AishaRooms live webcams for YOU!


9 thoughts on “AishaRooms live webcams for YOU!

  1. And it WILL change the behavior of the people around the child. I understand your point that biology shouldn’t matter as much as it does but in this society it does. To me the betrayal is doing this without her knowledge and her finding out the way she did. She doesn’t even know if they had actual sex to have this child. Would that be okay with you too? That is a major omission of information and clearly most people agree even if you don’t see it that way.

  2. Defending him takes mental gymnastics. So he tells her that she's unattractive .. and then what? Who benefited from hearing that?

    He begged her for kids and when her body has to change for it to happen, she's no longer sexy? He's not trying to make her feel secure and loved.

  3. I'm biased since I'm a daily stoner and have been for 18 years. That includes throughout the day, public use etc… all my friends smoke it. My own grandma who is against drugs makes edible brownies to help with sleep and pain she has. It's legal where I live though and can be smoked in public anywhere its also legal to smoke cigarettes.

    I have had a toke then gone to town, had a toke than did a workout, I've done every activity stoned. Used a pen while uptown in public, smoked a joint walking down the street. Smoked before doctor appointments. If you've seen me, 99% chance I'm high and you'd have no idea. I'm able to function and live life normally. I'm even a mother of two.

    My one friend owns a salon. I was the only client at the end of the day. We took a break between coats on my nails and went out to smoke a joint. My dad gives me bags of weed as payment when I house sit. He's a respectable and well known person in our small town. He does most of the cabinetry in town at local businesses snd works with all the contractors. He smokes.

    You likely have a image of the “type” of people who smoke daily or often. I can assure you we can also be completely normal people with jobs, kids and are respectable people that can still function. People of all walks of life smoke weed. Sounds like you two aren't compatible.

  4. Oh my gosh, nooooo. If anything you are under reacting. This guy is just a huge jerk and definitely not worth your time.

  5. Honestly I hope you told her this. And I hope she eventually realizes how messed up that is. He sounds like my dad and I have mostly cut him out of my life rather than let him abuse me and everyone in my life. It's terrible to enable that behavior

  6. in his head, he makes compromise to accomodate your feelings. obviously he is wrong.

    he is into you, and not as friend. So either, you give it a try or you explicitly tell him you are not into him and will never date him (but still accept him as a friend if he behave like one).

    he would have regrets to not have try to date you. but if the point is set, he can probably stay as friend and look for another love interest after a period of grievance. or he can feel rejected and go away to not stay in your vicinity.

    whatever the case, you want your common relation to change. giving him the talk will change it, for good or bad.

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