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f-r-a-g-i-l-elive sex stripping with hd cam


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Room for online sex video chat f-r-a-g-i-l-e

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Date: December 25, 2022

40 thoughts on “f-r-a-g-i-l-elive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. I understand people are different etc. but there’s no need not to message you. Communication is crucial (both ways that is). Does she normally message frequently ?

  2. Sorry! I did this. I have no experience in these matters. Someone I really like, I didn't know what I would do if I lost her.

  3. He's in a situation where he can live how he likes and barely works and openly disrespects you. He's not a man of strong character by the sounds of it, so only a negative consequence will change his behavior if he ever changes. Clearly love for you and your children isn't enough to make him step up and be a present father and husband. You can impose a negative consequence by leaving for a few weeks until he changes his routine.

  4. Hello /u/Healthy_Vermicelli81,

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  5. A baby will not fix your relationship issues. If anything, having a baby will make your problems worse. If you're already have problems in the bedroom, that will get worse after a baby comes. If you're not communicating well, you are going to have less time and more stress after a baby. You need to work on your relationship issues first. You and he need to be solid and on the same page before you decide to get pregnant. Talk to him about everything.

  6. That’s a bold statement. When someone tells you something like that BELIEVE THEM. Don’t talk yourself out of it or guess, confront him about it. If it bothers you stand up for yourself. Seriously, do you want to put up with snarky comments forever? Do you want to be out on some weird pedestal? You sounds like a smart woman, be true to yourself and jog him on.

  7. Nice post OP. I’m not in a relationship. But if I ever decide to date, I’ll remember this. Thank you for sharing your thoughts!

  8. Does it effect your sexual relationship? If he can't even watch a movie without rubbing one out to the actress, he may have an addiction

  9. You sound to me like someone with a very sound head on your shoulders whereas your description of her makes her sound like someone who doesn’t seem to be able to take ACTUAL control of her life but will make a scene about controlling aspects which really don’t need it, if that makes sense. She sounds anxious and as though she has low self esteem.

  10. Why are you asking questions you can't handle being answered? This is literally the bicycle meme where the guy puts a sticks in his own wheel.

  11. Your boyfriend, whom you don't see very often, I assume because of the distance, is on a dating app, exclusively with the intent of meeting single women.

    And he says it's because he wants specifically wants female friends. Why does he specially want to meet women? If it's a friend, sex, gender, nor appearance should matter.

    Then when you point it out, he says you're the one breaking the trust. He is blaming you for the consequences of something he did.

    I've known people who downloaded Tinder while in a relationship “just for fun,” with seemingly no intention of matching with anyone. Guess what happened.

    I think you should talk to him about and be clear how it affects you and how it is not okay. If he continues to blame and starts making you think you're the problem, then I think you should start talking about it with a person he is not involved with, whom you trust. Like a family member or a wise friend.

  12. Here’s the thing that’s bugging me—the person you talk about at the end? That’s her! That’s been her our entire relationship. This is such a startling change of pace that I came to Reddit for it, lol. I don’t want to give up just yet but you’re right about not taking everything my friends say as gospel.

  13. Enough with the Snapchat shit. It's not a barometer for someone's level of interest.

    Make the first move and offer her your number via Snapchat if that's the only medium that you two are using. That puts the ball in her court. If she is fairly interested, she will text you. Then you can proceed with chatting with her briefly before asking her out on a date.

    If she leaves you on delivered or read and never texts you, move on. Or, if she does text you but doesn't agree to going out on a date when you ask her out, move on.

  14. The baseline rule for relationships is don’t expect the other person to change their mind about kids. It can happen, but the odds are extremely low. If they tell you early on they don’t want them or are pretty sure they don’t, believe them.

  15. You are coming off psycho. You didn’t like that he had old videos. Ok. He got rid of them and you still took a break. Dumb but ok. You get back together and you are still upset about this enough to write the Gutenberg bible on Reddit?

  16. I think dinner is inappropriate with a guy friend when you’re in an intimate relationship. Especially after reading a few of these reddits that are entitled whoops I slept with my best friend. That in a messy and closeness needs to remain in the relationship but it’s just my opinion.

  17. Oh honey, no. Move out and get your life back. Those things aren't going to improve, they're going to get even worse the more locked down he thinks you are. Get out before he gets you pregnant.

