Asshley1 live webcams for YOU!


asshley1 Public Chat Channel

Date: November 6, 2022

11 thoughts on “Asshley1 live webcams for YOU!

  1. Men are loved conditionally. Women children and animals are loved unconditionally. Just remember that you are only loved by a woman if you meet certain parameters.

    I think it’s shallow that she is considering leaving you at this potentially new information finding your doorstep.

    She might not want to be a stepmom. Which is totally okay and her choice. But given the way you’ve explained things. It doesn’t sound like anything would be asked of your gf. She’s just trying to make the focus about her. Instead of supporting you.

  2. I don't see a problem with that at all. I take 2 week vacations alone all the time and my husband does as well. It's so great to travel alone.

  3. Do you not understand how disabilities work? Its totally possible to be so ill that you can’t manage to cook for yourself even if you do have some mobility and if you can you have to account having to sacrifice another basic necessity that day like showering. Consider yourself lucky that this is so beyond your realm of understanding.

  4. It's pointless for the person who is ready to get married to ask the person who's dragging their feet. The person dragging their feet needs to show some initiative and say “Let's do this”, or honestly you shouldn't get married.

    If you think about it, proposing is really saying “yes” to the person who was ready first.

  5. I’ve never proposed, but I’m sure it will be scary when I do!

    If it feels right, follow your heart. You know him and your relationship more than anyone else.

    Do you have a good friend that knows you both? If you still wanna bounce it off someone that’s the person to do it with.

    Good luck!

  6. What advice do you want? You ended on bad terms and she confirmed that. She doesn’t want to talk to you, much less he friends, move on.

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