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10 thoughts on “ambar-adaamslive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. If the husband has to pay for a whole extra household how would that not affect the wife unless they’re fabulously wealthy. A lot of families struggle to support one child, let alone a child + an affair baby. Do you not understand how OP’s husband having an affair baby would impact the family finances? Nobody is that dumb.

    Again, you also forget feelings are a thing. How insulting for OP to submit to dna testing when she’s not suspected of cheating when her husband has an affair baby

  2. he says he’s a super jealous person and thinks that other men are going to flirt with me and that if that happens he thinks he’s going to get super upset.

    Boy is not ready for a committed relationship if he isn't going to get 'super upset' at some rando flirting with you at a bar. He needs to figure out how to be able to handle the fact that his partner will go out and have to socialize with other men that aren't him, and until he can do that without getting upset, he needs to stay single.

    It's not your job to fix him, OP.

  3. My husband is at home, and I work outside the home. My husband coiks 4 days, I cook 1 day and we cook together 2 days or do a date night 1 day. We sit down once a week and plan a menu. He grocery shops.

    Your bf Is being unfair.

  4. Dude you are in such denial it’s making you look like a fool.

    She’s not wearing a ring, she’s lying about he whereabouts, and avoiding you… do you have ANY ounce of self respect?

    She’s at the very least WANTING to cheat.

    Grow a backbone and finish this

  5. Sucky situation all around.

    Don't fall into the line of thinking that now that it's a reality, he's bound to change his mind, though. That's a thought process that has left many a woman in single motherhood.

    I don't think anyone can really tell you what to do here, you'll have to weigh all the scenarios and decide which one will lay less heavily on you… Abort without telling him, risk him wanting you to abort if you tell him, single motherhood and I guess to a lot less likely possibility – telling him and him having a sudden change of heart (going to stress again that that isn't likely).

    Sorry, OP. That's why my automatic answer though with people in your situation is to cut your losses.

  6. He sabotages any chance he can for you to have a personal relationship with anyone on his side. He is building a wall between you and his people. This is a surefire way to lose a girlfriend IMO.

    A partner is someone who at a minimum has your back. Your boyfriend is not meeting the bare minimum requirements of even a basic friend.

    A life of your (future) husband shit talking literally you to everyone who will listen does not sound like a future. It sounds honestly really lonely.

  7. Couples counseling. He's disrespectful of your job and free time. He's disrespectful of your requests for quality time together as a couple. He's financially disrespectful.

  8. He can’t be with the dog if he’s abusing it. You need to leave or find somewhere safe for the dog.

  9. He doesn’t care that you are not okay with this and is willing to cross your boundaries and continuously disrespect your wishes. He is also unwilling to compromise as you suggested. If he cared at all he wouldn’t be doing any of this. She would be respecting you as well, lien what girl thinks this is a good idea unless she has I’ll it’s just super sketchy all around. If I were her I’d be like “you have a girlfriend, if I was her I would not be okay with this” this is how you get cheated on. Too many flags on the play. Tell him he made his choice by deciding to ignore your feelings and needs. No one in a relationship they care about would jeopardize it this way.

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