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Ana_Linguslive sex stripping with hd cam


9 thoughts on “Ana_Linguslive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. That's not decent and loving as you say, that is emotional manipulation. He knows he can get away with his abuse as long as he plays nice some of the time.

    Separating your money is the first step. Taking your earnings is like holding you hostage. He knows you can't ever leave of he controls your finances

  2. Have the video removed immediately and shame your family members that deliberately upsetting her and then edited to make her look bad. They probably did that just to get that video.

  3. She was a child?! A child going through trauma. You can try and justify what happened all you want but the bottom line is you failed her. YOU. You will never have a relationship with her until you accept that— because you did. You never tried to put her first at any time. She was always an afterthought—if you even gave her a thought at all. Not everything can be fixed. You destroyed your relationship with your daughter whether you choose to accept it or not. If you truly love her, do the hard thing, the right thing, the motherly thing—stay out of her life. Let her live in peace. You only represent pain to her. Let her have the happiness as an adult she never had as a child.

  4. She was a child?! A child going through trauma. You can try and justify what happened all you want but the bottom line is you failed her. YOU. You will never have a relationship with her until you accept that— because you did. You never tried to put her first at any time. She was always an afterthought—if you even gave her a thought at all. Not everything can be fixed. You destroyed your relationship with your daughter whether you choose to accept it or not. If you truly love her, do the hard thing, the right thing, the motherly thing—stay out of her life. Let her live in peace. You only represent pain to her. Let her have the happiness as an adult she never had as a child.

  5. I think we are both on the same wavelength maturity wise etc, we graduated uni together (as he came here to do uni) and we're both looking into getting a house etc. I don't care about age as long as I know I'm above legal age (not in a paedophilic way etc, in a societal way) what I care about is connection, because ultimately if anything romantic did come out of it, that would be the most vital thing. But right now it seems slim to naught 🙁

  6. How is she not logical?

    She knows deep in her heart that this is a dealbreaker. It’s very illogical to drag out a separation when you know there’s only one outcome.

  7. You should maybe read your own links that you post? It even says “the true percentage remains unknown”. How can they be certain of 5% then? Every “study” on this is flawed because it only uses proved false accusations in court, however most false accusations never make it to court, you don't need it, you can destroy a man's life with mob justice as well.

  8. This is awful advice.

    OP is nice and her boyfriend is an asshole. Having an insult competition with this guy will only get him to say even more hurtful things… that is not what she wants.

  9. You said no to the penis comment. She’s already told him multiple times his comments are hurtful but he doesn’t care. If he can dish it out, he can certainly take it. Is it petty? You betcha! But sometimes blunt pettiness is what a person needs to wake the fuck up.

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