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Mina23iilive sex stripping with hd cam


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Room for online sex video chat Mina23ii

Model from: vn

Languages: vi

Birth Date: 1997-04-22

Body Type: bodyTypeThin

Ethnicity: ethnicityAsian

Hair color: hairColorBlack

Eyes color: eyeColorBlack

Subculture: subcultureRomantic

Date: February 24, 2023

55 thoughts on “Mina23iilive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. I have some fur from one of my kittens I lost back in 2015. It's a bag with her name on it. In the bag is her favorite shoelace, ball, some of her fur and a piece of foam she stole from a box and made into a toy. I still miss her terribly. It's not that weird. Clearly you guys just aren't very compatible. I'd move on.

  2. I agree that OP should handle it but that's a lot of “don't let hims.” There are three people involved and the boyfriend is one of them. I think that dictating what must be executed could also backfire.

  3. I live in a very hot, subtropical country. I always shower before having sex, and ask my partner to shower before having sex too. It smells better, it feels better.

    > too much bureaucracy for sex,

    No, it's basic hygiene.

    >and that he doesn’t think other couples ask that of each other.

    Yea they do.

    >He also says that he’ll only take a shower if we are sure to have sex.

    No, take a shower when he gets home, not when he has sex.

    REGARDING SEX: It's your body, your choice, and you can place any demands before having sex, and you have the right to say no. He also has the right not to follow those demands either.

    REGARDING HYGIENE: I recommend just sitting down with him, letting him know he stinks after work and it's ok, and to take a shower and freshen up. It'll put him in a better mood.

  4. For over 20 years, I lived like this and didn’t even realize the full extent of how my ex husband controlled everything about me until I was free.

    Simple things, like getting the mail. Ridiculous things, like using the bathroom.

    I know everyone is saying leave leave leave…but here’s the thing: You’re not going to.

    Ask your doctor about working out. And go work out.

    Tell him to put your money back into your account. He can do that, or he can have his check garnished for the next 18 years. Lay down the law, sis. He does not HAVE you…you have HIM.

    So if you’re not going to leave, you put your foot down. Now.

    He is only able to control you because you’re allowing it. I know it’s easier to comply and avoid the fight, the cold shoulder, the sulking, the silent treatment, the temper tantrums…but do not comply. If he doesn’t like it, he can leave. Stick up for yourself and stand your ground. Do what you want.

    He can deny being controlling and abusive all he wants. He still is.

    Best of luck.

  5. 1000% divorce worthy territory for me as well…. And she’s been “silent and cheerful” about it for 21 years.

  6. You encourage her to get professional help from a therapist.

    It's obvious that you aren't a mental health specialist of any kind. You don't have the training, education, or experience, and you sure aren't objective of the whole situation. Right now, you can't help her beyond encouraging her to get help.

    If she get's help, you can ask how best to support her.

    But honestly this is all sorts of weird. Unless she isn't telling you the whole truth, she wasn't SA'ed herself.

  7. Working 66% more to be unhappy but secure doesn't sound that great.

    Also, if he's working part time and they do have kids: that's really helpful. Small children will eat up all that time you have.

  8. The best apology is changed behavior. You spent a year behaving badly and it will take time for them to believe any change has taken place. However this works out, don't give up on treating them well.

  9. Even with the reasoning from her being that she hasn't been there to do school work with the kids at night and that their grades are slipping? She also just came off of a divorce.

  10. You feel how you feel. You'll either find a way to get past it, considering it happened almost 6 years ago, or you won't.

    On a side not for all cheaters. If you didn't get caught and are just feeling guilt, to hell with your feelings. Don't ruin someone else's life trying to unburden yourself. Take that shit to your grave and beyond. Let that person you claim to care about, live in blissful ignorance. You can try and be faithful in the next life.

  11. You are a lesbian, your wife got a boyfriend. You weren’t ready for kids, your wife and her boyfriend decided to get pregnant without consulting you. Your wife’s boyfriend doesn’t want to get a job.

    They do not consider you an equal partner. They are trying to baby trap you in some weird unorthodox way. It sounds to me like they want to keep you around to pay their bills. They certainly don’t respect you. A baby is a huge life-altering decision, and they decided without you.

    This sounds more like your wife convinced you that it was okay for her to cheat on you, than a polyamorous relationship.

    Abuse can be more subtle than being beat or r*ped. Regardless of whether the relationship is abusive or not, it is not a healthy situation for you. You deserve a partner who respects and loves you. This ain’t it.

  12. A doctor will do for him what, exactly?

    I mean if he was having regrets and he sought to get help for his sick sexual fantasies that would be one thing but… the best you can get is a half hearted “I am sorry you feel that way” apology and continuing to bang her from your back.

    One help you can get it is for yourself.

    You are a victim in all of this, sorting out your feelings after this is a good idea.

    Particularly considering the fact that you dont want to divorce in a situation where others would break down court doors before dawn.

    Either you think you dont have means (financial issues), or you have certain fears (will I find another one that will love me, what will children think etc).

