Ashley and Bella live webcams for YOU!


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Date: November 24, 2022

37 thoughts on “Ashley and Bella live webcams for YOU!

  1. Nothing you can do. You’re not telling her anything she doesn’t know. Some people just have to learn the hard way.

  2. You say you welcome babies, but you left to live at your moms without your kids? Am I reading that right? If so, you should not bring more kids into the world that you leave behind.

  3. That’s the weird part for me. I definitely recommend talking with him and just being honest. And if it is something specifically about the wipes then at least this sub gave you some solutions ?

  4. I say this without malice, but… what you did was careless, reckless and juvenile. You embarrassed yourself in front of your co-workers, cheated on your partner with one of those co-workers, and judging by your words here, I question if you actually told your partner what you did with that co-worker (you only told them some of the things you were told you did?). I'm also hoping that you didn't blame the alcohol, because that stuff doesn't change you. It just makes it easier for people to act on/give voice to what their thinking because of how it lowers a person's inhibitions and affects the clarity of their thinking.

    Frankly, you need to lay off the liquor, apologize to your co-workers for your questionable behavior at the party, and tell your partner that you cheated on them if you haven't already done so. They're trust in you is likely broken in a big way, and they deserve to know the whole truth about what you did so they can decide if they want to stay with you (I wouldn't, but that's up to them). And that someone had to tell you what you did, and others had to talk you out of hooking up with someone other then your partner, should be a serious wake up call for you.

    Own up to your actions, accept the consequences of them, and then learn from them. I can't say how things will go for you at your workplace, or if your partner will stick around. But this is a moment for you to improve yourself either way. Take it.

    Good luck, OP. You're in for a rough stretch.

  5. yeah I just remember that she said she is having signs of mental illness recently, I should take her to therapy soon. thanks for the advice.

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  7. When you see him just be like, “Oh hey dude. How's it going” and turn away without waiting for a response. If he tries to engage you in conversation outside work related topics, cut him off and politely tell him you'd like to keep discussion to work related issues.

  8. Next time just apologize and let him know you didn’t mean to hurt him. Don’t try to explain it away as that can appear to be making excuses. Maybe just go apologize and tell him you love him, maybe he had in his head that his is considered big, maybe it’s because you said big ones hurt and that got him thinking about you being with guys that have bigger dicks. Who knows… idk what to tell you I think he’s being a bit dramatic but maybe you weren’t apologetic enough either.

  9. That fact you two are splitting bills and instead of her using her leftover money to send….she wants you to send your own money to benefit her family in which you get absolutely nothing in return….I'll be direct, you need to LEAVE her and keep working on you because another (more than likely better) woman will come along. If you let her “anger” (she isn't truly angry) get you into sending money to her family and you decide to stay with her then you're not going to have anything saved for retirement and you'll probably be working until your ?…hope she doesn't take your ? behind your back and leave before you notice.

  10. Yeah… hell no. If he insists on this, get some listerine pocketpaks to leave on the bedside table and make him put one of those bad boys in there is he wants more than a peck. No exceptions. Bleh.

  11. I wonder what the police would say… why did they tell you then not give to you? That’s gross of them. I’m so sorry.

  12. You need to make him your ex husband. Surely you have other friends or family that could help you get back on your feet and find a job. Your husband has proven that he does not care about you and will do as he pleases as soon as your back is turned. All it takes is for you to put your foot down and say “I’m done” to start getting out of this situation. Don’t say that you can’t leave him, you can, it will just be hard as hell.

  13. I think you should def let him know and tell him how it turned you on. It will definitely spice things up! I have know doubt he will find it hot lol

  14. Lmao ma’am she is definitely going to fuck your man. He’s giving into her quite frequently based on your post. I’ll be damned if my partner was acting this way with my ‘best friend’. She ain’t your friend

  15. Well, you did some shit things, she did some shit thing, but… punching is not just a shit thing it's an abusive thing. I can't tell you how to feel but you definitely didn't deserve that and it's a good thing this is over.

    Now stop going back to her.

  16. Thanks for the response I’m just going to respond to the points the stand out

    1: I have no way of knowing if she has feelings for me it could in her mind be completely platonic, she recently stopped dating someone (for a very brief time) as she saw it going nowhere. The information we’ve shared with each other is very personal would you think that could inhibit her from getting those feelings back cause she knows this about me

    2: she knows I’m completely over girl A

    3: a bit backwards but is it that normal for the only girls I’ve found interest to be my friends. I obviously find other people attractive, so is it just a confidence thing

    4: is there a way to ask girl b to hangout without making it seem like I’m asking her out

    Thanks for helping

  17. Next time wait for more solid evidence one way or another. Even when you have a smoking gun, they will find a way to twist out of it.

  18. Can I do anything right according to you? Maybe you'd be happier if I stopped sharing the atmosphere you.

  19. The child has an active father. It should tell you a lot that he’s willing to hand over his sons name just so doesn’t have to fight mom again…

    Are you planning to adopt him??? If so then money wise it will all fall on you. Especially if you divorce.. this sounds awful strange that she is pushing this so adamantly…

  20. Really all you can do is give her space. Focus on yourself and do things that make you happy without her.

    She will either come around or she won't. But pursuing her right now is only going to drive her off harder and faster.

  21. It doesn't make you an AH, all it means, seemingly, is that you both have different values you've placed on the importance and nature of the relationship you have, so far.

    You like to plan and be organised, you consider her important and want to be involved and do things together – she…..has her own stuff going on and may just not prioritise things as much.

    If it bothers you, you can either talk with her about it and come to an understanding/agreement – or the two of you won't be compatible.

  22. I (23F) had a similar situation but with a 29M single coworker so a little different, but the ONLY way I was able to get him to stop is by 1. being super curt every time he talked to me and when he questioned me about it then 2. i told him explicitly that he was making me feel very uncomfortable. I was fortunate that he was weird enough that after i said he was making me uncomfortable he quit and never came back, but he kept pestering me until i stopped trying to be nice and actually said he was making me uncomfortable.

  23. So, as hard as it seems, this is definitely worth a conversation. I think the biggest question you need to ask yourself is, why was it easier for you to go through the process of getting an abortion by yourself than it was for you to hear your partner ask you to get an abortion? It sounds like there are much more deeply rooted issues in this relationship and the abortion just highlighted them.

  24. Girl, those are YOUR games that he’s trying to donate in work to make himself look good without sacrificing anything of his own! Let him donate his Switch if he wants. You go buy yourself another one. TAKE YOUR GAMES BACK. Set those boundaries right now! Because if he can’t understand that he’s crossed way over that line and tries to make you feel bad for not donating your belongings or gets mad at you, then he is manipulating you. And do you want to enable that? Because where does stop? You need to be seriously re-evaluating your entire relationship if that’s the case. How dare he!

  25. You are not doing your child any favors staying in a loveless relationship. You are doing damage to your child, believe me, no matter how much you think it doesn't show the kid knows. You need to do what is right for you, and your child to be healthy people. If your wife doesn't care than there is nothing you can do to fix it. I am saying all this from a child raised in 2 different shitty marriages. Sorry this is happening to you, and your kid.

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