    And quit jumping into big relationships, it's ok to be alone for a while and then start casually dating around . You're so young!

  18. Swooping in and trying to play hero, or constantly pointing out that she's being taken advantage of by people can easily backfire. She's not a child, and at some point it becomes disrespectful to imply that she cant handle everything on her plate.

    When your girlfriend vents, you let her vent and do your best not to offer unsolicited advice. Then you do whatever small things you can in order to make her life easier. Encourage her to rely on you, but dont force it down her throat. Too much one-sidedness in a relationship is never a good thing.

    You can gradually lean on each other more as time goes on. Weeks into being official isn't the time to start acting like a husband. Just my opinion of course.

  19. I’m gay so it’s a bit different but I started dating my bf when he was 42 and I was 22. Yes, it’s concerning. These types of relationships will become one sided of you aren’t careful. Just because you are less experienced, doesn’t mean you can be indecisive about everything and have him make all the decisions. You both need to try to make equal efforts into the relationship. You don’t need to make things tit for tat, but people don’t like putting more in than they are getting out. Your family will probably think it’s weird. You will probably outlive him. A lot of his experiences occurred before you existed so a lot of things won’t be as relatable. You grew up in a different time than him so again a lot of things will not be relatable. We don’t really think about the age gap very often, but it does have an effect. It’s been 3 years and we are still going.

  20. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    I'm 30F, he's 32M. We've been together since high school, going on 12 years.

    He had a girl he worked with I wasn't fond of. She seems like a “pick me” girl and has never been nice to me. She's caused a lot of arguments, when he said I was just mad because he had a new female friend, but he was sharing music with her and not me, then gaslighting me about not knowing the songs. Other stuff, like where I actually bought a whole outfit based on how this girl dresses (I dress very differently) and after months of no compliments, he told me I looked great.

    Anyway. I know looking through someone's phone is shitty, but we had been having issues lately. He never wants to have sex, he's mean about a lot of things, not just to me. Then he told me this coworker of his was quitting and backpacking across Europe or something. Ok. Things actually were better for a while then went right back to normal. I asked him if they were talking again and he said no.

    I checked his phone. Not only had they been talking about me, they were MEAN. And deceptive. The first batch, when I didn't even know she was in town:

    Girl: Taco bell lunch?

    Husband: Oh dude, hell yes

    Girl: Dope, which one?

    Husband: (tells her location) Does (boss) know you're in town?

    Girl: No

    That's enough to get me upset. Then I get hit with this doozy.

    Girl: Here's a young adult novel, (OP) could use some writing tips (devil smiley face)

    Husband: Hah, she hasn't been writing much lately

    Girl: And why ever not?

    Husband: She says the medication, I suspect lack of motivation

    Girl: What drug is it?

    Husband: (Drug name) I believe

    Girl: Sounds like a spell honestly

    Husband: Right??

    Girl: Well, she's weak

    I am livid. I don't know what to do. The medicine I'm on which is causing me to write less is from a freak seizure, which I've never had before. I had a grand mal in the middle of a grocery store and this is how he talks about me?

    What do I do? Where do I go from here? 12 years, wasted, it feels like.


    Husband has been talking to a coworker who doesn't like me even though he said he wouldn't. He lied and I checked his phone and I know it's shitty but he said some really mean things about me. Not sure how to proceed.

  21. And you now want to give her a conversation about reversing your progress as a couple back to non exclusive because she isn’t working up to your timetable in only a month. Just end it with her if you feel this way. Or at least think about her feelings

  22. I’ve been with my partner for 10 years and you don’t know what I think about? What other dick would feel like because I got it all out of my system in my hoe stage.

  23. Lol, good to hear he showed his true colours. I found the same thing happened with guys at my girlfriends uni who wanted to have lunch with her. For some mysterious reason they always said it's fine that she's in a relationship because they just want friends, but when she said I'd be coming along to make friends too they'd change their minds.

  24. This is why you snoop. Privacy should be compromised in relationship exactly to build trust, and it is only faur to your partner.

    “MUH breach of privacy” enables people like your bf or cheaters to hide and lie to their partners.

    If your bf could keep this to himself he can hide plenty other things from you. Of course, you should stay with him pretending to accept it, as you plan how to move out and not be homeless. No need to be honest with someone that didn't have the same courtesy towards you.

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