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Yourfriendgirlfriendlive sex stripping with hd cam


45 thoughts on “Yourfriendgirlfriendlive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. I was thinking this and that she bought him an oven even though he had told her he already had one was an interesting small bit of information (what is he supposed to do with two ovens).

  2. If your name is the only one on the lease, check your state’s laws to make sure he doesn’t have a strong case to remain.

    But you can offer him a month for him to find other housing. Or you both move out once the lease ends. It’s not healthy or fair to you to stay in an unhappy relationship just because it’s easier or that what’s only one party wants.

    You need to truly decide what you want. And if that means you want to end things, then you need to figure out a way to make sure that happens. Don’t let someone else dictate what you should and should not do.

  3. Tbh she sounds like an amazing person, but I hope for her sake you don't continue. The fact that you want to continue because you might not find anything better, rather than be with her for all the amazing stuff she is, bothers me. I hope she don't settle ?

    You partner or friends shouldn't push you, you should. They should support and I guess she is already doing that.

    Also, not everyone knows about everything.

  4. Ordering food half the time is not equal to cooking at all and does not take the same work and time as ANY household task that would be anywhere close to equal to cooking.

  5. If you can’t accept it break it off with her. She will keep doing this. So it’s a matter of you being ok with it.

  6. You keep calling me an alcoholic just because I a relapsed. I know what I did was wrong I am not saying it was right. Do you think I am not aware of this? I aware of it. And now you're saying I am embossing myself because I came on Reddit. It just seems like you are being judgemental. I do believe I was drugged.

  7. “He already has a very bad and expensive record with them (including a court date to lose his license)”… lol. Tell me again WHY you thought it was a good idea to hand over your keys to this idiot? You can threaten to leave the relationship all you want, he’ll probably voluntarily jump ship to avoid paying that much for the car. You can’t get blood from a stone. Make better decisions in the future.

  8. You can’t. It won’t work, I promise. Source: been there.

    I’m sorry to say it, but the only thing is to end it. It hurts and it’ll be super painful, but technically it’s already over. It ended when he broke his vow.

    I’m sorry that you’ve got getting over this ahead of you.

  9. Go ahead, have the party, and then revisit the relationship afterwards. If (and only if) he’s willing to make very serious changes to how he puts up boundaries with his brother then maybe consider a much smaller civil ceremony later, like in a year time?

    Honestly, though, if this is how he approaches your wedding then you’ll have to accept that there’s three people in your marriage and you’re not number one. Do you really want something like that?

  10. Dude.

    there was 1 time we were not talking to each other (my GF) because of a fight which was kinda her fault thats why I didnt talked to her that time, so I asked my colleagues whos more experienced in relationship than I am

    There is a lot of room to grow up.

  11. Omg. It's your face, do what you want with it. But I can tell ya, you won't keep a girl if your mothers opinion means more than hers. How old are you??

  12. They buy the 2L Milk bottles and the big bulk yogurts that will not fit vertically in the other shelves, so I don’t see why they should get priority. I did offer to switch shelves so if they feel horizontal space is better, they do have that option so I don’t see why else should their use be prioritised. I hadn’t thought about buying a divider but I will check them out on amazon now!

  13. this doesn’t sound right, he could basically do anything while ur this drunk. that is so scary. especially if you forget everything. you are not safe with him. please leave

  14. She’s telling you it’s over without telling you it’s over. Or another clichè, she’s just not that into you. Sorry bud.

  15. No-because that’s not what gaslighting is. Reddit uses the term for anything that sounds bad, but it’s a very specific form of extreme psychological abuse.

    Gaslighting: a type of psychological abuse in which the abuser slowly and deliberately makes the victim lose trust in their perception of reality, causing them to feel like they are losing their mind.

    Calling any “bad” behavior gaslighting or “gaslighty” takes away from the fact that it’s an extreme abuse tactic, and an uncommon one, and makes it harder for the victims of it to recognize it.

