Maria_Goldlive sex stripping with hd cam


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Room for online sex video chat Maria_Gold

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Languages: en

Birth Date: 1978-01-28

Body Type: bodyTypeThin

Ethnicity: ethnicityWhite

Hair color: hairColorBlack

Eyes color: eyeColorGreen

Subculture: subcultureHousewives

Date: December 12, 2022

41 thoughts on “Maria_Goldlive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. This is meeeee. I think. My first real relationship/marriage was to a latina. I became super attracted to Latina women. I thought she was perfect because I loved her to death, but she also happened to be my “fetish”. After we divorced, I later got with a white woman. Same exact thing happened.

    I realized I didn't have a race fetish, I just was extremely attracted to anything resembling my woman, although the only person I wanted, was my woman. If that makes sense. I feel like I'm explaining it wrong.

  2. She's taking care of his child in return for the money he brings in now working. That's her contribution.

    If he stops paying for her child, that would be the equivalent of her stopping care for his child.

    Again, the equivalent would simply be him withholding his parental inheritance from her child.

  3. Go fuck yourself.

    If you're even asking for what I am – I am going to college mostly on FAFSA and on my own dime, as a computer science student working a semi-dangerous security job for up to 24-40 hours a week.

    And even I can tell that she's is struggling due to shit parents, to which by the way I don't even talk to mine anymore than I have to, and quite frankly tough love is not needed here.

  4. You have your wife. She is strong and so are you for doing what you’ve done. Life is hard and it’s easier with a good partnership. It is also easier without people who make you upset. All of those things weigh on us and take us away from our true lives. They are distractions. We give ourselves away to someone else, expecting good things in return, but instead we are injured. Keep your wonderfulness for yourself and your wife and your life together.

  5. She's emotionally cheating on you. She needs to stop all communication with him and work on getting that trust back or break up with her

  6. the people in here commenting obviously have no friends or don’t go out because like why wouldn’t you follow on ig people you’re cool with and met??? and like if she’s pre drinking with friends why is it a big deal it’s not that serious. you don’t need to be in every event your gf goes to and vice versa. if she lied she probably did it bc you’d be on her ass about it otherwise.

  7. I wish I could help more Now I've found someone that's way better to me than my ex ever was and we have been together for the happiest 3 and a half months of my life I hope you fine your person soon hey you never know it could be your closest friend that helps you over this break up that's who mine is

  8. There are. None of them should change the end result.

    Mental illnesses aren’t a persons fault, but they are a persons responsibility.

  9. Obviously he wants a white woman. Not a woman with ‘color’ because he wanted his future children to be no dark like him. Sounds like he is ashamed of himself being an indian. That is sad.

  10. what should I do if I end up meeting her accidentally somewhere? I live in a small city, there may be chances we may cross each other.

  11. As a former Christian, I suggest couples counseling.

    You guys went from having sex, to not having sex, all because he wanted to take his religion more seriously.

    He also has you converting to his religion.

    But he is the one who is getting hostile more frequently. You obviously as a couple have some things that need worked out, especially if you want to enjoy your relationship, and have a healthy happy marriage. Because at this rate, I don't see it making it to marriage. No one wants to be with someone who can't handle their emotions , because they made a life choice that obviously wasn't thought out very well, and details talked out.

    How much of a grasp does he have on his religion? Are you both going to go full catholic, and due away with birth control, and just pop out babies left and right? Because from what I understand they don't believe in the use of birth control.

    I hope you did your homework, before you decided to give your life over to a religion. You noticed I said I was a former Christian right? As I grew older, and seen what being a Christian meant, I left the religion. I don't agree with most of it, and I won't live my life to their expectations. You need to make sure this is something that you look into fully.

    But like I said couples counseling.

  12. There are a couple things you could do to mitigate it, from your side:

    Get ANC wireless earbuds. Some of them are comfortable enough to sleep wearing them. Play rain or white noise from your phone. There are pills for insomnia. I know you don't have insomnia per se, but some pills help keeping you asleep. I used to have the type of insomnia where I randomly woke up and couldn't fall asleep again, and that helped me a lot. Ask him to sleep on his side, facing away from you. Read about sleep hygine. It's not directly related to your issue, but a lot of other minor things can add up and make you sleep like shit.

