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53 thoughts on “hell_yeahlive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. My husband does not get it despite me repeatedly asking him. I’m used to it now, I ask, he says he will let me know and he never does haha

    God forbid I don’t let him know!! I got in trouble for not texting him for 7 hours on a night out once (because he was worried – I was fine just too drunk to look at my phone haha).

  2. Hello /u/eravie,

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  3. You say he’s a hypochondriac. If everything else is truly good (he is usually there for you when you need him other than physical ailments) and this is the ONE aspect that is like this, then speaking to him about it and asking him to seek therapy for it is realistic. But you can’t force him to, and he has to not only go but put in the work

  4. Hello /u/Fun-Yesterday657,

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  5. Why did he break up in the first place? To me is sounds like he wanted to have the freedom to date others. But keeping in touch with you to check if you’re still available for him.

    Casual sex and dating is not the same and it’s funny the he, who broke up with you, is now calling you disgusting and dishonest for using your freedom.

    I take a wild guess and say that he is upset that you are doing what he seemingly planned for himself to do. Now he is pissed, because he thought you would come back when he is snipping his fingers and that you would stay “loyal” to only him. But thats just my wild guess.

    Nonetheless i wouldn’t keep in touch with him. The way he treated you for living your single life is not okay and a huge red flag.

  6. When the relationship ends you owe your ex partner no sexual loyalty. It’s clear you both have different attitudes towards casual sex, or he may just think women shouldn’t have casual sex. There is a world of difference between casual sex and being ready for a relationship.

    I do feel that you may benefit from sitting with your strong feelings of sadness and processing your grief rather than trying to dull it with sex etc, but that’s no judgment on your behaviour.

    Truth is friendships after relationships end are really tricky, and you both generally need a break from one another before transitioning into one.

    He feels hurt, but he ended it. You were then free to sleep with whoever was up for it with you.

  7. While true that I should’ve set the boundary beforehand, I assumed she’d also be with women so I wasn’t upset about the possibility of men having sex with her. And why do I have no right to complain? She’s still my wife and we’re still married.

  8. IDK. I think I would be willing to try a first date and take my “ick” temperature. He may have totally different mannerisms IRL that you are not seeing translated in a photo.

  9. I’m not trying to argue or be ungrateful for the response. I just want honest feedback. I seem needy because I would like effort and celebration for successfully having a year long relationship?

  10. OP You have already done the first step to solve your situation, ranting your frustration here, but now is time to do what you know has to be done.

    Like nike says just do it.

  11. Unless she was blacked out how is she not gonna notice another dude holding her?? I bet she would’ve noticed you holding another chick by the waist

  12. Replace all of the above in your head with him having an alcohol addiction that he's ashamed of and is trying to shake. Feels different, right? And not something you should announce with friends around?

    Either way, this relationship sounds unhealthy for both of you.

  13. I'm sorry that happened to you. It sounds like you had a much older woman not only take advantage of you in an inebriated state, but she also drugged you. She raped you. But in addition to that, instead of being able to focus on your own needs and mental health, you are worried about your girlfriend. That's not healthy. One step at a time, but as someone who has been in a similar ish relationship and situation, if she can't put her feelings about what happened aside to support you. She's not the one. She's not a good girlfriend and you deserve better. But who knows? I don't know her and she may surprise you. You should give her the benefit of the doubt, tell her what happened and see what she does. But if she is not 100% in your corner, or makes you feel like you need to put your feelings aside to comfort her. Please dump her. This is a serious thing that happened to you OP. You shouldn't be more worried about your girlfriend thinking you cheated than you are about yourself. That says something

  14. I mean if this is the first thing like this over 8 months? That could be something you can bounce back from, but I have a feeling (because I’ve been in her shoes) there’s been some things building up and this was the straw that broke the camels back. But that’s just stipulation on my end. You guys need to have an in person chitchat while also showing her she’s your “#1”.

  15. No offense but your BF sounds like one of those psychopath stalker guys you read about on the news. Sounds like someone who is gaslighting you into thinking you’re the problem in the relationship to divert attention away from his controlling and honestly scary behavior.

    Not to mention…any self respecting woman born in this century would RUN if a man suggested she cook and clean for him. So, OP, run!!!

  16. If its come up in all his relationships then that's on him.

    Either you both aren't compatible or he's avoiding furthering commitment.

    I enjoy my free time. So does my partner. I sometimes see him once a week or I see him 3 times a week. Depends on our schedules.

    He actually wants to see me more. Sometime I give in, sometimes I don't. And vice versa. We are very committed and communicate daily.

    Your bf needs to express why he needs lots of alone time and either compromise or break up

  17. Take a day or two to respond. This will give you a chance to collect your thoughts. She’s probably thought about this a lot. Is she right? Is there something missing? If so, will time apart fix it? When you respond, you need to define the “break.” A break should have a time limit, reduced or no communication and not seeing others. If she doesn’t like your terms for a break then you will need to consider it a break up and move forward with the idea she is no longer in your life.

  18. She was still criticizing even if it wasn’t the same criticism your wife interpreted.

    Could have left it there. The rest was unnecessary.

  19. You are both 20 years old, and you see future with this girl?

    Don't get me wrong but this is wrong. Live your life, both of you. If it does not work it does not work. Communication is essential in any relationship but if certain things cannot be overlooked then best way to proceed is to go separate ways.

    It is never a good idea to have one person suffer just because they are a pleasing person while the other person gets to have it their way. Compromise is everything.

