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abbinaturallive sex stripping with hd cam


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Room for online sex video chat abbinatural

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Birth Date: 1970-03-08

Body Type: bodyTypeCurvy

Ethnicity: ethnicityWhite

Hair color: hairColorBlonde

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Subculture: subcultureHousewives

Date: November 27, 2022

69 thoughts on “abbinaturallive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Being annoyed in this situation is normal but giving you the silent treatment is stupid and indicative of deeper issues.

    You have said in the comments that you have an issue with drinking which you should definitely work on for yourself, but his response is worrisome.

    Get better for yourself and have some standards regarding how you want to be treated. being concerned is good but plenty of people have forgotten to send messages indicating that they're fine and plenty of people have not received said messages until later.

    Unless this behavior gets repeated several times his frustrated should've been over once you explained what happened.

    Oh…and if he doesn't trust you because of his insecurities that's his problem, not yours

  2. Oh please, if you need to express yourself in a relationship like that, and it’s not your job or for any type of money, just to please the men who wish they could sleep with you. You should be single. He’s not controlling for feeling that way, she’s just disrespectful and doesn’t think about how her partner would feel. Especially how she chose not to communicate about it.

  3. She can cut off whomever she wants. You don't get an automatic pass to be in your adult child's life. They get to decide it based on their years of dealing w you. When they decide they're done, they're done.

    Your repeated attempts at contact and going to where she used to live to force an interaction w her sounds like stalking.

    2 of your children blame you. They didn't just wake up one day and decide to both blame you in some elaborate plot to fuck up your life. They came to that decision based on their interactions w their brother and you. And believe me, siblings know each other better than any parent ever will (especially our fears, frustrations, problems, and dreams).

    Your refusal to look inward and admit that mistakes were made alienates your surviving children from you more by the day. Stop deflecting blame on society.

    Your son told you specifically what he needed (a fresh start), and you decided he didn't need it. You knew how he felt, and every day, you sent him back to a place that tormented him mentally. He dreaded waking up and going to his version of living hell, day after day, week after week. All he wanted was an escape from being an outcast, from being the weirdo, from being so desperately lonely and hurt by his peers. He was tired of being in a constant state of anxiety, wondering who was going to make him feel bad about being himself that day. Except he wasn't able to be himself at school, not ever. The person his peers saw was the result of years of their abuse, torment, and ostracization. He turned inward to protect himself more and more. Every day was just another depressing day of existence. The best days at school were the days you kept your head down and everyone ignored you. It was always better to be invisible instead of tormented. At least if you were invisible, you could just exist in peace. Those days were far and few in between. Sometimes, you go to sleep and hope your eyes never open again. Then the next morning comes, you open your eyes and for a fraction of a second you are ok, and the reality hits you like a building collapsing on you and the weight of all that dread comes back and it's suffocating. You immediately erect your walls and put yourself behind it. You've now been awake for 1 second, and you already are numb to the day and life, and you've gone into automatic protection mode. You finally get home after dealing with everything at school, you let your walls down and bam, you get ambushed by your parents wanting to talk about your autism. You weren't prepared. You just want to be a kid, and even at home, you can't escape. And now, you have to put up the walls at home. Now do that for years and see if eventually you become angry when it gets discussed. At least anger is an outlet.

    I'm sorry he's gone. I've lost family, friends, and almost myself to it. I know what I'm talking about here. I know how he thought. I know his pain. I know his rage. I know his desperation. That's why he ran away and cut you off. Sometimes, people can find a new family amongst friends and start healing. Some do not.

    You will never understand the pain he carried in his heart and mind. And when he was at home, he could even exist in peace. All he wanted was to be what he thought was “normal,” and you pushing “assistance” on him constantly made him tormented at home, too. He had nowhere to go, to just not be the autistic kid. That's why he got so mad. You did not LISTEN. Your son told his siblings all of this. They knew and understood his pain. They saw him. They HEARD him. They listened when he had no one else. That is why they ALL blamed you.

  4. Have you tried living alone and actually creating a home for yourself with having to fall back on your dad.Your dad may seem controlling hun but it's his house and you might be doing yourself a favor by finding your own place minus a boyfriend where you can have peace without control. You seem to have a pattern of rushing to play house with your boyfriends and so far you haven't lucked out.