  13. Honestly, a feeling of dread washes over me whenever I got an out-of-the-blue text from him, but I’ve been told in the past that I tend to overreact to things and cut people off too quickly.

    I’m just going to listen to my gut on this one.

  14. Why are you letting this horrible person lie to you? You're the one he's feeding the lies to, she isn't the only one. Break it off with this creature before he disrespects you again.

  15. Your husband just told you you’ll be less important for the duration of your marriage. Make sure you fully understand and are fully prepared for what that means. Your needs will always come second and you can’t depend on him.

  16. Some people just suck.

    There doesn't have to be a reason.

    and some parents put up with the difficult child/children to keep the peace.

    They don't want to lose access to the grandchildren who unfortunately seem to be being raised by shitty parents.

  17. Yes you have a right to be upset. I’m 46 woman and I can’t imagine discussing with my sex life with friends. The bedroom is sacred to me.

  18. Because we had the most wonderful first few months (8 month relationship) before I believe that doubts first came creeping in her mind, and I still hope that we can find our way back to that point

  19. Ok. Incredibly sus age gap asides.

    That's majorly fucked up. I wouldn't normally recommend this but this sounds life threatening. But you should go to his friends and tell them whats going on. Shame him into taking action. This is normally super toxic but he's being a selfish cunt.

    Also. If there's any chance this could be genetic, it absolutely should be on record for your son's sake. This could save his life too one day.

  20. The positive role he played in her life doesn't magically erase the fact that he helped ruin a man's life by literally stealing his child from him, directly after stealing his wife. He never would've even been in her life if her mother didn't cheat on her father and then divorce him for her affair partner. That's an active series of choices he made in collusion with OP's mom. Not a mistake. A mistake is getting the wrong flavor of cake for a birthday party. Not carrying on an affair with a married woman, then moving a few hundred miles away with her and her kid after she divorces her husband and gets custody.

  21. So… you think that using your children as tools to access someone's money *doesn't* make you a bad parent?

    You literally not only allowed that dude to think those kids were his, you let them think he was theirs. And then you lied to them after they lost him.

    Sorry, but you *were* bad parents in a big, big way. You used your children for monetary gain. That's reprehensible.

  22. If he doesn’t respect you infront of LITERALLY YOUR PARENTS, he won’t respect you behind closed doors once you’re married. Be warned.

  23. Ideal response would be: “thank you for letting me know, don’t worry about coming back, your things will be on the curb. please try to keep quiet, I still have studying to do.”

  24. 10 years is a long time…a lot of the issues you have with him is easy to fix. Have you asked him what issues he has with you? Maybe you can fix both of your issues together.

  25. I would not be worried because sometimes that is the easiest way out of a confrontational situation. I was alone on internship eating a smoothie bowl outside a shop. I man came up to me and asked for my number. I said no and he got upset and got closer to me. I then told him I had a boyfriend and he said things like “I don’t see him here” “that’s not a problem with me” and I said leave me alone I’m not interested. He started yelling at me and chanting random stuff and getting in my face and banging on tables. Another man was nearby watching and doing nothing. I grabbed my bowl and left to my car, cried, and could not eat alone the rest of the internship. Grubhub benefited but I did not lol.

  26. This has got absolutely nothing to do with your mother. You’re projecting onto this relationship based on little information and your own issues. This isn’t a cry for help from the OP about an abusive violent fiancé.

  27. OP i dont have much advice because i agree with exactly what most are saying here.

    As a married woman i could never ever invalidate my husband the way your wife does. I love and respect him. Because he deserves that! You deserve better and don't just stay for the kids.

    Unhappy marriages just teach us as kids it's okay to treat your SO like crap. My parents are an example of that.

    They deserve a dad that's happy! She doesn't want to do therapy she doesnt want to work on the marriage, she doesn't care about how you feel or your needs.

    Please leave this is a fucked up relationship to hve kids around.

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