janyluna9live sex stripping with hd cam


7 thoughts on “janyluna9live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. You two got together when he was old enough to have graduated college while you were a teen, and he's now trying to pressure you into sexual acts you don't want.

    I'm shocked.

  2. he removes them to see you because he obviously thinks you are beautiful !

    i understand, we all have our issues and insecurities, but he clearly loves you and wants to see you. i would bet that what other people see when they look at you is so so much better than what you see in the mirror

  3. Question: are you guys just at a place where you’re not really jibing, or has there been some definitive break where your siblings have told you that you’re dead to them?

  4. Wtf? So she blatantly breaks a relationship rule, says she will regain your trust when she comes back, BUT then she flips the script and turns herself into your victim whose trust you broke? Yep, I would say that is quite the mental gymnastics to play. You sure you want to date someone who so liberally turns themself into your victim every time they wrong you?

  5. She lost attraction to you after only two months, and it has persisted for three. It already has been shitty for longer than it hasn’t been. Most people who don’t overthink things would conclude that you two tried and failed — a very ordinary occurrence at your age. Most people have a few that didn’t work work out, and that’s normal.

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