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48 thoughts on “Charming_Lillylive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. I get with family events. It's probably my culture though, if you're not family It's considered kind of rude like you don't think the host is doing a good enough job lol

    Yeah, she doesn't sound pleasant or willing to compromise with you. Be happy in your own choices and maybe listen if you gives you a genuinely valid reason.

  2. Exactly! I struggle to see how/when/why that would ever come up and why it would matter if they've agreed not to have children. He's not mad she “lied” to him, he's mad he now realizes he has no way to forcibly impregnate her. That sounds like a scary individual.

  3. That gives a lot of perspective.

    Lay some boundaries with her.

    Remind her mistakes and her life aren't yours.

  4. I don’t know, I’ll pull the clothes out to check dryness and then go to add a cycle and she stops me and tells me it’s good enough. I’ve told her that it needs to go once more but I’m not one to argue in public so if she gets upset I just let it go

  5. Think it’s just a misunderstanding, where the person was assuming that you were saying they were married, when you were just saying to think about it as if they were married.

  6. 3 year olds cry because their cup is red, even though they asked for a red cup. I'm not saying we should ignore kids feelings. Just that you can't look at a video of 3 year old crying and know why they're crying. So he might as well be crying about the cup color and she saw it as an opportunity to film it and send it to you to manipulate you.

  7. Imposing these types of ultimatums on loved ones is wrong. There’s elements of emotional blackmail, gaslighting, and guilt shaming to what your mother is doing TO YOU. She’s trying to weaponize you against your father. It’s kind of twisted.

    You’re not being made to choose a side. Your mom is making choices for the both of you.

    You need to be assertive while also being kind. Be clear to your mother that you love both her and your father, and your siblings, and won’t pick sides.

    If your mother chooses to excommunicado herself out of your life and probably out of the lives of her future grandchildren, etc, that really is her choice. But you should leave the door open for her either way and tell her you are always there and she’s always welcome.

    Still, don’t let anyone emotionally blackmail you. She is a victim of infidelity but it has nothing to do with you.

    I think she needs a therapist for individual counseling and the two of you could probably benefit from family counseling together with a therapist as well. Perhaps that would help you work through these issues.

  8. Your boundary isn't “dumb.” How would he feel if you went to a bar and the men there had their dicks were hanging out? He sounds disrespectful and childish and he should be considerate if your boundaries.

  9. He could be getting it from someone else or has a porn addiction. But I think that would be a deal breaker for me if my significant other felt powerful saying no to me BUT I HAD to always give it. I think you should find someone closer to your age or someone that's just compatible with you.

  10. “His house of cards will fall sooner or later”- don't count on it. I've known some cheaters who got away with it for years after marriage. This lady has done a lot of wrongs but she can start doing something right by saving this poor woman from ignoring walking into a marriage with a terrible man.

  11. I don't know where to go with this friendship, since he's also my wife's friend her opinion is to just forget it ever happened

    No ONE would react like this.

    OP…. did you confront your wife and tell her you found photos of her on “so and so” phone, or did you tell her “so and so” stole her pictures?

  12. My first thought was Gynecomastia, especially if he has the scars symmetrical on both sides. Also that's something that not many men would like to discuss.

    But really, if you're sure that they're not because of something bad (him being a criminal and getting tangled up in bad shit or other stuff like that), then I would just leave him be. I'd rather be happy that he's comfortable enough around you to take his shirt off. Maybe he will tell you one day, maybe he won't. Everyone is allowed to have their secrets and if it's something traumatic, pushing is really bad.

  13. Both valid points of view. Why are they discussing such heavy topics anyway? Stick with like…I dunno, movies? Favorite food?

  14. Ask your mum.

    Reaction could go either way.

    And often on reddit you would see it’s the ones accusing all the time that are cheating.

  15. Well, after all these years, your husband has shown who he is. His logic is ridiculous, but considering you make significantly more money in the relationship, he really has no leg to stand on.

    I would meet with an estate attorney and let them know the disagreement you are having and ask what people in blended families typically do. I guarantee it’s not what your husband is suggesting.

  16. She wants to have the best of both worlds with complete disregard for you. I don’t think she loves you. She wants you as a safety net as she explores a new exciting world. That would be a win/win for you.

  17. Yeah but bladder dysfunction is such a common occurrence in sex violence survivors I'd imagine people would be more understanding.

    If I knew my partner suffered from sexual violence and they had a bladder related accident, I wouldn't be quick to judge.

    But I am also old and old people piss themselves all the time. Enjoy your piss free youth while you still can, you are in for a wild ride.

