Date: October 3, 2022
I’m at my dads friends house. I’m safe! I’ll be moving with my dad once we get a ticket going. Im just speechless my head is everywhere. My dad actually called the police to come over and they seemed like they didn’t care but then my bruises didn’t show cause it was fresh. But now it’s starting to show up real bad. It’s bad. Bruises on my face and arms back neck. It’s just all bad. I’ll definitely keep you updated! Thanks for helping me.?
You are totally right thank you
Maybe she should just remain a friend if she isn't attracted to you in that way. It seems you click on some other levels though. Keep it at a friendship.
Porn addiction, by its nature, isn’t about you not being good enough, because it’s an ADDICTION. So stop making it personal. That’s not helping. Second, the problem wasn’t the porn as you say you’re fine with porn use, it was that his addiction used up all his sexual energy that he had none left for you. So as long as he reduces use such that he has enough left in his tank to satisfy you, then theoretically it shouldn’t be a problem. So no need to obsess at work if he’s using or not. If he is, thats not a problem unless he can’t meet your needs, and if he is, then who care, right?
That fact you two are splitting bills and instead of her using her leftover money to send….she wants you to send your own money to benefit her family in which you get absolutely nothing in return….I'll be direct, you need to LEAVE her and keep working on you because another (more than likely better) woman will come along. If you let her “anger” (she isn't truly angry) get you into sending money to her family and you decide to stay with her then you're not going to have anything saved for retirement and you'll probably be working until your ?…hope she doesn't take your ? behind your back and leave before you notice.
As the other comments have said, if you give an ultimatum then you have to follow through with it or it is meaningless.
You could stay that you are giving him 3 weeks to find and go to therapy and he must do at least 1 month.
Or you could say that he clearly doesn't want to work on his anger and it has been 3 months and that is enough time.
Unfortunately it seems that he doesn't want to get better, often people forced into therapy really don't get anything out of it as they are not invested in change or growth. And generally being forced never works.
It can take several tries to get the right fit, but it sounds like he doesn't know what he needs anyway, which will mean therapy will fail as he probably doesn't want to hear that he needs to work on himself.
Sorry, BYOB strip clubs are a thing? That doesn’t sound like that should be a thing.
“We should be allowed to experiment in our young age once”
“But you’ve already cheated”
“Well yes, but what about second cheating?”
We’re able to talk to each other, but she’s a whole new level. He ended up telling her we’re not coming back until she can be more appreciative and not talk to me behind my back
This was the 2nd thing that came to my mind.
Come on now, her behaviors of cheating multiple times, asking for a threesome and buying sex toys suggests the OP might have a high sex drive and enjoy sex 2-3 times a day but he's clearly not fulfilling her sexual needs.
Oh wow, what he has done is a huge violation of trust and also illegal if you are in the US and I imagine other countries have similar laws. Honestly, the right thing to do would be to report him to the police and his ex. Or, if you have reason to believe that he might do something to get revenge on you for reporting him, you can always make a fake FB or Insta account and message her the info urging her to go to the police. I am back and forth on this one because while I feel in my heart going to the police is right, I also know that you might be fearful of what he might do to retaliate. Either way, someone has got to notify the police, whether it is her, or you. The ex might even be aware that he has done this since she blocked him on everything… clearly he did something to her to make her want to distance herself from him completely.
As far as you snooping through his phone. Yes, it is not a good habit to be in. Everyone deserves privacy. However, what he did is much much worse than snooping through a phone so he has no good argument here. So if you did come out and confront him, don't let him try to put the blame on you, he is the criminal here. Also, you said that you sensed something was up and otherwise had not had a habit of going through his phone… so he must have said or done something that caused a red flag to go up. He is in the wrong here, not you.
Whatever you decide to do, I really hope you break up with this guy. He is a creep and likely to do the same thing to you one day.
Don’t change who you are. There is nothing wrong with having a personality. I say divorce so you can find someone worth your time or enjoy your freedom. He can go find that mail order bride he so desperately needs.
All my homies hate Bob