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angelblue20live sex stripping with hd cam


12 thoughts on “angelblue20live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. You are not legally obligated to pay for anything for anyone. If they call you rich, point out you are not. You did not magically get a better bank account and since you are not a good digger or sugar baby, you don't spend your partner's money. Also point out they all sure as heck look like gold diggers and sugar babies with how obligated they feel to someone else's money.

    Be blunt. They've been asking you to spend your not rich money on rich things and you are not okay with wasteful spending like that. If they insist his money is yours tell them to repeat back to you “gifts are not income”

    Don't pay in advance for anything anymore that others use, only buy what you want. Stop paying for things not in your name. Yes that includes your family. It's not your or their money.

  2. Oh fuck, he get worse with every post. This is such a manipulation from him. He is the culprit, he was the one who did wrong, but with his “i hurt myself, i'm such a baaad person”, he plays the victim and you are forced to care for him.

    You really need to leave him. Don't fall for his manipulation. I can tell you if you don't react to his whining, he will start with the insults. Then the begging, then the insults again. So it is at best you break up over text and just block him. Don't feel bad because you do it this way. Just think about yourself. He also just thought about himself.

    I don't want to tell you what to do, but overall i would concentrate on yourself and pause on dating till you feel better about yourself.

    If you really start therapy again, try to find one who is specialized in abusive relationship. With your last post it was pretty clear how abusive he was. And i wouldn't be surprised if your last bfs also were abusers. The awfuls thing is that once beings once a victim of abuse makes you often again a victim of abuser, as if they could smell it. You often need therapy to break the loop.

    I really wish you the best ❤️ Don't forget you just have one life, so don't waste it with being in unhappy relationships.

  3. the fact she was a side chick for a married man

    This is something that you really need to dig deep and decide whether you can move past. You probably need to discuss with her how it makes you feel, how it affects her trust, and get a better feeling of how she feels about this now. If she thinks it's OK to be the other woman, and that conflicts with your values – that's a dealbreaker.

    the fact she was basically some guys sex toy

    You reaaaallly need to reframe how you think about this relationship. As far as I can tell from how you've described what she told you, this was fully consensual. A consensual dom/sub relationship, or dd/lg specifically like this, is absolutely about the sub or lg's pleasure as much as it is about the dom or daddy's. Although the dynamic might involve 'being used', she was not 'basically some guys sex toy' – she was actively engaged and seems to have really enjoyed it! That is totally, totally valid and you should not judge her for this.

    However, it's also valid for you to feel confused about why she hid this from you, why she behaves differently in your sex life, and whether or not you are sexually compatible. That's something that you need to have a really open and honest conversation about with her, but please do that without judgement.

  4. Nothing was unusual about his sleeping. He also was eating after, I know people who do coke don’t have an appetite.

  5. These posts are getting so ridiculous…we always blame the man for being too old for the girl and wonder what is wrong with him that he cannot get a woman in his own age group…

    But this…this is just sick. I am hitting 53 this year. My son is 30 this year.

    It's disgusting.

    You are 29. You have no excuse of being too young to understand. You understand perfectly.

  6. Is OP's husband getting himseld ready to divorse her?..and he can avoid cs etc if he doesnt work.

  7. Sounds like breaking up would be a mistake. You’ve said nothing but positive things. Sounds like you’re in a bit of a rut and you could solve that by doing new and fun things with your partner or even getting counselling.

    You would probably regret a divorce though.

  8. Being entitled is not gender specific. Boys are not raised like that. Maybe your bf was, but it's not a boy thing. You can be entitled without having a narcissistic personality disorder. Personally, I dislike entitled people, and when people are rude or unreasonable towards others, I see it as a red flag even if they don't behave like that towards me (yet). The fact that you are non-confrontational probably suits him. I'm not in your shoes, so you would have to judge for yourself. But when people show you who they really are, I'd suggest you pay attention.

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