  16. Right? He’s had so much time to express his thoughts and feelings in a healthy and timely fashion! It’s normal to have doubts and fears about becoming a parent but my god there are so many options out there to process those doubts that aren’t solely blaming your wife for a supremely shitty thing she absolutely did not do and torpedoing your entire marriage.

  17. My house is far from spotless as I work between 12 and 15 hours a day 5 days a week so it's mostly sweeping high foot traffic floors, keeping on top of washing up, and cleaning as you go when cooking or if you've finished bathing. On my first day off I do a full clean but slowly during my working days it gets messy ?

    I might ask if he can start cleaning up after himself when he stays over and mention that if he's going home to work could he maybe shower there and not my place.

    Thank you for your advice

  18. Dude, you seem like the total package. Why are you with a single mom who is older than you, and doesn't value you?

    I thought there would be something wrong with you i.e. overweight, or doesn't earn much, but you can do so much better.

  19. she finally told me that we are dating, but we are not friends so, most of the things she likes to talk about, she talks about them with her friends, not me, things like frustrations at work, promotion, any good news etc, those are not meant for me. She would even ask me for money but refuse to tell me what it's for, coz it's none of my business. We have been dating for about 3 months now, should I be concerned?

    Lol, yeah dude, you should

    Do you want to “date” someone who doesn't view you as a friend? Someone who views friends as more intimate than their partner?

    As for the money part, yeah big red flag

    She's just using you

    What do you get out of this relationship?

  20. I had hoped for some non judgemental advice but it seems everyone on here is a moral warrior. I think you’re the ones who don’t want to be honest with yourselves and realise that attraction to other people is a real thing which I expect you all experience too and in fact you’re lying to yourselves just as you accuse me of doing. Life is not black and white. Life is not a fantasy land where we all get ourselves into a good headspace, then fall in love with someone and live happily ever after. I’m sorry but you all need to get your heads out of the colours and wake to f**k up!

  21. If I had fucked around on my husband in the past (or a past partner and he knew about it) and he had reason to be concerned, then no. I would see why he had asked. I find people most often get super defensive when they have shit to hide. Otherwise if people don't have things to hide you're more likely to get a “Hey, no I don't do drugs anymore, you don't need to worry about that” answer, like a rationale human being, but that is no where near the reaction he gave out.

  22. This is the first thing I noticed as well. It’s almost certainly too late, OP. Just from the way you speak about him, anything he can do would be too little too late. You have developed a general disdain for the man.

  23. Nope. If you got the rentals while you were together then it’s only fair but those are yours and have been yours for 7 years without her. You need to keep it separate and your retirements separate. You guys grow old together and retire and enjoy your golden years together? Perfect, you both have nice retirements you can enjoy together. You guys divorce after 10-15 years? Well, what was yours and what was hers will stay that way and anything acquired during the marriage can be split

  24. I mean, what you 'want' has been the problem all along. You just went out and cheated anytime you felt like it. At the end of the day it always comes back to you and what you feel and this isn't proving otherwise.

    She will never be able to trust you. She may wish she could, she may also hope you won't hurt her again, but she is being naive.

    So time to be the bigger person and actually think of her for once. Withdraw your pursuit, tell her to go and find her actual happiness, and you go off and work out how to be a better person not to get her back but so at the very least one day she can think at least he grew from it.

  25. You’re here talking about issues specific to long distance. What about the issues that led to this?

  26. I’m not sure what you expected to be positive. You chose to lie to ruin your relationship over something incredibly stupid. She doesn’t trust you. No coming back from that. You don’t sound mature enough for a relationship.

  27. With women you can't tell, that doesn't make it okay for men to lay there aroused instead of excusing himself.

    She should have made him leave.

  28. She has difficulty telling the truth. But most likely we cant convince you to make the smart choice so I will say this. Tell her this is her one fuck up. If she ever lies about anything or hides anything ever again you are over. If she tells you about things you will try and work through them but a lie is the end period.

  29. Maybe because whatever she had with her ex wasn't working out and she knew you were getting suspicious

    Love, Trust and honesty are the foundation of a relationship

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