  5. idk if it’s a reconciliation… feels more sabotage-y… who knows though but yes!! talk to your boyfriend and make sure he understands the importance of this situation so you can get on the same page and support each other (:

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  7. Please leave. I am 28 and in a similar situation w/o children, and I am working on vacating. If possible, you need to get far away from him. He's not escalating to higher degrees of abuse yet, but he will. He's not just a bad husband, he IS a bad friend and a bad person. He told you he loved you long enough to saddle you with literally everything and then some with a kid, and then says he does everything. He's a loser. And you deserve actual love and respect.

  8. You can have BPD and be in a successful relationship but you have to be working, constantly, to try to make that happen. Therapy. Meds. Active lifestyle adjustments.

    For you, no matter what the meds do or the therapy or whatever there will be flare ups. Are you prepared for a lifetime of that? If not you need to go. Is he actively treating his disorder or is he relying on you to shoulder his moods? If he isn’t, you need to tell him that he needs to or you’re going to walk. Untreated BPD+ an anger disorder isn’t going to fix itself. You can’t love it out of him, you can’t hug or soothe or talk him out of this. He has to be right with himself before he can take on others in his sphere. Would you let a diabetic ignore taking insulin and let them stuff themselves with candy while their feet slowly rotted off? Or would you say “hey, you need a doctor. I don’t want to watch you ruin yourself because I love you. “

  9. As someone who has been on both sides of this story – You’re right to not trust him. Even if it actually was the first time it happened, it would’ve and still probably would happen again. And he would never, ever have told you, why would he have ruined his “perfect” relationship? The trust will most likely never come back, no matter how hard you try and as time is passing this will fuck you up.

  10. It depends on your bf's attitude toward your ex and if he is cool with things like that. I can't personally say how I'd react because again, it depends on the history between you two and my relationship with the ex. But generally I feel like I'd be secure enough to be cool with it.

  11. This is a terribly controlling relationship, and it’s only four months in!

    Then he goes and plays the victim? Tries a bit of cry-bullying?

    Naw man – if you threw a stone into a crowd you’d likely hit someone better than him.

  12. You can’t do anything to not be insecure, but she’s with you because she loves you. If anything just enjoy, and make jokes about things with her. It will make you feel better. Like how she can reach things on top of the fridge.

  13. I think it is the media influence which is a shame tbh, I'm wondering if there's a way I could steer her away from all that.

    I'll look into a therapist for myself, and then explore the option of marriage counselling. Thank you for your advice.

  14. If this is PMS related, there are contraceptives that will literally stop menstruation altogether. Most of the women I've dated have used those.

    There will be comments here where people will tell you to be supportive because you haven't experienced it yourself, but the fact is there is no excuse to be mentally or physically abusive to your partner.

  15. He texted you two hours later??? I would divorce just based on this. I get a text if I’m in the bathroom for more than 15 minutes asking if I’m okay!

  16. She's just always like this and overreacting over every little thing, she exaggerates everything all the time to me, so I'm not surprised she exaggerating again?

    for example she would say the neighbours are playing loud music and when I go check it's barely noticeable

  17. My husband and I met when we were 31. He had never been with anyone before me, not even a kiss. We're happily married for almost two years now. These things happen in their own time.

  18. The issue was that she was entertaining the flirting. She never shot him down and sometimes ignited the flirting.

    She was the one who asked first if I wanted her to cut contact with him off first. I told her that was a serious decision and that we needed to talk about it more. We did talk about it throughout the day and I asked her at the end of the day if she was still ok with cutting him off because that’s what I felt was the best based on the conversations we had after. The reason I think she went straight to asking if I wanted to cut contact with him tho is because of her trauma response. Your right I really fucked up in looking through her phone I didn’t realize that a trigger would possibly go off.

  19. There is not need for you to feel guilty because you haven't done anything wrong. This is entirely a situation of her own making.

    She is upset about how the relationship ended with this guy but she really should be healing and not bringing it up at every party or social interaction. She is playing the victim now when she didn't get unequivocally supported (despite being objectively wrong), and has been for a long time and bad mouthing some dude for it too.