    Your marriage is finished. Even if you dont want to divorce right now, he will drive things to a point where divorce is inevitable. Better make it on YOUR terms.

  13. a lot more diligent about the pets than I am. He always takes the dog/s out as soon as he wakes up, and feeds all the pets right after. He also plays with the animals much more than I do, and takes their physical activity seriously

    That's not being a lot more dilligent, that's being a decent pet owner. While I don't agree with having to buy the highest quality most expensive food, the rest of it: letting them go to the bathroom first thing and then get fed, being played with, toys and enrichment are literally the most basic qualities of a decent pet owner- especially for a dog.

    You are a fairly negligent pet owner. Just because your dog has tolerated it & shows you love (what dogs are bred to do) doesn't mean its life hasn't been impacted by it. Why would you discourage your bf from giving the dog a better life??? Here's one thing he's bringing into your relationship that is healthy and an improvement for them, and because you are lazy you want to take that away from them rather than improve.

    THis post makes me kind of mad.

  14. I am also allegic to many dogs and have the same allergic reaction as your bf.

    However, I actually found that I was not allergic to dogs that shed very little.

    I have now owned 2 dogs for 2 years and have no allergic issues.

  15. Yeah… it's possible she's cheating but with no other evidence I would not end a relationship based on one person's word, especially if they weren't like a years long trusted friend

  16. I’ve talked to my therapist about it and she seems to think I’m not being unreasonable but I know that I’m having problems. I most definitely have issues with patience. I think it is an abandonment issue because I think it stems down to being a fear that he is going to leave

  17. No matter her words your partner forced a decision on you. They gave you no shoice regardless of what that band met they decided to cut it. That's zero respect for your thoughts or feelings. They should have offered to help you remove it not just cut it off in your sleep. You are giving a pass when they showed who they really are. They are someone that will do what they think regardless of your thoughts or emotions. Really think about that.

  18. (My worthless two cents)

    It’s not about what he is doing.

    It’s what YOU are doing.

    Which is putting up with this behavior from him, something that has happened multiple times.

    You know he’s not going to change, just like he knows you’re just going to stand there and take it.

    Is this really how you want to spend the rest of your life? Chained to this man child? Who is so immature, he runs away and gives you the silent treatment?

    You have two choices:

    Either you stand up for yourself and finally put an end to it by leaving.

    Or you suck it up.

    I wish you luck…?

  19. He doesn't want to get married. That is your answer. You pressuring and pushing doesn't sound like it is going to change that. If he is great and you are truly happy in the relationship, it seems you need to accept it and be ok with being unmarried partners personally wouldn't want to feel like I was fighting someone to marry me. You have to decide if you can live with his answer.

  20. Will he love us again? It hurts me so much that he’s not speaking to me, I keep trying and he’s just looking at me with disgust and pushing me away. With my other kids they are silent and ignoring me when I try talk to them in the car and they just hate me and I just don’t know what to do

  21. Idk why people here are downplaying the obviously deluded and unreasonable girlfriend. Doesn't even matter if you play more than those 3 hours a week you said either. I know plenty of gamers that make a living off streaming playing over 4 to 6 hours a day and some that even play and stream with their spouse with a similar set up…

    Yet these folks here are claiming that she has to feel rejected and hurt and whatnot by your playing and somehow they're making excuses for this delusion? I'm sorry dude but only a mentally unstable person can truly believe that and the fact that there are people (most likely other women) making it seem like she's the victim here is ridiculous.

    For me, this is a HUGE red flag ? I've seen quite a bit of cases of men who enjoy playing video games every now and then have martial and relationship issues. Most of these cases with men in relationships aren't even that severe with “gaming addiction” more than most are simply guys trying to wind down for a bit with the boys in a couple rounds of Warzone every weekend and their wives or girlfriends absolutely can't stand them doing said activity even for short periods of time a week. On the contrary I've seen MUCH happier couples that game together or have their own hobbies that they keep to without nagging their partner. In fact I'd say those couples I've spoken to have better relationships than most. Some have been a partner that plays and the other just watching and even those have a significantly higher outlook on their relationship than what your case might be. While there ARE some people out there (men AND women) with addictive tendencies and possibly a so called “gaming addiction” it's much more prevalent in younger individuals than people your ages and usually these cases (from what I've studied) resolve themselves as the individuals progress in age and maturity. There's also this fallous belief that only certain de facto addictive stimulants are only addictive like drugs or alcohol. You could literally be addicted to ANYTHING. Enough progressive dopamine hits and you're hooked. I'm talking anything from Porn to Candy Crush to yes even marijuana and sex and some otherwise normally healthy behaviors even so much as reading… Did you know people back then would complain how the younger generation in the mid to late 1800s were addicted to reading books??? This fallacy that video games are addicting is ridiculous when almost everyone has an addiction to something and addictive tendencies. Your grandma could be at the casino spending butt loads of dollars there and still come home to lecture you on how video games are so addicting.

