacted badly, and people have rightfully told me that I was reacting badly. Being called out and facing the consequences of your actions is not punishment. It’s right.

    And my family has faced similar situations. You know absolutely nothing about my life.

  19. Obviously you need to ask her about it. If she lies, I would take that as your sign that this relationship should end. Her behavior is controlling enough as is. Lying on top of it all would be a deal breaker for me. If she tells the truth, I would definitely set some expectations. Keep the screen time recorder of course and change your password. Is she getting any sort of professional help for her trust issues? If not, I would make that a requirement to even think about continuing the relationship.

  20. Ugh. This sounds miserable.

    If she isn’t interested in getting professional, proven to work help, then there’s not much you can do but walk away.

    At her age, I also have to wonder how much of this is exacerbated by perimenopause or menopause. I (44F) have struggled with my mood for the last few years and a lot of it is due to lack of sleep because perimenopause hormone crap interferes. And I’ve gained weight that I hate. Sometimes I feel very anxious for no real reason or have crying jags due to the hormones and exhaustion.

    In an ideal world, she’d see her OBGYN, rule out any hormonal issues, then see psych for medication and a therapist for strategies.

    “For better or for worse” doesn’t mean you stick around for abuse and dysfunction that a person refuses to address.

    If I were in your shoes, I’d see a therapist on your own, book couples therapy as well, and reevaluate in a few months. If she doesn’t want to seek help then you seek an attorney and get out. You don’t deserve to be so alone in a marriage.

  21. No, it is bad form that you argued with almost every post trying to help you. People would say “talk to her about…” and you would say I do and we did. People would say that you could work on communication and you would say “No, we have great communication” Asking for advice and not taking any is bad form sir.

  22. This is weird of her to do as a gf. My husband wouldn’t been done with me(while dating) if I did even half of what she is doing.

  23. Thanks for not accusing me of sexual assault

    You're lucky you're a female, if a male “shoved his hands down the pants” of his girlfriend the entire internet would scream sexual assault because obviously there was no discussion nor consent.

    You don't take action without having a discussion, that's sexual assault and it's bad.

  24. The age difference is definitely a thing to be concerned about. Along with the fact that he disrespects you with his family.

  25. Most recently she's been finalizing a years-long divorce with her ex husband who she's been living with and now needs to find a place to live in a city where she'll have to downsize a lot in order to afford.

    lol …. man …. how do some of you dudes even get in these weird ass situations. Was she your first piece of pussy or something ?

  26. How am I blaming him? I'm saying he shouldn't make his problem her problem. He's already asked her not to wear polish. She still occasionally does. Continuing to harp on her when she's clearly not changing for him is fruitless. I agree that he should leave if this doesn't resolve, because staying and trying to change your partner isn't a healthy relationship dynamic.

  27. Dump her ass. She's wildly insecure and will not be a good partner in the future. Imagine dealing with bullshit bombshells for the rest of your life

  28. More often doesn’t mean exclusively, she sounds like a sexist hypocrite.

    Yeah, that answer is so incredibly stereotypical I'm now half-suspecting that this whole post is fake.

  29. I’m a caretaker for my husband, who is physically disabled and uses a wheelchair. It gets to be a lot to juggle everything, so you have my sympathy.

    Something we recently started doing was contracting out some of the housework to remove some of that from my plate. It has made it so I’m not spending every second of my time laboring in some way. Once a week I have someone that can come in and take some of the work off.

    I will say that if you are feeling stuck, you should not stick it out for her sake. You can’t rightfully sacrifice your life and happiness for another person, whether that person is disabled or not. It will breed resentment. You deserve to be fulfilled and happy.

    That in turn leaves more time for nurturing my marriage, and not simply caring for my husband or our home in some way.

  30. Sure. But your experiences don’t exist in a vacuum. Otherwise people would say their feelings are valid and date children. So yea that doesn’t fly.

    But like every story on this sub life will correct this eventually

  31. Did you wrap your mouth around the words “hey, my bday starts at midnight. Stay here with me. Don’t go out with your friends!”?

  32. frfr, I mean after he says this “He says that means I’m not attracted to him anymore”

    I'd say, you're damned right I'm not so if you want some of my V Jay Jay tonight you'd better wash your willy. smh

  33. Victim Blaming next level in 2023.

    Also I like “your best friend doesn’t remember anything either , therefore it was not SA.”

    Close second is “this is what happens when you have an opposite sex best friend”

    And third “why were you organising a party and getting wasted with others on a romantic holiday”

    We only have her account, so assuming she’s a reliable narrator she doesn’t have a reason to lie anonymously on the internet.

    The best friend has a lot of reason to lie to her.

    I’d like to remind you that OP went to bed alone. Best fiend , and BF girlfriend confirms this version. She wasn’t “messing out and thing got out of hand” or anything like that. Why BF was in the bed at all?