  18. Damn.. that's some next level Alpha-shit! That girl sounds like she was marching up to you to let you know that she'd marked her territory on your friend and that you didn't stand a chance ? yikes. Glad that your friend eventually got out of that one ? (and that you got your friend back, ofc)

    I have a bunch of photos of many old friends and even exes all over my socials and in my personal camera roll and some physical photos too… (aside from a few exes) like hell would I get rid of any photos for anyone! They're my memories to keep and remember, whether they're happy ones or not, as that's part of who I am!

    LEVEL UP – Sass Activated ?

  19. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    I [26F] am in graduate school, and yesterday afternoon, they had a couple hours of free ice skating for graduate students. I’m not a good skater, but I went because it sounded fun and a bunch of friends were going. My boyfriend [29M] was not in town and couldn’t attend. I told him about the event beforehand and he said he had no problem with me going. We have been together for 4 years.

    At the free skate, one of the people there is from the same program (~50 people), who I will call Doug. Doug [30s] is married with 2 young kids. Doug isn’t a close friend of mine at the program, I’d say we’re friendly acquaintances. Turns out, Doug took figure skating lessons when he was young and is quite a skilled skater, so he was giving me and others there from our program some tips on how to improve our skating ability.

    Over the course of an hour, while I was trying to go faster / get better, and I ended up losing balance and nearly falling 2 times.

    Both of these times, I was near Doug, and he stuck out his arm for me to grab so I could stabilize. I was very grateful. I ended up coming off the ice right after the second time because I didn’t want to nearly fall again and my ankles were getting tired.

    I was not near Doug the whole time, just the times where I tripped because I was trying more advanced moves then.

    When I was walking home, I was texting my boyfriend that I was just leaving the event and that I nearly fell twice. I said Doug prevented me from actually falling. My boyfriend freaked out, he said “Why did you go ice skating with Doug” “So this guy was skating next to you the whole time” and on about me falling into his arms. I didn’t fall into his arms. I grabbed 1 arm for 2 seconds to stabilize. I reminded him that Doug is married and there was nothing romantic about it. He said it’s not about Doug. He said I should be ice skating with girls, and my behavior demonstrates “blatant disrespect.”

    He claimed I would freak out if roles were reversed and he was saving some girl from falling ice skating. I really don’t think that’s true. He said if he found out about this from another source, he’d suspect cheating.

    I’m at a loss. Did I disrespect my boyfriend by accepting help from a male to prevent me falling while ice skating?

    tldr: Went ice skating, nearly fell twice, same guy helped me not fall. Boyfriend feels disrespected.

  20. Sometimes you can meet a great guy and even love that guy, but it’s not the right time. This is really new. Listen to your gut.

  21. Huh ? You called him first before your bf ? It sounds like you still love him, more than your bf. Your friend has found a new life partner and I think you are afraid of losing him to her.

    Building a life together with a life partner often means less time with friends. After all, we all have 24 hours together, and that means we all can’t be available to friends all the time.

    This is why there’s occasion night out with friends but majority of time is spent with your life partner

  22. She cheated. No question about it. Don’t talk tonight, just leave the situation completely. Her ex can deal with that drama

  23. your going to naturally end up seeing her less and your going to have to decide if that’s okay with you.

    Id look into the transport options you have to where she lives a coach is generally a good idea for a cheap commute if money is a bigger issue than time (depending on fuel costs a train can be better than a car)

  24. Second this. Plus had he done this before or made a habit of mean remarks in the past. Is this something you thing is typically out of character for him?

    It's possible that he meant it more as a funny jab and not a serious insult. Not saying that justifies it, but if he's never done that kind of thing before maybe explain to him how much it hurt you and accept his apology.

    If this has happened before or happens again that's another story.

  25. You don't trust him … and for good reason. You may be nearing 40, but do you want to always live like this? Not trusting him, smelling his coat, checking his messages (or asking for proof)? That's no way to live.

  26. He sounds like her friend. Do you have any reason to believe that they have a sexual relationship?

  27. I get that. I think it is like so many things where this would be acceptable to some people and unacceptable to others. There are no clear rules to save you from the emotional pain of making a decision.

  28. Don’t stop her. Tell her how you feel. This is something a person does when they’re looking to trade up and is so disrespectful to what you guys have built. It’s inviting cheating. He has made it completely clear what he wants to do and she’s ok with it. When she gets back she’ll be single. Go find a person who wants what you want. Don’t lose your shit. Go have a beer and laugh with some friends and don’t let a person like ruin your joy.

  29. Yeah she is seeing someone but then she just sends me memes and stuff to not lose my attention too. I don't want to come out as immature by blocking her and shit but how to move on from this. I can clearly see she is using me as a backup

  30. Break up with him and allow him to find someone who gives him the love he deserves. And also so you can find someone to actually love. Stop wasting each others time.

  31. What's “normal”? His response was typical, but absolutely selfish and unsupportive. I don't think that's an acceptable normal.

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