    Honestly sir this isn't healthy behavior on your partners part and if she is serious I'd argue it's neurotic and delusional. I'm not going to tell you or recommend what to do but I'm guessing this isn't the only issue you've been having with her as this sounds way too unreasonable to be a one off situation in your relationship. Seriously, you could be out clubbing and drinking with your buddies getting hooked on drugs and talking to fine girls but God forbid you play Super Mario Bros lol

  22. Not normal. How will you feel about you, him and your relationship if you can’t lose more weight? Or get pregnant and have stretch marks and saggy tits? Start aging? Get wrinkles? Go through a health scare and gain weight or lose hair? He has unbelievable high standards which is not normal, and the way he is speaking to you about your body is cruel, manipulative and narcissistic. Sorry you’ve ended up thinking that’s what love is. If he wants an influencer model on his arm, he can go get one, you should go meet someone who accepts you, loves you, freakin adores you, exactly as you are.

  23. Thank you… I'm so sorry you had to go through this too… it really sucks. No way we're getting back and I also don't want to be her friend or anything. Nor do I want to keep texting her or whatever. I just don't want to cut her off. As in block her number, socials etc. I'm not a vindictive kind of guy so I don't want to make her feel any more pain than she does already. I know she deserves to suffer like I do… yet I still don't want her to… She really seems to be suffering a lot from this. Probably her conscience kicked in, big time. So there's that.

  24. You think he took advantage of someone when they were paying him for sex? He’s the younger one here.

    Cousin love is gross but really not unusual. Especially second and third removed. A good example is every royal family ever.

    I think it’s weird. I wouldn’t cut someone off for this

  25. So my sister played volleyball for years, and it gave her and many of her teammates issues with disordered eating, I won’t lie. That said, it’s a physically tough sport and it will work you to the bone, even with enough food.

    Is she eating? Have you noticed any physical changes like brittle hair, fatigue, etc? Or is she appearing healthy in her habits, yet still weighing this much?

    Quite frankly I’m not concerned with how you like her to look. I want to know if she is healthy or not.

  26. I wish I was your boyfriend so I could feel the weight of the world come off my shoulders as I dump your sorry ass.

  27. I’ll take a wild guess that you’re extremely young. Are you aware that social mores change? That what’s normal at one time is then considered fringe or extreme at another? Your generation’s pearl-clutching over age differences is embarrassing. Middle-aged men who kidnap pre-teens are predators: this is not remotely that.

  28. Definitely ban him from your room. No sexy time until he starts acting like a partner, not a dependent child.

  29. There's not a right way to do this, you'll shatter their heart anyway. Be aware of that. So what you can do is to either go brutally honest or sugar coat it a bit, but just a bit. Shiny but fragile like a creme brulee. You can go along those lines to them and say something like…

    Love transforms. Love moves and changes. And my feelings for you have changed. It's not hate not disgust but it's definitely not the same love that brought us together and to say I still love you is still uncertain. I cannot continue my life like this, I'll be hurt, you'll be hurt. So it's time for us to part. For the best of ourselves, our memories, this needs to end here.

    And you know. Work your way around those ideas, you know them better than us. But you need to be crystal clear



    That it's over. OVER. No turning back, no “I need to talk, let's have a conversation”, nothing. Love is not a contract, it's not negotiable, it either exists or it doesn't. And definitely, love is not something you can beg for when you feel denied. They need to acknowledge that.

    And you must know that is they're so deeply in love, they'll try to bond a few times, even if they look like they don't, when we miss that relationship we become stupid and try to find ways to trick ourselves into believing there's a chance and it's an active effort to deny these thoughts and you cannot count on someone else's effort, so you'll have to be tough. No conversations for some time, no “let's meet”, no chit chat, nothing. No birthday parties. They have to move on and if they can't let you go, you'll need to break the shackles and fly away.

    And don't EVER think you're to blame for anything other than taking care of yourself. You know you're taught to give in more and try again and care for your partner, every women is taught the same. Don't fall for the guilt you'll probably feel at some time. Just be firm. Firm as a rock.

    Good luck.

  30. Yeah mine had a girl exactly like this and when we broke up they were together two days later. Tread carefully

  31. Tell him exactly what your TLDR says, but in a nicer way. It's not unreasonable as a partner to not want a gift card as a gift.

  32. Insert Sponge Bob meme ight imma head out. Do you really need advice, or should I send you over to the step mammies reddit.

  33. It's all a theatrical performance. He's made his bed, and it's not your responsibility to tend to his life.

    Get away from him and don't feel guilty over it.

  34. Stop babying this 40 year old man, for the love of god please stop.

    He is who he is. He’s a big boy and knows right from wrong. He definitely knows respect vs. disrespect.

    Why all the excuses ? It’s been 6 years , it’s time for him to grow up and take come responsibility. However, you need to start holding him accountable. Its ok with you that he’s seeking out other women online because at least it’s not physical ? Please have more self respect than that.

    There are plenty of 40 year old men who are capable of navigating a healthy sexual relationship. Why waste so much time on someone who clearly isn’t?

  35. IKR? Can you believe his wife cheated on him and is now doing this? She's a real mess and needs help!

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