  20. Your phrasing was really direct and likely caught her completely be surprise. Next time, just ask: “Hey, would you be interested in grabbing a cup of coffee sometime?” instead of stating, “When are you free for coffee?”

  21. Not a guy, but my husband uses condoms during masturbation. Not often. Most of the time for less mess and it sometimes feels better with the lubed condoms. On certain toys, I use condoms on them for easier cleanup. Or any toy my husband uses on himself also gets a condom. I'm not saying hes cheating, but has their been changing behavior that makes you think he's cheating?

  22. i mean the reclamation of a word doesn't erase its history and context. but that's not to say he can't use it. just that any other word could be used and not hold the same cultural divisiveness.

    it's also just an ugly word.

  23. any way I can get her back? I love her.

    she wanted to continue it.

    Hold on there, Romeo. By continue “it,” does she mean the friendship or more?

    Also, if you really want a relationship with this girl, you have A LOT to work on with not toying with other people's feelings.

  24. What’s worse keeping your shitty job or being raped in the future by your boss. Then your boyfriend will be pissed you never told him.

  25. It’s a small ass town actually but the thing is we both liked him and we both talked about him all the time, but I had no intentions on making a move on him but he liked me on tinder so I thought there was a chance so why waste it. I didn’t think she would get that mad at me

  26. I'm confused…so would you rather he find you gross and repulsive?

    A lot of men find pregnant women sexy. When my wife was pregnant who boobs like tripled in size, she got super curvy, and other things that are TMI. I think that you are just being insecure because you don't find yourself sexy.

  27. Even if he did have an offer, if the new company heard about his antics they would be well within their rights to rescind it.

  28. Fuck that shit

    If your job and coworkers suck go ahead and tell em off. The world would be better if nobody put up with that shit

  29. Your wife is fucking weird. I hope this isn’t fake. There’s no reason to even ask if this is sketchy. It’s over. You’re still young: move on.

  30. I wish I could get therapy, but I damn near got disqualified from the military for going to my last couples therapy session. They see you as crazy if youve done any sort of therapy and make you jump through mountains of hoops to hope to still be able to serve. If i did more now, id definitely get DQed, and I need this.

    Also cant afford it rn/

  31. Oh I’m aware it alerts the person. Thus the email immediately.

    Predation thrives in the shadows.

  32. You both sound better off without each other. Now that she wants to divorce, avoid communicating unless it relates to the divorce or the kids. Try to keep all communication via text or emails to have that proof of what was said in case things turn sour. If you have to talk on the phone, keep a journal of what was said with dates and times and update it straight away. Speak to a lawyer to know what you're both entitled to in your state.

    Going forward, keep up the self-help with your anger issues and start your healing process. Be proud of yourself for taking those steps and continue to be a positive role model amongst your children.

  33. Thank you for the response. I do believe this is a pretty common problem for 1st generation in a non Asian country. I have a hard time figuring out what standards to follow as the one I grew up with my parents are quite different than the one I see outside the house. I’ll also try googling counselors as well.

  34. I told my son it is not my place to tell my husband. For the record us telling him was HER idea. She just wants it to be known as she doesn't want I guess surprise in the future happening and they asked me to kind of ease my husband into it.

  35. You say “Look! I appreciate the support you gave me through my rough patch when I lost my dad. However, because you have continuously toed the line when I, on multiple occasions made it clear I am not interested in a romantic relationship, it has become obvious to me that it is not a good idea to maintain a friendship any longer.”

    Don't be deceived into thinking that just because he was doing what decent human beings do when a friend loses a loved one, that this gives him an all inclusive pass to behave anyway he feels like with you, and weaponize it to cross lines.

  36. I mean, sometimes it's natural for married couples to share secrets among each other. It's not forbidden, nor is it uncommon. But I mean, if you have such a rule not to want to hear those secrets, just walk away when she's about to tell you. Calling her a name would start an argument. Even if the roles were switched, I'm sure you would be upset being called a name as well.

  37. Why are you thinking about your boyfriend having sex with other people?

    Additionally, why wouldn’t you feel comfortable being honest with him?

  38. “Had a great time last night. Would love to do it again.” If she confirms, set up another date. Good luck.

  39. …is there more to this past the title? Or should I read this hoping there’s more to it?

  40. Have you ever heard of actually reading a question and answering what is being asked? You're calling me crazy yet you can't even answer a simple question. Without badmouthing me which just shows that you're a judgemental ass*hole. Because everything that you are saying is what YOU think. So really who are you to judge me?

  41. Have you ever heard of actually reading a question and answering what is being asked? You're calling me crazy yet you can't even answer a simple question. Without badmouthing me which just shows that you're a judgemental ass*hole. Because everything that you are saying is what YOU think. So really who are you to judge me?

  42. It is an obese weight, yes- but they’ve only been together three months. She would have been essentially the same weight when they got together. It’s not like they’re a married couple after years where a partner started gaining weight. It is WAY too early for him to have any input or discussion about her weight. If he doesn’t like it at this point, he should have kept his mouth shut and not dated her in the first place. You don’t start dating somebody and then demand they change.

  43. I don’t have an option on it and to be honest I don’t even really understand what you are upset about or what you are saying he lied about. What I read and pictured was you going through his phone multiple times and documenting what apps he has, not what he was doing with them behind your back, but that they exist.

    I don’t think you need to look at this as overreacting or not, but reset how much control you exert over this guy. He may allow you to walk all over him like this but you are breeding an environment of contempt.

  44. I know, it's just hard to walk away. I feel like the bad guy here because he's trying, and I want to leave.. But I need to protect myself.

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