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11 thoughts on “qxyqxylive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Sis, why are YOU settling for being treated like crap?

    Have some self respect. Dump him HARD.

    In a sea of millions of men, do you honestly think this is the best you can do? Someone who speaks to you (and genuinely believes) this?

    You are 21. You have a whole big beautiful life in front of you but you have to work a little bit for it.

  2. Honestly? From the sounds of it, you're stupid for each other. That's just my observation based on the little info that you've given about your history. It's just the timing that didn't line up.

    Probably. It's just that it took 6 entire years and me forgetting having feelings for her for something like this to pop up. I'm basically jumping between “why didn't this happen earlier” and “why did it have to happen now, why must the trigger have been this?”

    That's not your situation. Go for it. Love is a gamble, and the risk has already been greatly reduced for you two. Regret is for chances not taken. Don't make yourself regret not taking this girl if she's genuinely one that you want to take a chance with.

    I can see that to an extent tbh. Guess I should call her and not keep her waiting any longer. It's already been a few hours!!!!!

    Thanks… I was thinking of staying anyways, but thought it might be risky or something but yeah you're right, love is a gamble.

  3. Advice? What advice? Shes cheated before… She's cheating on her current – at least emotionally because it's “gone cold”. Is that why she cheated before?

    Why the fek do you think the person who cheated on you before… Is cheating on someone else now… Why do you think that person won't cheat on you in the future when your relationship goes cold?

    Advice? You love her… But she doesn't love you. Or the guy she's cheating on.

    If she did? She wouldn't cheat.

    You know the answer… Put that cheater in your rear view and don't look back.

  4. If he comes back regularly after being told “no thank you” that's on him.

    It's LITERALLY my point that you should say “no thank you”, instead of all kinds of weird bullshit stories.

    If you tell someone “I'm not looking for a relationship right now” how can you even blame them that they take it to mean as “try again later”?

    Yes, based on shared knowledge most normal men will understand that it's a bs story and move on, but there's much higher of a chance that some weirdo will take it as an incentive to keep trying. It's not an explicit no, it's beating around the bush.

    Never even fucking read my arguments, just blind insults and hate. I'm out of this thread.

  5. She doesn’t want you doing things that make you happy. She calls you a redneck. And you think you’ll be happy with that for the rest of your life? Nope. Find someone who even if they don’t share your hobbies accept you for who you are. Even better, find a Daisy Duke who enjoys your hobbies with you and likes you being happy. Life is to short to stay with miserable people who really don’t like you.

  6. Maybe OP’s boyfriend has been up and at work even longer. You literally just can’t know without the necessary info

  7. They think it’s normal to share spoons and even bar soap. So gross.

    It's entirely normal to share soap with family members you live with. However, if YOU think it's gross, that (on top of everything else) tells me you and he have some pretty different ways you like to live your life. I think you need to sit down and tell him how you're feeling. Try to avoid making judgments, stick to “I” statements and focus on how it's affecting you and your relationship with him. If that doesn't get you anywhere, it's probably time to end things.

  8. Lmao ur comment made me laugh OP. But yeah ignore this fucking weirdo.

    I wear glasses didn't wear them before i met my husband got them after we started dating by like years in my early 20s. He knows me with and without.

    I wear my glasses because contacts are uncomfortable af and my husband has never requested tht of me. The only time i ddnt wear my glasses was on my wedding day and he even asked if i was gonna be comfortable that way because he didn't give a shit. I lasted all up until the reception lol

    I get that you are upset about not the request specifically but the fact it seems he thinks he has the right to even ask u to change something about your body especially

    To show u off like some trophy especially a version of urself u arent everyday…which would mean he wld expect u to everytime he has friends over not wear ur glasses.


    To fucking do it for some random dudes u dont know.

    To what appease them?

    Thats weird af! I'm proud of u for actually standing up for yourself and telling him u aren't a doll that dresses up according to his specifications.

    If he wants tht he can go get it elsewhere ur a person.

    If he can respect tht and knows he fucked up good. But if he wants to try tht shit again. Leave! Its a whole red flag of him undermining ur self confidence to try and change u into someone he wants.

    Once that door is open it jst escalates.

    Oh and wear ur glasses proudly especially after this. Don't let him make u feel awkward about who u are. It's so stupid. Yall aren't 12.

  9. No, it’s not. Her job is, it seems, to ensure that you’re employed. You finally got a job. “Well done” is appropriate.

    You are wildly sensitive.

  10. The amount of resentment you're clearly harbouring towards one another is astounding.

    Why are you even bothering trying to make this work? You're both absolutely fucking miserable. Hang up the hat and call it a day.


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