    You might want to take a look at her overall behaviour and see if this is a pattern.

  20. Sounds like she's been burned by social media in the past. So it makes sense that maybe she wouldn't want to dilute your relationship by putting it out there for all the world to comment on. TBH, OP, she's 40, she's not 15. Most grown adults don't need the approval of all their sm followers. Social media has never done one single good thing for a relationship. It has, however, damaged and ended relationships (and even caused murders). If everything else is going fine this shouldn't be the hill you want to die on.

  21. Prior to my message to her in the afternoon, it had been about two days since we last spoke, and she texted me first that time to check in and see how I was doing

  22. My ex wife was 1000% my type and we didn't work out at all, there is so much more to a successful relationship. If the bedroom is alive and kicking then you are just in your head about it. Best advice is communication and therapy

  23. No, it really doesn't. I started dating my now-husband when he was 21. He had never been in a relationship before, was a serious introvert, and honestly pretty socially awkward. He's the first to admit this. I never had to teach him to want to be with me. Because he wanted to be with me. If your guy wanted to be with you, he would. People always do what they ultimately want to do the most. He's not spending time with you because he doesn't want to. I'm sorry.

  24. I would would add.. there must be pain support groups, even if online where she can gain some other support other than OP. He needs a break. She needs a support system.

  25. Just because you came out fine, doesn’t mean it’s okay. That’s like saying, “I was beat with a belt and I turned out fine!” So what?

  26. You are an example for your daughters. You wouldn’t want them to stay with someone that betrayed them like your husband has you. Show them how to be strong, not a doormat. Divorce your husband.

  27. Omg, noooooooo. That is not the horrifying turn I thought this was going to take. I am ? with your (ex) boyfriend on this. No coming back from baggies of dead animal fur. Wth.

    As someone who loves animals I have saved things like a collar or a paw print in clay like they do for babies. Not their freaking decomposing body chunks in a baggie.

  28. You’re asking her to be basically be your live in sex doll, which I’m sure you have time for. You want her to be available for that, but just cease to exist or have needs when you’re “busy”.

    Let her find someone who actually likes her please.

  29. Thief with poor impulse control who has no problem hurting you to solve his problems. He's apologized, but what are his plans to make you whole again? What steps will he be taking to become a decent human being who doesn't steal from people? Cuz an apology means fuckall when he knows he can pop the end off another hairbrush in 6mo and you'll forgive him.

  30. Sounds like they communicated and she agreed to the terms of the living arrangements. Just because you don't agree to the option they agreed upon doesn't mean they didn't talk it out. I think he made himself clear and she has accepted his priorities.

    If they decide this doesn't work for them they'll move on but at least they're understanding where each other is coming from.

  31. Sounds like they communicated and she agreed to the terms of the living arrangements. Just because you don't agree to the option they agreed upon doesn't mean they didn't talk it out. I think he made himself clear and she has accepted his priorities.

    If they decide this doesn't work for them they'll move on but at least they're understanding where each other is coming from.

  32. I think that's a reach given that the op explicitly says those plans were arrived at given her partner was the one that was unhappy with their current location. Which adds an extra “fuck you” on top of this whole thing, tbh. “I'm really unhappy here. But that plan we have to move somewhere we can both accomplish our career goals? Hmm, yeah, think I'll apply for a position to stay instead.”

  33. Babe, you can get sex anywhere. It is easy for us women. I can literally have dick delivered like domino's within an hour if I really wanted to.

  34. Of course not. That’s what has pushed me to this point. I feel like I’ve been ignoring it all these years because when it happens to me I can handle it. The second I saw it happen to my son was the first time I considered divorce.

  35. The reason you feel like he broke your trust is because he did.

    Now this isn't a “cheated on you” level of Trust violation, but it's still a violation. An ugly one that could put your job or your supervisor's job in jeopardy.

    I guess this one sort of comes down to…how much do you actually love your BF?

    If you see this relationship as a serious one, AND he shows the appropriate level of contrition/regret over this stupid, careless action…then it's forgiveable.

    If you're not even that into him, you don't need an idiot who puts your job in danger because he can't keep his mouth closed.

