Charlotte-Adams1 live webcams for YOU!


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Date: November 27, 2022

8 thoughts on “Charlotte-Adams1 live webcams for YOU!

  1. Yeah I just find it very hard to swallow…before this, she was absolutely perfect. So caring, and sweet all the time. She also had a big jealous streak, so I thought she would be more understanding of this.

    I just wish there was a way to get past it. I know everyone is telling me to break up, but if there's a chance I want to take it. I've been in a lot of relationships before but they've never been as good as this one was.

    The thing with the lying, I'm finding it very hard to get past it, but I've been willing to try. I thought that she would try and make that easier, but she seems to think it's a two way street, and that I should just be back to normal already. We can't talk about any wrongdoing on her part without her bringing up how she's also hurt and therefore I should be doing the same work.

  2. Ask him to prove it. He made a claim, he has the burden of proof. Either he'll be correct and will surely be able to provide plenty of evidence or he won't. One of you will learn something.

  3. I don't know what failure of your reasoning skills occurred that led you to marry someone who refused to have sex with you, but I'm inclined to agree with your friends, especially since he's wanting a “friend” to move in. You're a beard. You married a super closeted gay man and you're his cover. Even if he isn't, is this really how you want live the rest of your life?

    In a dead bedroom with someone who blames you for it and won't even talk about it after 6 whole years. Not to mention I'd love to know what you're smoking that you're planning a SECOND wedding in this situation.

  4. It's good that you stood your ground on the break up, but I'm not sure why you let her manipulate you like that. She made the choice to move, you didn't tell her to.

    I would've straight up told her that she will not dictate what me and my friends do.

    Another mistake was buying a $10k ring. Why would you ever buy something so expensive when you can't really afford it, especially an item that doesn't really do anything. Especially for a woman who wasn't even putting effort into the relationship. Rings are pointless wastes of money, because if someone really loved you, they'd want to use that money to further your future together instead of wasting it on some metal and rocks. Can you return it?

  5. You're right, I don't know what took me so long to accept the reality, I truly just wanted to give them the benefit of the doubt. Now, I have great and healthy relationships with my brothers but in the past, it wasn't like that with one of them. The whole time being around them and observing, I was pretty much telling myself that because I struggled with a sibling relationship in the past, I don't know what a healthy brother-sister relationship model looks like.

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