    I hope none of this commenters has or will have kids, either male or female.

    OP there is a high chance that your best friend is not your best friend. Get tested for rape and drugs. I know it’s hard to come to terms with this but what other explanation do you have?

  34. You should have taken steps to earn his trust before this happened. You make bad decisions and have poor boundaries. It’s difficult to be in a relationship with a person like you. Hope your “friend” was worth it.

  35. he manipulated his ex and emotionally abused her for 7 years she had to go to a mental institution for awhile. He told me he never mentioned that to me at the beginning because he knew if he had I wouldn’t be with him right now.

    And he's manipulating you now.

    He's a loser.

    Leave him.

  36. Girrrrrrl! You’ve got a lot of nerve saying you hope people work on their issues. Oooff. Did your new husband buy that audacity for you as a wedding gift?

  37. Divorce.

    Do not seek custody of the youngest – if she’s displaying these characteristics now, she’s not going to change without drastic measures in the parenting, and for that your wife would have to change as well, and there’s a snowballs chance in hell that will happen.

  38. His brain doesn’t seem to register that it’s uncalled for or he wouldn’t be literally abusing his dog.

  39. I don't know your relationship dynamic, or her motivation, but is it possible she had a plan to get pregnant in a particular time frame, and by you now wanting to use condoms, you've taken her plan away? As in, she's being dishonest

  40. You literally said that he does all the housework, while having a job that takes up more hours than you. So to pull your weight, start by doing some housework as a start.

  41. Stonewalling is abusive behavior. Have you two considered couples counseling to learn to communicate better?

  42. I had a friend like this. Their ex best friend got her house seriously vandalized by them and their family when she (very kindly, imo) broke off the friendship, so I knew had to tread lightly. So basically I just acted like a total dud. I made sure I was either boring, annoying, or a mixture of both. That combined with careful distance can help ensure that they don’t want to revisit the friendship.

  43. Okay, she's enabling her mother to disrespect you and steal from you in your own home. Good to see how much she cares for you.

  44. Oh buddy. Make up a recipe. Make it sound real enough but put stuff in there that will clash and be terrible. Have fun.

  45. I'm not sure what's going on inn your relationship, or what's the timeline here, but you can't just unlearn all the things you know about each other, that's not how humans work.

  46. “The guy was saved under a different name and almost all messages were deleted.”

    Dude, this right here shows she’s still lying and deceiving you. Anything g she tells you please take it as a lie. She doesn’t respect you for forgiving her and she doesn’t respect the relationship. This is over and you’re the only one who doesn’t understand that.

  47. Well this post certainly seems to be an epitome of the internet and people judging others before even trying to understand

  48. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Until you learn how to communicate, don’t date. This is so toxic.

  49. I’m cool as a cucumber man.

    You don’t think her suggestion to leave a camera on while she’s gone so she can watch her husband is toxic? Come on now.

    Being insecure about her age is a normal part of life. Letting that insecurity manifest into controlling behavior by not letting their employee come over while she is gone isn’t something that should be accepted.

    There’s always a sense in this sub that men need to work on themselves to overcome their insecurity while women who are insecure about their age as it relates to interactions with younger women is something that is understandable and should be accepted. It’s bullshit.

    But overall I agree, this is probably just fake so whatever.

  50. So, let me get this straight:

    Your woman likes to dress up as a maid and have sex and YOU have problems with that? Jesus, grow a pair.

  51. I guess I'm not understanding what part makes you sick? I can understand finding the thought of you and your brother together to be gross, but I'm not sure why that's something that would stick with you for a year? He overreacted, yes, but surely not to an extent to where you'd want to be dividing up assets and time with your children.

  52. You have to break up with her.

    It alarms me that you don't realize that.

    She has very poor character and you're fundamentally incompatible because of the way you think about money and about the relationship.

    If you don't get out now she's going to get pregnant if she isn't already.

  53. He says that he needs my softer support and encouragement to get out of this and back to himself.

    Oh, bullshit. He can go to therapy and learn the root causes for his issues, not have you as a cuddly submissive caretaker, cooking, cleaning, and buying a grown man groceries.

    What he's asking for isn't interesting, it sounds like a total mind fuck to me. What are you going to do, praise him for sitting home all day while you cook dinner, cuddle him and help him care for his home? Welcome to bang-maid-dom.

  54. He says that he needs my softer support and encouragement to get out of this and back to himself.

    Oh, bullshit. He can go to therapy and learn the root causes for his issues, not have you as a cuddly submissive caretaker, cooking, cleaning, and buying a grown man groceries.

    What he's asking for isn't interesting, it sounds like a total mind fuck to me. What are you going to do, praise him for sitting home all day while you cook dinner, cuddle him and help him care for his home? Welcome to bang-maid-dom.

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