  36. When you say you want sex to come up organically, that sounds a lot like in your best case scenario he proposes a sexy night once every week or two to match your schedule.

    It sounds like your sexual frequency during the early stages was the aberration and maybe you might have preferred it less often then as well. In my experience, a romance will not survive long term without intimacy.

    If you really were randier during your courtship, try to figure out what’s changed. Couples counseling can help a great deal. If you think you should want sex more often than you do, there are new meds available to treat that.

    If your libido’s are just significantly mismatched but are compatible every way else, you might have to start thinking outside the box on this.

    All that said, once a week or two may not be your boyfriend’s preference, but it’s not the worst hardship. I wouldn’t throw a relationship away because I had to handle my own business a couple times a week.

  37. There's nothing wrong with what you're doing.

    She doesn't get to set the rules, boundaries and limits for both of you.

    You've made it clear what you want, she's made it clear what she wants.

    If those two things don't happen to align, that's fine – it just means you shouldn't be, or rather, can't, in a relationship together.

    She can't have her proverbial cake and eat it here – she's either with you or not, minus perks.

  38. If you don't like the wording of my suggested apology then change it.

    As for “sending the wrong message”…. If you wont apologize for the wrong you did for the simple reason that its the right thing and mature thing to do, maybe look at it from the angle of self-interest instead. The world can be a small place and you may actually meet this person unexpectedly some day. It happens. Maybe it will happen in a professional capacity of some sort and not a personal one. When it happens and he remembers you, he's going to think about the interaction you had and react accordingly. I'm guessing that he's going to “oh crap the immature crazy girl with anger issues”.

    Or maybe you'll run into one of his friends, who has heard all about the immature crazy girl with anger issues.

    Regardless, whatever goodwill you have created up that point will automatically go into the negative as soon as that person remembers you. You will have, by virtue or your past choices, put yourself into a hole that you need to work your way out of in order to do whatever you needed to do.

    So hey, if you want your “legacy” with this guy and people he knows to be the “immature crazy girl with anger issues”, leave things as they are.

  39. I hope it works, but I think his problem is that he can't cope with the fact that you don't need to be with him all the time. I hope he would enjoy a weekend with his daughter, but it doesn't address that insecurity. He's just not as emotionally well adjusted as you OP.

  40. He's mentally unstable and owns a gun. Why do you need more than that? Your judgement for what is ok or acceptable + safe is totally broken. Your life is very much in danger.

  41. The whole point of it is to have a little bit of time by herself enjoying a pint on her own before she goes home.

  42. some people see words as their own personal definitions and not in the context of the conversation. semantics.

  43. Just know the best thing to come from all this will be the baby. Circle the wagons, get the lawyer, family and friends in place to support you.

    Cut off SO and go let him explore his cheating feelings. Doubt he'll be much of a co-parent due to the quality character he's showing

  44. Yep #4 will get labeled the mean nag who wouldn't just let him play his video games. Such a meanie! ?

  45. I know people on this sub joke about always jumping right to divorce, but this would be a deal breaker for me. I might be extra sensitive because my cat just died last week, but I would not be able to stay married to, live with, or even speak to this man again. AND he let you frantically search the entire house before telling you where the cat was? He’s a huge asshole.

  46. You should dump him. By his logic, you shouldn’t: go to the movies; use public transportation; take a flight; go to school; or ever be in a crowd, ever.

    You didn’t “get yourself sick” unless you were licking door handles.

    I’m thinking he didn’t want you to go to the rave in the first place, and now he gets to rub your “poor decision” in your face. Just tell him to STFU.

    You don’t deserve to be constantly berated.

  47. I don't see anything in your op about John having been a problem before. I apologize if I missed it though. If there was no bad history there, I don't think you did anything wrong. Not everyone has multiple close friends or even family, I'm positive other weddings have featured a similar arrangement. They didn't have to “protect” anything because normal people don't troll their “friend's” wedding, regardless of their role in it. I mean, technically, he could have pulled the same stunt even if he was just a guest.

    Your wife never should have okayed that. She's your problem.

  48. I'm not trolling… I deleted my previous posts and comments because everything was about my breakup (which is over now). Sorry if you think that this isn't true, but unfortunately, it is.

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