Meganclark live webcams for YOU!


destroy my ass with you big dick! [463 tokens remaining]

Date: November 24, 2022

11 thoughts on “Meganclark live webcams for YOU!

  1. Well it would be easy to believe it was just a kiss if she hadn't lied just a few moments before this. You can't trust anything she says about that night as she has clearly proven to be dishonest.

  2. OP, 5 years from now, you'll be 40. Do you want to be 40, and stuck with this guy, or 40, and happier, pursuing your own goals? Time will pass no matter what, it's up to you to decide what you want to do.

  3. Does it demonstrate that he cares? It kinda sounds like he's doing the bare minimum and getting overly praised for it because he's kinda garbage at being attentive an caring otherwise. I'm wondering if these acts are acts of caring, or whether they are just the bare minimum acts he thinks he has to do to be able to keep you around. He's even “clocking in”, because he realizes he has to do that or otherwise you'll leave. It doesn't sound like true affection.

    You also say he's great at listening, but it kinda just sounds like he's quiet while you talk and doesn't say anything. Maybe he doesn't really want to talk about those things and are waiting for you to finish so you can change topic?

    Idk, maybe I'm getting the wrong impression, this kinda just sounds like a guy doing the minimum to not get in trouble. And now that he is more pressured into reacting to what you said while tipsy, he's avoiding it using the methods he can. Blaming the conversation on alcohol, you being too emotional etc. He doesn't want to deal with it, he wants to avoid it. And he's not honest about it either, he's trying to slither his way out of it.

  4. Depends how much you want this relationship.

    If it's worth it to you try couples therapy and commit to 10session . Shouldn't be too expensive with insurance.

    If it's not that important maybe just bring it up 1-3x tops and if it continues break up.

    I've dealt with this and have been this way (when I was 18) and it's just pointless and sours your life eventually.

    Someone this irrational. If that's the only flaw maybe she can get over it if she realizes that's not acceptable and it damages the relationship

  5. There's few things worse when doing a lot of jobs than being henpecked. You need to put boundaries around this or you will end up with massive resentment.

    I'm assuming that she became disabled after marriage? That's a big adjustment for both of you. She is adjusting in a way that makes you unahppy. Discussing this with a 3rd party present feels important.

  6. Why are you intent on removing this grown woman’s autonomy? The OP repeatedly asked for and received enthusiastic consent. She had the right to consent or remove consent at any moment and the OP had the right to believe her.

  7. You don’t. This is completely unreasonable. There’s a reason I wouldn’t by a house with someone I’m not married to, and basically, this is it. It’s impossible for you to afford the level of housing he wants at 50/50 everything. If you guys pooled resources best you can, it’d be an easy thing to afford even though you add less money to the partnership than he does. But keeping finances separate isn’t going to work for you.

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